Can Scientists be Wrong about Evolution?

People cotton to the notion that scientists in their nice lab coats are purveyors of truth — especially when there is a consensus involved. They're right because they're scientists, you know. Not necessarily. Scientists have been wrong on things through the ages (see " Can all those scientists be wrong? " and a fun list of " Top 10 Most Famous Scientific Theories [That Turned out to be Wrong] " for some interesting examples). Also, just because there's a consensus does not guarantee accuracy . Don't forget that. Credit: Modified from Freeimages / Kenn Kiser Evolution is a big thing, and the public as well as most secular scientists accept it as a "fact". There are folks who present scientists as having a unified front regarding evolution, but there are some who risk ridicule and resist peer pressure in disputing it. Darwinists have a great deal of pressure to perform (gotta get that grant money), so we get a passel of sloppy scien...