Letters to a Mocker: Response to Scientism, Part 1

Edited 8-28-2021 This is a different kind of article, mostly written by someone else. His material appears further down the track. The was originally sparked by a militant anti-creationist who insists on spamming people. My associate asked to be removed from the list, and there was additional correspondence. I was given permission to use his material, but I am not using the letters to which he is responding, as most are unnecessary and tedious. Many anti-creationists pretend to be brilliant. However, their material is full of emotional language, ad hominems , straw men, repeated assertions, lack of science comprehension, double standards, circular reasoning, and many other misuses of logic. Also, it's amazing that these owlhoots want to call someone "evil". Okay, so what if we were? Why can't we act like atheists? After all, they have no foundation for morality. We are just bundles of chemicals acting in accordance to their dictates. Misotheists have no basis for ...