David Coppedge, Intelligent Design, and Persecution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The termination of Dr. David Coppedge from Jet Propulsion Laboratory resulted in a high-profile court case where the ruling went against him. He was a team lead at JPL for the Cassini mission until his demotion and subsequent dismissal. The unexplained court decision coupled with the skulduggery and double standards of managers at JPL make the outcome very baffling indeed. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that the entire situation was based on people being threatened by Coppedge's worldview, and that the firing was retaliatory. Artist's conception of Cassini and Saturn, NASA/JPL (useage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The crime of Dr. Coppedge was "religious": he dared to offer, one-on-one, DVDs about Intelligent Design. The ID movement is definitely not biblical creationist , their adherents have diverse views. Basically, ID people want to provide scientific evidence that unguided evolution is impossibl...