
Widening the Human-Chimp DNA Gap

Down yonder at Deception Pass, just past the Yellow Dog Creek a mite from the Darwin Ranch, you'll come to the Evolution Propaganda Mill. If you go to visit, they'll be less ornery if you bring cookies. One of the most successful products of evolutionary propaganda is the idea that humans and chimps are somewhere around 98 percent similar in the genome, therefore, evolution is true and there is no Creator God. That's how atheistic reasoning works. "You go ahead, I'll finish watching this Bill Nye comedian." Credit: morgueFile / lightfoot How did we get to that point? Well, sequencing even a simple genome is actually quite difficult and takes computers with some horsepower. Working with humans...oh, boy. The chimpanzee genome is a tricky beast in its own right, and the genome isn't fully figured out yet. Original sequencing was done with inferior equipment and had heavy contamination with human DNA. Also, circular reasoning was involved because Darwi...

The Spirit of the Origin of Life

The problems of the origin of life (OOL) on Earth are astronomically difficult, and one disingenuous rescuing device that the Evo Sith utilize is to claim that OOL has nothing to do with evolution. (We can quickly dispense with that falsehood at this link , and move on.) Despite the insurmountable difficulties, there are still materialists that insist on making the impossible appear plausible. Credit: Morguefile / Alvimann Abiogenesis models are packed with a passel of presumptions, including the "reducing atmosphere" (a concept that has been largely abandoned nowadays) in the failed Miller-Urey experiment , and the experimenters cheated by putting in a trap to remove the amino acids from the environment that would have destroyed them. There are some worse speculations today involving animism. No, it's not praying to animals, but a primitive belief that everything has a spirit . So, some materialists are violating materialism by believing that the spirit of molecu...

Steeling Designs

Maybe I've been reading too many plays on words, but the misspelling in the title is intentional. Biomimetics is where scientists study nature and come up with imitations ideas for our own use. Inspirations include the pitcher plant , firefly , spider webs , and many more. The great irony here is that secular scientists use their education, equipment, training, and so forth to try and intelligently design something that they think is the product of evolution through chance and random processes. No, Hoss, God designed the critters you're studying as well as your mind. Give credit where it's due, you savvy? Credit: Freeimages / patryk krause Tough and strong are not the same thing. Tough stuff gets flexible, and hard stuff can break. How do you get a good steel with properties of both? By studying the way our Creator designed the microstructure of bones! How does one build a structural material that withstands stress and fracture? The answer is to copy optimal desig...

The Origin of the Cat Family

Basement Cat was feeling affectionate and came up to see me, helping me get in touch with my inner felines. The purr machine works quite well. Interestingly, the some of the great cats purr as well, and do other things that we see in Felis catus (domestic house cat), including play with a ball . Sometimes Basement Cat thinks she's a panther or something, acting like the hiss is a roar. Her big cousins do the hiss thing, too. Here's a divergence: most domestic cats are not fond of water, but tigers are very fond of it . Proponents of life evolving from a common ancestor have had it mighty difficult to classify the cat family members. "Early" cats according to evolutionary mythology were classified into two lineages, but without significant justification. Cats existing today are able to hybridize, which is one of several reasons that biblical creationists say that cats probably are members of a single kind , in this case, called a holobaramin. Creationists do bel...

More Signs of a Youthful Solar System

Big ideas are often thwarted by little things. In this case, "little" is a relative term; I can't stuff dwarf planet Ceres and Saturn's moon Enceladus into saddlebags and ride across the Arizona territory with them, after all. At any rate, when compared to planets and so forth, small things are causing cosmic evolutionists some big trouble. They get a mite ornery when their theories fail to predict what is discovered way out yonder. Tiger stripes on Enceladus, credit: Cassini Imaging Team , SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) According to ASS (Age of the Solar System), ice volcanoes on Ceres should not have the energy to be active. Likewise, the Rosetta orbiter is reporting that Comet 67P is breaking up (they're comets, they do that). The south pole of Enceladus has a whole heap of activity that cannot be explained, so scientists resort to a cheap trick to rescue their deep time belief system. It takes a great deal of co...

