
Encouraging Cancer Research Through Deliberate Mutations

Darwinists are fond of mutations, because they think that they are the main mechanism by which slime-to-sandblaster evolution occurred. They have a problem finding undisputed  beneficial  mutations, which are highly unlikely in their worldview of random, purposeless events. But there are beneficial, targeted  mutations by design. "Digital Illustration Of Dna Structure" image credit: / hywards We have a passel of cancer cells every day, but our immune system fights them off. Our system even sends special mutations of its own making to trouble zones, as it was created to do. When the system fails and cancer cells grow out of control, that's when the problems set in. New research involves taking out cells, doing intelligently designed mutations, inserting them back — and having a huge success rate of leukemia patients going into remission. And no, evolutionary "science" had nothing to do with this. CBS News has reported on a new cancer...

Evolution and Bird Brains

Birds are getting evolutionists all a-twitter, what with being as smart as apes and all. Hard to believe that birds have a grain of intelligence, especially when they smack into our plate glass patio windows and all. But when they're out in the wild doing bird stuff such as navigating, finding food, staying alive and so on, then the brain power can be seen. Graphic assembled with images obtained from Clker clipart. You'd think that the bigger brains on apes means more cogitating, but brain size doesn't matter . The problem for evolutionists happens because of the diversity of birds and their fossil dating, and their supposed divergence on the failed Darwinian Tree of Life. That's because they were created separately, and nowhere near as long ago as evolutionists want to think. Birds are as smart as apes, even though long separated in ancestral time according to Darwin. Check out this snowy oil pictured on PhysOrg. It can fly 6,000 miles between the East Coast...

Perplexing Parameters for the Big Bang

Cosmic evolution has many of the same problems that get biological evolutionists on the prod. The more science and technology develop, the more we learn that naturalistic conjectures don't amount to a hill of beans when examined under the cold, pitiless indifference of facts and logic. So, they try to sew more patches on the quilt of whatever "theory" is under discussion. The patchwork quilt of the Big Bang seriously needs to be discarded. The Big Bang was (and sometimes still is) referred to as an explosion , but that idea has generally been replaced by inflation.  That's because the evidence found didn't support the speculations, so the Big Bang has been tweaked and adjusted with ad hoc  assumptions and unprovable guesses; today's Big Bang is not your grandfather's Big Bang. One part of the Big Bang is Hubble constant, a parameter used to calculate the expansion rate of the universe. This requires a number of assumptions (including that the Big Ba...

Soft Tissues and Hard Facts

It's a bad time to be an advocate of microbes-to-mycologist evolution, since the facts keep undermining evolution and supporting creation. They get mighty ornery when soft tissues in dinosaurs are mentioned. Although soft tissues in the rock have been found for many years, things have really escalated with the finding tissues, blood cells, and the possibility of DNA in dinosaur remains. These things point to a young (as in recently created) Earth. Image credit: Freeimages / Cam Campbell Although some evolutionary polecats will resort to presenting tall tales as scientific facts in museums for propaganda purposes , all they can do with the soft tissue thing is make lame excuses and give outrageous extrapolations. You know, iron preserved this sample for a spell, so it must have been so for 65 million years. That's not science, old son, that's desperation. So, how do we test this stuff? How long can something last? Darwinists have challenged biblical creationists by ...

The Master of Time

In any apologetics endeavor, we have to be aware that people will naturally argue from their worldviews. We are to present the gospel (Luke 24:46-27, 1 Peter 3:15-16), and the other person's starting point may be it's atheism, evolutionism, a false Christian system, postmodern philosophy, or a different religion entirely. They ask questions and we can give answers, but watch out — some people use loaded questions and try to keep us on the defensive. They have assertions of their own that they need to explain. In addition, we need to know what the Bible teaches and be clear about it, because some people will think that the true God is just another deity to add to their stable; receiving Jesus is almost meaningless to them. Generated at Redkid , then added some text of my own. A follower of the an offshoot of Hinduism known as Jainism was trying to say that God did not create time. Instead, time created God. Then he insisted that since the Bible does not specifically say,...

