Evolution of Flight Story Crashes

Know why so many icons of evolution get put out to pasture? Because they're wrong. The hands at the Darwin Ranch aren't overmuch concerned, since they get paid for coming up with stories anyway. The latest story to go kaput is the story of how bird flight evolved as presented by Ken Dial. English Partridge In Flight by Archibald Thorburn, 1898 Dial's "explanation" (which he should have known better than to propose, what with being a pilot and all) was ludicrous from the get-go, but apparently the other ranch hands had been into the fire water, or maybe they just didn't have anything even remotely plausible that evoked evolution and excluded God the Creator. Other evolutionists discredited Dial's fantasy, but didn't seem to be interested in all the other specified complexities involved for a critter to have powered flight. Your tax dollars at work, Pilgrim. A simplistic story about bird flight influenced a generation of evolution students, but...