
Impact Geologists Find Lighting Quite Striking

Seems to be a frequent "explanation" for secular geologists: impact. Some huge object fell out of the sky, smacked into the earth, causing a whole heap of changes. This is followed by some kind of "then evolution did rearranging" boilerplate remark. I suspicion that it's easy to come up with feckless "science" for unobserved phenomena, especially when the main subject involves deep time, which is required by Papa Darwin. Time-lapse lightning strikes, image credit: NOAA Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents The big impact story has flaws, such as claimed strikes lacking certain evidence. In addition, lightning has been found to shock quartz and give a superficial resemblance to a meteorite impact. Lightning hits the earth about 100 times a second, and is mighty hot, too. Looks like another bit of secular geology has to be rewritten in the textbooks. For decades, geologists have looked at shocked quartz as an unambiguous sign of an a...

Giardia, The Cute Pathogen

Imagine this phone call: "Hi Jim, want to come over and do microscopy stuff?" Got some burgers to grill, and other fixin's. It'll be fun." "Oh, hi, Marc. I should get out of here for a while. Listen, I need a break from the dinosaur soft tissues for a while. Got anything else?" "Well, I have some Giardia . We can stain them with iodine, and some with trichrome. They're cute." "Yes, they are. I can imagine constellations and stuff. Okay, I'll be over soon". There's a pathogen called Giarda that is an intestinal parasite which causes a disease called giardiasis . It's common, but many people have no idea they have it because there are no symptoms. Others get the colon explosion. Here is some health information about giardiasis if you're interested. Giardia trophozoites stained with trichrome. Credit: Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch, CDC (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Giar...

Mosquito Flight Defies Evolution

This post was almost scratched because a lot of us detest skeeters, and I did a post a spell back about the design and dangers of the dreadful things . But this one has different details to examine: their flight. Y'all can appreciate the wonders of not only science and technology, but the design work of the Master Engineer, right? Mosquito on elder plant image credit: Pixabay / zsuzstot For a very long time, scientists could not figure out how mosquitoes were able to fly. Like so many other discoveries that affirm creation and refute evolution, advances in science and technology made it possible to commence understanding mosquito flight — they can beat their wings 800 times a second, after all. Many components had to be in place from the beginning or it simply could not fly. At all. Ever. Evolutionists use their special system of Making Things UP™ to "explain" how maybe perhaps it could be they suspect how wings formed. As the fossil record shows, there is no evid...

The Blue Whale and Evolution

Kind of hard to believe that such a huge critter like the blue whale eats little shrimp-like creatures called krill, and they eat a lot of them every day. The whale does this like a giant scoop, swallowing enough water to fill a swimming pool, then closing their mouths under all that pressure. It blasts out the water through blowholes. Whales are mammals that breathe air, so they come up to the surface for that as well as blowing out the sea water. This made them targets for whalers, who brought them to the brink of extinction in days gone by. Credit: NOAA Fisheries / Southwest Fisheries Science Center James W. Gilpatrick, Jr. and Morgan S. Lynn Usage does not imply endorsement According to evolutionary mythology, life went from the sea to land, and mammals like this went back to the sea. The Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ inadvertently reveals that this is strictly guesswork based on evolutionary presuppositions; they do not have evidence for this process. They also...

Oceans on Mars?

The search for signs of life on Mars continues, partly motivated by the hope of secularists to justify their faith in molecules-to-Martian evolution and abiogenesis, and from there, deny the Creator. Before that, however, secularists desire to find  water on Mars . It appears that water was indeed there in the past as the signs are quite distinct , though not all scientists are convinced. Speculative image of an ocean on Mars, credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Some scientists are saying that billions of Darwin years ago, Mars was a mighty fine place that even had oceans. Conjectures and models about what happened in the unobserved past can be useful, but they need to deal with evidence. Questions are raised, such as how Mars got water in the first place, where it went, conditions that would allow such vast quantities of water, the " faint young sun paradox ", and more. Interesting that these owlhoots are willing to consider huge amounts o...

