
Glow-in-the-Dark Diversity

The expensive word for living things that glow in the dark, producing their own light, is bioluminescence. One creature that many people know is the "firefly" or "lightning bug", but both words are incorrect, they are bioluminescent beetles . But that term isn't as much fun, is it? Cowboys in Texas can see them, but riding north, they're harder to find west of Kansas. Sure is fun to see fields full of them. "Firefly" image by suphakit73 at There are other things that give off their own light, and they're in a variety of shapes and places. Certain kinds of mushrooms, jellyfish, the glowworm, certain sharks, bobtail squid, dinoflagellates (plankton that light up the ocean), and a passel of other things. Some use their glow for mating, others for hunting, and some for defense. Then there are some things that glow and nobody can figure out why. Insects like green, by the way.  Bioluminescence is baffling to Darwinist...

Dinosaur Fossils in Salt Water Sediments

In some areas of the nothing-much of the American West, many dinosaur fossils have been found. Us regular folk can go on dinosaur digging expeditions, and there's an evolutionary propaganda event called " National Fossil Day ". A bit of science that is downplayed is that there are sediments containing marine fossils with the dinosaur bits. Skull of strange armored swimming reptile Vancleavea discovered at Ghost Ranch. Image credit: US National Park Service . These mixes of marine creatures and dinosaurs in sediments are not just an isolated phenomenon, and appear in other parts of the planet.   In fact, a  theropod thighbone was found in marine rock north of Seattle , Washington.  I suspicion that they're downplayed by secular paleontologists is that they tend to work against uniformitarianism and support biblical creation views of the global Genesis Flood. That would mean that the earth was created recently and is not billions of years old, which in turn t...

Bacteria — Another Excuse for Soft-Tissue Fossil Remains

Way back yonder, we were told in school that for a fossil to form, something had to die, then sink in the water to the bottom, get covered, and after millions of years, there's yer fossil, Festus! Does it happen that way? Not hardly! Scavengers eat things, bacteria gets to them, water turbulence breaks them up, and so on. Ever find a fish in your aquarium that's been dead for a while and was hidden in that goofy fake rock thing? Sometimes they look like they're growing a kind of fuzz, and barely resemble a fish anymore. No, critters have to be buried quickly to become fossils. Diplomystus dentatus with Knightia in its mouth. Image Credit: US National Park Service The best explanation for the millions of fossils that exist is the global catastrophe of the Genesis Flood. But that's bad medicine for uniformitarian geologists, because the biblical timeline is recent, and secularists want long ages for evolution to happen. It appears that the US National Park Service ...

Lucy's Status Sketchy at Best

Australopithecus afarensis ("Lucy") as a transitional form between humans and apes has been dubious from the beginning. Evidence shows that Lucy was designed to walk on all fours, not upright like humans. In 1995, Häusler & Schmid proposed that Lucy was a male, and should be called "Lucifer". The skeleton was not all found in the same place, indicating that the bones are contestable, so we shouldn't be surprised that a baboon bone was found in the mix . There are other "relatives" of Lucy in all the confusion, and the press went wild over the announcement of a few more bone fragments that were named as a Lucy relative . Despite all the evidence, old and new, against A. afarensis being anything other than an extinct ape, evolutionary paleontologists want to slap leather with actual evidence and reason, saying, in essence, "You'll take my transitional form when you pry it from my cold, dead hands ". Why do they cling to a few dub...

Relationship Status of Opals to the Earth — It's Complicated

G'day. Uniformitarian explanations for the very complicated formation of the opal are inadequate, and biblical creationist theories involving their formation due to the Genesis Flood fit the data far better. It is not time, not millions of years, but conditions that make the difference. In fact, opals can be made in laboratories in a matter of weeks! For that matter, diamonds can be made in labs , too. morgueFile / cohdra This attractive gemstone is mainly found in a certain area of Australia. (There are some bland common opals, but you're not likely to find them mounted in a ring.) You can get fine opal jewellery on a cattle baron's salary, but even the ranch hand that works for him can save up and afford a good-looking piece his own self, too. Precious opal, with its dazzling display of brilliant blues, greens, yellows, and fiery reds, is one of the most recognizable Australian icons. More than 95 percent of the world’s opals are mined in this one country, exp...