Moving Along with Plate Tectonics

Hey, what's shaking? Probably the plates moving around on the earth's surface. "But plate tectonics is secular, Cowboy Bob!" Should we reject a theory because it was developed by a secular scientist? Not hardly! (After all, we don't want to be guilty of the genetic fallacy and  act like atheo-fascists , do we?) Nor should we blindly accept a view because it's popular. Like J Harlen Bretz and the Channeled Scablands , Alfred Wegener also bucked the consensus system when he proposed  plate tectonics.  This has observable scientific evidence, unlike goo-to-geologist evolution. Image credit:  US Geological Survey  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Earth's surface is on plates that move. Earthquake zones and volcanoes seem to mark the edges of these plates, and when they rub against each other, you get things like the San Andreas Fault out California way. The  islands of Hawaii  in the Pacific Ocean (perhaps you've heard of...

How the Evolutionist Struck Out on Junk DNA — Part 2

Last month, we examined the "junk" DNA concept in Part 1 , and we're fortunate to have the second exciting episode. Darwinists claimed that the little bit of DNA they studied has a great deal of "junk" leftover from our assumed evolutionary past, and creationists claimed that there is no junk, what is there exists for a purpose.  Assembled and modified from components at Clker clipart Darwin's disciples have a high level of unscientific hauteur, dismissing what they do not understand. The uninformed proselytizers of evolutionism will continue to ignore scientific facts and browbeat those who disagree with them — especially those who know more about science and reason than they do. What's that cacophony in the science lecture hall? Big fight going on. To declare that DNA does have a purpose is anathema to many fundamentalist evolutionists. If you take out your Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™, you'll see that having a purpose (and not...

Fast Talking in Evolutionary Presentations

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen And now for something completely different. For a long time, it was said that "pictures don't lie". That's not so true, especially if someone gets some photo editing happening, such as the imaginative material seen here if you scroll down . Even without editing trickery, some impressive illusions can be created using lines, colors, and shading. 3-D effects are impressive. Credit: Pixabay /  uroburos Let's move on to a different kind of illusion. My wife got me interested in a television program on the truTV cable network called The Carbonaro Effect, which is a hidden camera "magic" show where Michael Carbonaro plays comedic illusion pranks on people in various settings. I do not believe there are any camera tricks involved. The individual segments are usually very brief, and I haven't seen him do the same trick twice. Carbonaro is extremely talented and personable, and very skilled in sleight-of-hand and fast talking ...

Amber, Blood Cells, and Faith in Evolutionary Magic

Let me get this straight. Someone or something takes a chunk out of a tree, it bleeds sap, an insect gets trapped in it, and the whole thing turns to amber after a few zillion years. Not hardly! Sap and resin are different things, and when an insect or other critter gets trapped in amber, it doesn't just hang out and turn into a fossil. I recommend reading " Sticky Situations " for some basics on amber . Credit: Pixabay / PublicDomainPictures While amber has been fascinating for many years, whether for jewellery or curiosity's sake, it has been receiving a great deal of attention in recent years. An ant beetle showed no change after all those assumed Darwin years, the claim of bird wings in amber backfired, assertions of dinosaur feathers in amber are ridiculous, and more. Now there's a new discovery that baffles the evolutionary cult of death. This new item shows a tick, blood cells, and one-celled organisms that live in blood cells. That's pretty i...

Hobbit-Forming Guesswork about Little People Fossils

Every so often, paleoanthropologists at the Darwin Ranch start chewing the peyote buttons and dreaming up some wild ideas. I'll allow that the diminutive H. floresiensis is baffling for both evolutionists and creationists, but there's no excuse for presenting some nonsense as science (such as going to the island and shrinking way, way down). The latest batch of stories aren't so outlandish, but it shows the disagreement among evolutionists while they hash things out. Creationists need to commence to working on these archaic humans (they certainly were not apes, nor were they our evolutionary ancestors) and determine what happened, including how they arrived in their location after the Genesis Flood. Then there's the strange H. naledi ... Two of the most mysterious hominin fossils are in the news again, and opinions are flying every direction. Are the little people of Indonesia and South Africa just small versions of us? Wherever they came from, and whatever th...