Impact Geologists Find Lighting Quite Striking

Seems to be a frequent "explanation" for secular geologists: impact. Some huge object fell out of the sky, smacked into the earth, causing a whole heap of changes. This is followed by some kind of "then evolution did rearranging" boilerplate remark. I suspicion that it's easy to come up with feckless "science" for unobserved phenomena, especially when the main subject involves deep time, which is required by Papa Darwin. Time-lapse lightning strikes, image credit: NOAA Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents The big impact story has flaws, such as claimed strikes lacking certain evidence. In addition, lightning has been found to shock quartz and give a superficial resemblance to a meteorite impact. Lightning hits the earth about 100 times a second, and is mighty hot, too. Looks like another bit of secular geology has to be rewritten in the textbooks. For decades, geologists have looked at shocked quartz as an unambiguous sign of an a...