Rodents Gnaw Evolutionary Ideas

It takes courage to face the facts and admit that evolution doesn't work. Are you a man or a mouse? Come on, squeak up! "That old joke isn't funny any more, Cowboy Bob!" Yes, well, never mind about that now. Did you know that rats are very intelligent? And, like their arch-enemy the cat, whiskers are important for detecting the world around them , which is a good thing because their vision is not up to human standards . Domesticated rodents can be good pets, and can be affectionate; I had three rats one time. But the wild ones, all y'all should leave those well alone. Two Rats by Vincent van Gogh, 1884 Evolution does indeed have many problems getting support from actual evidence. Sure, anyone can spin a yarn and have people say, "Wow, scientists are clever, my, my!" But stories are not evidence. In the fossil record, rodents have always been rodents. Dating methods conflict, molecular clocks conflict with phylogeny — no, molecules-to-mouse ev...