Glow-in-the-Dark Diversity

The expensive word for living things that glow in the dark, producing their own light, is bioluminescence. One creature that many people know is the "firefly" or "lightning bug", but both words are incorrect, they are bioluminescent beetles . But that term isn't as much fun, is it? Cowboys in Texas can see them, but riding north, they're harder to find west of Kansas. Sure is fun to see fields full of them. "Firefly" image by suphakit73 at There are other things that give off their own light, and they're in a variety of shapes and places. Certain kinds of mushrooms, jellyfish, the glowworm, certain sharks, bobtail squid, dinoflagellates (plankton that light up the ocean), and a passel of other things. Some use their glow for mating, others for hunting, and some for defense. Then there are some things that glow and nobody can figure out why. Insects like green, by the way. Bioluminescence is baffling to Darwinist...