Revising the Revisions of the Dinosaur Die-Out

Wherever you go, media will tell you the tired old line, "Dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid impact 65 million years ago". It can be a kids' show, documentary, television comedy, a novel, news report, or whatever. Creationists have to endure it because we know that it's ridiculous, but it must grind the gears of many evolutionists, because that story is not  a unified consensus. Why? Because some scientists cognate on how the impact "theory" fails on several levels. A new speculation is that dinosaurs were on their way out anyway before the asteroid hit because of (wait for it) climate change. Naturally, a scientist managed to work the alleged conditions of the distant past into the human situation today. If you study on it a spell, you'll learn that the Genesis Flood has the best explanation for dinosaur diversity, selective extinction, and the observations of dinosaurs by modern humans . Who will go back and fix the animations? If ...

Evolution, Aircraft, and Equivocation

Did you know that computers, legislation, automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, and so on can evolve? Sure, no problem! It is legitimate to use the word evolve  in these situations, but the problem is, evolve  has many definitions. (One definition is so vague, it's almost useless: change over time.) But Darwinistas play fast 'n' loose with the definitions. Yours truly in front of a MiG-21 at the Kalamazoo, Michigan air museum, about 1998. One tinhorn laid down some pictures of similarities in the development of airplanes, correctly used the term evolution,  and then conflated that  use of the word with biological evolution.  This involved arbitrary assertions, personal preferences, and a bit of emotional manipulation by claiming that biological evolution cannot be denied by "reasonable" people. Well, no, we'd better believe it, don't want people thinking we're not reasonable, do we? Never mind that his  explanation is not the only one! The better ex...

How Are Water Gaps Formed?

If you saddle up and ride in some mountainous areas, you may come across a notch where water is flowing between parts of the range. Ever see one form? Me, neither. Nobody has. Old Earth advocates will tell you that the water carved it out, but that doesn't square with the geologic evidence. For one thing, simple physics tells us that water flows around  barriers instead of up and over them. Glen Helen Gorge image credit: NASA / Eric Christian 's Field Journal (use of image does not imply endorsement). One tale they tell is that the river was there already, and the range uplifted, so the water carved out the gap. That may be remotely plausible if there was just one instance, but that explanation doesn't hold water when it happens a heap of times. Then there's the lack of scree (rock debris) that should be there if it took millions of years to happen. It didn't happen that way, old son. Uniformitarian reasoning fails here, too. The most rational explanation to...

Intelligence, Neanderthals, and Celebrating STDs

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Hat tip to Doug McBurney for giving some inspiration for this article. The atoms-to-acrobat evolutionists at the Darwin Ranch have the view that people were stupid way back when. It's consistent with their philosophy, since we supposedly came from minerals, fish, animals, and up the ladder to where we are today. So, we're wired to be the best, right? Image credit: Pixabay / Cornfreak We're created in God's image but are in rebellion against him, so we're a mix of good and bad. Technological and medical advances, taming animals, the ability to compose music, write literature, and do all sorts of things that are not possible for animals to accomplish. We can also do something else that is unlike animals: self-destruct, whether individually, culturally, or destroy millions of our fellow beings in a short time. Also unlike animals, we can celebrate our downward spiral. We've made same-sex marriage not only legal, but want people...

Stable Stars and Extraterrestrial Life

On one hand secularists are searching for signals from intelligent life forms in outer space (which does not seem to be an intelligent use of time and money as far as I reckon). And on the other hand, the numbers game that there must be life out yonder is getting worse all the time because the right combination of conditions have to be in place. Image credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) They look for the habitable zone, where a planet is the right distance from a star so it doesn't freeze or burn. In addition, the planet has to be the right size and composition. Does the planet have a magnetic field to help protect it from the solar wind? Stars tend to be unstable, and the planet can't have that, either. There was speculation that κ 1 Ceti was comparable to our own sun because it's young in evolutionary years, but it's as unstable as a feral misotheist. If our sun was that obstreperous long ago, there would be no life here. These peop...