
Paleontologists Show a Squid is Still a Squid

In their ongoing efforts to provide evidence for common-ancestor evolution, paleontologists and evolutionary biologists have something to tell all y'all: it's a squid. Yep, a well-preserved fossil that was dated at several million Darwin years is the same as modern squid. That is, a living fossil. Jewel squid image credit: Mike Vecchione , NMFS/NOAA Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Living fossils are annoying to evolutionists because there is no sign of something becoming something else over alleged long ages. Still, these owlhoots commence to doing misleading storytelling. They include definitive scientific term probably, and use a passel of assumptions. Circular reasoning is helpful, too. Problem is, Darwinoids grab this stuff as actual science and then spread it around. The logical conclusion is that such evolution did not, does not happen, and the evidence shows special creation instead. A recent science news article sheds light on the amazing squ...

Rejecting Flawed Crater Claims

We frequently encounter a very basic problem with proponents of long ages as well as fans of rat -to-raconteur evolution. That is, they will pile up conjectures and hypotheses, make models — and those things rely on each other. But the foundations are fundamentally flawed, and the topmost pronouncements are unsubstantiated. I have similar problems with anti-creationists who want to slap leather with this child, and they start out with logical fallacies, and it's highly unlikely that they'll build compelling arguments. They get mighty ornery when I point out their errors and refuse to "debate" them. Image credit: US Geological Survey via NASA Usage of image does not imply endorsement of site contents Evolutionary biology draws heavily from uniformitarian geology, which also takes information from planetologists. A just so story about how Earth got its craters, when it happened (regular intervals), extinctions of life on Earth, is built on nothing much. At least ...

The Snow Lotus and False Evolution Claims

Way, way up yonder at the " Roof of the World " in Chinese-occupied Tibet (and a few neighboring regions) is a highly-prized plant. Saussurea laniceps is known as the cotton-headed snow lotus or the Tibetan snow lotus ( click here for image ). Quite a long and difficult trip to pick one, since it's not only mighty cold, but altitude sickness caused by the thin air can be lethal . Amazing that some folks are able to live up there . Credit: Jeff Schmaltz , MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents People have been picking the cotton things, taking the taller ones and leaving the shorter ones. Evolutionists are all agitated about it. "Hail Darwin, blessed be, evolution in action." That'll be the day! Their death cult falsely claims credit for "evolution in action", since what happens is just a form of natural selection (given human helping hands), and a loss of genetic information. Simply put, the...

How the Evolutionist Struck Out on Junk DNA — Part 1

“I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em” — Foghorn Leghorn Listen up, folks, we need to have a talk. Ready? Proponents of fish-to-fool evolution have several things they throw at us as proof of evolution, hoping we'll believe them. Unfortunately, they are poor, and people believe these bits of "evidence" anyway. Why? Because they want to. One of these is the concept that DNA has "junk" in it. Assembled from components at Clker clipart Evolutionists thought they had a home run with that one! Some of the human genome was sampled, and looked for one function in DNA. With astonishing arrogance, scientists decided that if they could not understand the parts of the genome that they tested for protein coding, the rest must be "junk". Not hardly! They "saw" what they wanted to see based on a junk theory that gives junk predictions, including "junk" DNA. (Of course, Darwin's Drones that rely on biase...

Presenting the Creation Guild

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Edited April 2, 2017 In an effort to move forward with this ministry, improving material on this site as well as The Question Evolution Project on Facebook , I am implementing a system where people can show their support. Giving a nod to the geological layers laid down by the waters of the Genesis Flood, there are layers of support available. Assembled with various images in the public domain, Clker clipart, and my own, using Paint.Net No, I am not going to begin charging for material. What is posted on this site and Pages on Fazebook will continue to remain free. This is for the purpose of obtaining additional material for me to study and present to readers. The whole purpose is to spread the truth about biblical creation science and sound creationary theology. Let's take a gander at the layers. Obviously, Genesis is the beginning. Some folks want to help, but have to work for a pittance just to stay alive. Even small amounts can add up. Cont...