The Appalachian Mountains "Problem"

Secular geologists have been troubled by inconsistencies in the Appalachian Mountains, distinct by the knickpoints (such as waterfalls) and erosion. In an earlier post, we looked at escarpments (steep cliffs along coasts). Those, too, have added to uniformitarian confusion. Using the magic of imagination, geologists came up with a supposed answer to the problem: an additional uplift, called a rejuvenation.   Cullasaja Falls image credit: US Forestry Service Usage does not imply endorsement Part of their resolution looks good on paper. However, like many other supposed explanations that secular scientists offer to keep their old Earth paradigm, important details are not addressed. When the data are examined and interpreted through the Biblical Geological Model of the Genesis Flood, things make much more sense. In the United States, most students learned in their grade school geography class that the Appalachian Mountains have the appearance of old age since they are rather...

Time to Bury H. Naledi

This character called Homo naledi has been an annoyance from the get-go. Well, the annoyance has been from devotees in the Darwinian death cult who got all fired up and claimed that this was something to shove into the human lineage mythology. Hope we're finally done with this critter. Mostly made at Vukki Evolutionists were yee haw boy howdy about the finds and issued sensationalistic press releases — as usual. Something I counsel people who ask, "Evidence for evolution. This can be refuted, right?" is to settle down and wait a spell. Likewise, creationists were also saying to wait, and the Institute for Creation Research had the zivilcourage to predict that H. naledi would be another evolutionary failure. They were right. The biggest problem for this alleged human ancestor is that the dates were wrong, even in evolutionary dating methods. In a welcome piece of honesty, the evolutionists overturned their own claims. They wouldn't be having these problems...

Genesis and Ancient Mythologies

There's a prairie schooner-full of legends about creation, the global deluge, humanity's dispersal, and a heap of other things. Skeptical scholars tend to presuppose that the Biblical record of history, especially the early chapters of Genesis, is not the written Word of God. To do this, they need to make a number of assumptions and ignore important details. Something I reckon is a big stumbling block is the dating of the manuscripts. Some tinhorns will be on the prod and say, "Those ancient documents were dated as being hundreds of years older than Moses supposedly lived". We've seen how dating methods can be inaccurate, and it also raises questions regarding which manuscripts were dated, and what dating procedures were used. People will also look at the similarities of the documents and, based on their presumptions and biases against the biblical manuscripts, assume that Genesis was copied by the Hebrews from other peoples' myths. Something they need...

How Do You Know It Is True?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The title brings to mind a roomful of intellectuals discussing Kant, Hegel, Descartes, Voltaire, and arguing until they're blue in their mouths. While this article deals with philosophy, it is not highfalutin, impractical stuff. It's because I have learned some important things and want to pass them along, and they're very useful for reasoning. Also, I hope the programming on this site is going to deliver on its "promises" and doesn't distract from the content. Made at , with the text on concrete done using Paint.NET Don't Let the Big Word Bother You People who have read my material before probably know that I get to gnawing on that worldviews bone after a hearty helping of presupposition, as in presuppositional apologetics (a.k.a. transcendental apologetics ) . That is, everyone has a worldview, which is just as it seems: a way of looking at the world, our experiences, beliefs, assumptions, and so on. Presup...

Nodosaur News is Good News

Shawn Funk had an interesting day on March 21, 2011 while working for Suncor Energy in Alberta, Canada. Excavation work had to be done (he's a miner, they do that kind of thing). Bet he didn't expect to make a bit of history by finding what is considered the best-preserved nodosaur (a type of armored dinosaur) fossil.  Suncor nodosaur fossil photo credit: Wikimedia Commons / Machairo / CC BY-SA 4.0 Despite failed, hoary tales of Darwinists and old Earth geologists (such as dying, getting swept out to sea, then becoming preserved instead of scavenger chow), this critter had evidence to present supporting the Genesis Flood and a young Earth. Sure, they wouldn't be so surprised to find a marine creature in that area, but a land dweller? That's the first clue that something unusual happened. Preserved skin remnants were found as well. The whole thing is well-preserved and is expected to yield a whole passel of information, and it would be mighty helpful if the scien...