Amazing Machinery Works Inside Cells

Sometimes, simpler is better. Extremely complicated machines that perform multiple functions can be susceptible to breakdowns, and simply wearing out. For example, the "all-in-one" machine that does copies, faxes, document scanning, printing and so on can have one problem that makes the whole thing stop, and you're without all of those functions while it's getting repaired or replaced. Likewise, having several simpler machines working in concert can have the same problem. Another example, your car has many things depending on each other, but a critical component can make it so you're not going anywhere (such as when my starter broke down last year). You can get by with a faulty car part, but not always. Inside each of us, there are astonishingly complex machines. Lots of them. Different kinds. Some are at work inside the cells, performing maintenance and copying of DNA and other things. They keep themselves going, and have many backup systems in place, an...