Encouraging Cancer Research Through Deliberate Mutations

Darwinists are fond of mutations, because they think that they are the main mechanism by which slime-to-sandblaster evolution occurred. They have a problem finding undisputed beneficial mutations, which are highly unlikely in their worldview of random, purposeless events. But there are beneficial, targeted mutations by design. "Digital Illustration Of Dna Structure" image credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net / hywards We have a passel of cancer cells every day, but our immune system fights them off. Our system even sends special mutations of its own making to trouble zones, as it was created to do. When the system fails and cancer cells grow out of control, that's when the problems set in. New research involves taking out cells, doing intelligently designed mutations, inserting them back — and having a huge success rate of leukemia patients going into remission. And no, evolutionary "science" had nothing to do with this. CBS News has reported on a new cancer...