Evolutionists and Atheists Love to Pick Cherries

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Whenever a writer or lecturer wants to make a point, he or she will ride herd on the citations, supporting links, and so on to make a point. It's the way things have been done for a mighty long time. What is not acceptable is to "quote mine" and "cherry pick" material to support your thesis. Creationists are often falsely accused of doing these things. Pixabay / Hans When evangelist Ray Comfort made his poor " the banana is the atheist's worst nightmare " claim, he was soundly criticized by atheists. Atheistic pope Clinton Richard Dawkins called him "the banana man" and an "ignorant fool" . Nice, huh? (Dawkins is persistently strident, and then wonders why people don't like him .) When Comfort was educated that the banana was intelligently designed by humans, he apologized and admitted his blunder. (He supposedly said, though I can find no original source material, "I was not aware tha...