Mental Machinery

When you stop and ponder it, you'll realize that your brain has a lot on its mind. It's always working, even when you're asleep. You're still breathing, pumping blood, liver and kidneys doing their things, all of those autonomic things. But what about how you process incoming information? Your eyes are always moving, but we seldom are aware of it. Add an object in motion (like the car that just now went by my window), the eye sends signals to the brain and the object doesn't become a blur. How? You get audible input, so how does the brain balance deal with multiple sounds? For that matter, we have a time dilation/contraction going on, anticipating or even predicting the future, and it is demonstrated when watching musicians at work. How can the brain process non-Euclidian geometries? The brain is using proteins, electrochemical impulses, all sorts of things, and it's plumb loco to believe that evolved and is anything other than something designed by the C...

Watching Stars Form

We are told by secular astronomers about the "birth" of stars and the rate that they form. That's great, let's watch! Unfortunately, despite the pronouncements of scientists, nobody has ever seen a star form. But we do get blessed with assertions of speculations passed off as facts. They don't seem overmuch concerned with their circular reasoning, either. Blue Straggler Stars in Globular Cluster M53 Image Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA The presuppositions are that the universe is billions of years old, and that "enigmatic" blue stars are observed , therefore, they must be forming because the universe is billions of years old, and they are observed... Nice circle you built there, Cicero. Stellar evolution for the win, right? In addition to blue stars, there are other evidences that the universe is young. Oh, plus the annoying fact (for them) that nobody has seen a star fire up in the first place. No, God created the universe much more recently than unif...

Diamonds Aren't So Old After All

Secular geologists will tell you that diamonds are several hundred millions years old, or more. However, there are certain facets of science that are conveniently ignored., showing that diamonds are nowhere near as old as believed. One of the main reasons for this is an a priori commitment to "deep time", since Darwinian evolution beliefs require huge amounts of time. Pixabay / studiopratisaad0 Diamonds form under intense heat and pressure under the earth's surface, and are one of the hardest materials (the Mohs scale of hardness gives it a 10). However, like opals , they can also be made by man. "Synthetic" diamonds have that qualifier because, although they're made of carbon like natural ones, the process itself is not from nature. (Also, don't confuse synthetic diamonds with cubic zirconia , that critter is chemically different but looks like a diamond.) The fact that they can be home grown shows that it's conditions, not time, that are t...

The Color of Chameleons

In a previous post, we examined how chameleons are extremely efficient at hunting and hiding. But what about that ability to change color? There is a great deal of mythology about how they can change color to match their surroundings (some of them do not change color at all), but the reality of the situation is far more interesting. Chameleon on branch, Pixabay / Shilona This reptile is designed with layers of skin, and the cells reflect light in different ways. When its emotions change, the cells move closer together or further apart, "changing" their color. The technology is so advanced, scientists are examining it for our own applications (biomimicry), including more efficient solar cells and even house paint! Chameleons are clearly the product of the design of the Creator, not evolution. It was a sweltering day in the Madagascan forest when a creature cautiously approached into view. Mitten-like feet daintily grasped and propelled it along a branch and his body w...

Science Business Without God

People expect secular science researchers to act in an ethical manner. But what is their standard for ethics? Darwin? Survival of the fittest? After all, according to their worldview, we're all just bundles of chemicals following our impulses. When there are instances of fraud, plagiarism, false research, cover ups, disingenuous peer review — so what? They're acting in accordance with their materialistic worldviews. When someone says, "That's wrong! You're lying!", or something, they're appealing to a higher authority. The ultimate authority is God, and he told us what we need to know in the Bible. That is the final standard for ethics. Scientists cannot claim the final authority on moral high ground. Some people are saying that there should be standards, reviews, and so on in the scientific community, and the alarm is being sounded with a resurgence of eugenics — and this is being researched for genome tampering. To read about this, click on ...