Evolutionists Thinking Like Apes

Something that presuppositional apologists point out that, for the sake of discussion, if God did not exist, then we are just bundles of chemicals responding to our impulses. In a similar fashion, if we have orangutans as our evolutionary cousins , why should we trust our brains and their chemical impulses? Papa Darwin himself had some doubts. Some of the material postulated by evolutionists makes me cognate that they have mighty apish minds, and wonder why they haven't been naturally selected away. Credit: Morguefile / kakisky One thing that has not evolved is the ability to reason, and this is evident by the abominable reasoning presented by evolutionists as "science". Seaweed was partially responsible for our upward evolution, the octopus and squid lost their shells (loss of characteristics is downward, not upward evolution, old son), changes in precipitation affected evolution, and more.  Used under "Fair Use" provisions for educational purposes:...

Alienated Over Extraterrestrials

People have an odd fascination for space aliens. While there have been some documented UFO sightings, there has been no solid evidence that extraterrestrials are using the things. Aliens are frequent subjects in New Age buffet-style religious prattling, where people claim to receive messages from them that promise great things for humanity. Of course, they're more "highly evolved" and much older than humanity, and reject God. Credit: Pixabay / JavierRodrigues Mixed with the fascination and hope is fear. The presupposition is that evolution happened on Earth, there must be multitudes of highly-advanced and more evolved alien civilizations out yonder — and they may not cotton to having us sharing the universe with them. Stephen Hawking is a famous physicist, but he's also an unbeliever and an evolutionist. He assumes that they are more evolved than us, and may be dangerous. Keep a low profile, humanity, and cool it with that SETI stuff, you savvy? War of the Wor...

Plant Disperal After the Genesis Flood

There are many questions raised about the Genesis Flood, and one of those is about plant survival. Well, they floated. Okay, too short. Many plants are surprisingly versatile and can deal with harsh conditions. The island of Surtsey was formed by a volcanic eruption in 1963, and within a short time, flowering plants were growing there , a fact that baffled Darwinists. Horse chestnut image credit: Freeimages / alesia17 Seeds come in many sizes, and can be tough. Little seeds can give big plants. (Interestingly, we often eat seeds, even from plants that we do not consume in their mature forms, such as various nuts.) Seeds can appear dead, but are actually just dormant, and may become active in the right conditions because the Creator programmed them in several ways. They can be dispersed in different ways, but seeds are not the only ways that plants reproduce and spread. These things may have been less baffling to evolut ionists if they' d paid attention to the science started...

Deep Time Fossils Cause Evolutionary Problems

You'd think that it would be just a matter of time that ancient fossils supporting abiogenesis would be found, what with all that searching for proof of evolution instead of doing useful science and all. Unfortunately for them, this fossil discovery causes some serious problems. Credit: Image cropped from Pixabay / Couleur One problem is that the fossilized microbes are pretty much the same as their living counterparts. Strange, I thought evolution was a kind of irresistible force and that everything has to evolve — especially over billions of Darwin years and environmental pressures. Sure, they can do plenty of hand waving and ignore the "stasis" problem, but there are more troubles: they have no idea how Earth got its oceans, and undocumented abiogensis is supposed to have happened almost instantly. Not scientific, old son. The evidence refutes evolution and supports recent special creation, but they continue to deny the truth. Recently, evolutionists discovere...

Rearranging the Failed Dinosaur Family Tree

Things must have been slow around Deception Pass, since the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been keeping occupied by proving — nothing. While theories and models are expected to change in light of new evidence, it's just plain insipience to keep feeding mules that won't pull the wagon. Not only do they feed the evolution mule, but they also feed the cladistics mule. In this case, rearranging the dinosaur family tree. Assembled from images at Clker clipart In the evolutionary scheme, scientists have no idea where dinosaurs came from. But they have clades showing the alleged relationships between them and where they perch on the tree of life. (Evolutionists do this cladogram circular reasoning stuff, proving evolution by assuming evolution, in much broader ways as well.) Using new models, some evolutionists are mighty agitated, "Everything we know about dinosaurs is wrong! Textbooks have to be rewritten! Katie, bar the door!" Take this branch here, put it ov...