Pondering Pluto

Sure has been busy out there, thataway. Probes to Comet 67P, probes to Mars, probes to gas giants and their moons, New Horizons does a flyby shooting of Pluto and its neighbors. Lots of information has been sent back to Earth. Nice pictures, too. Some people may be old enough to remember Sputnik 1 going "beep...beep...beep..." Only this, and nothing more. Quite a contrast. Artist's conception of New Horizons visiting Pluto, with moon Charon in the distance. Image credit: NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben Unfortunately for long-age advocates, the solar system isn't acting "old", but more like it's thousands of years old — which is what biblical creationists have been saying all along. Assessing data from Pluto has been startling to secular scientists, and they have been hard pressed to explain away the youthful features found in that neighborhood. Wonder what will happen when more data arrives? With the recent flyby of Pluto now in the history bo...