
More Evidence of Noah's Flood in Australia

stock.xchng/liqfx Fossil graveyards have been discovered for many years, and more are being found. The fossils recently discovered in Geebung (near Brisbane) fit the biblical creationist Flood geology model quite well, despite the attempts of uniformitarian evolutionists to say otherwise. Overpass construction at Geebung, a northern Brisbane suburb, has dug up fossils of crocodiles, frogs, fish, shells and plants, buried in the last stages of Noah’s Flood, about 4,500 years ago. A piling rig recovered the fossils from a layer of oil shale some 15 m underground and dumped them in a spoil heap, where they were noticed. The fossils were within an area of sedimentary deposits that geologists have called the Petrie Formation. These cover an area of some 50 km north of the mouth of the Brisbane River. The Petrie Formation is one of a number of Tertiary basins in the Brisbane area, which include the Booval and Oxley Groups south of the Brisbane River. These basins consi...

West Nile Virus and Evolution

As I write this, it is not yet August in 2013. Summer in North America is well under way. Many areas in the United States have had saturating rainfall. That leads to standing water. Which, in turn, become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. And mosquitoes are the deadliest creature on Earth, since they carry so many diseases. The key word in "West Nile Virus" is virus . That means there is no cure. Fortunately, the conditions needed to infect a person are comparatively small, and most people do not exhibit symptoms. Credit: Freeimages / Gabor Bibor However, the West Nile Virus can be fatal in humans. Take precautions against being bitten, willya? Evolutionists offer explanations that do not make sense about the actions of the virus, and about natural selection; humans and other animals are "dead ends", because the virus cannot be passed along. Also, although the virus has mutated, it has not mutated into a non-virus. Because West Nile virus does not multipl...

Wonders of the Sun

NASA/Jenny Mottar Let's look at the sun. No, not directly! When we explore what we know about the purpose, location, layers, immensity, complexity and more, it brings a sense of wonder. It should also bring a sense of thankfulness, as it is perfectly placed to make life on Earth possible. Here is a perspective from a creationist astrophysicist. Don't worry, most of it is written for us regular people. It may appear small in our sky at a distance of 93 million miles, but the sun is actually 109 times the diameter of Earth and over a million times the volume of Earth. The sun is the largest single object in our solar system and comprises 99.86 percent of all its mass. If a ten-pound bowling ball represented the mass of the sun, then all the planets, moons, comets, and everything else in our solar system could be represented by the combined mass of one nickel and one penny. Jupiter would be the nickel. The sun is comprised almost entirely of hydrogen and helium ...

False Predictions and Accommodation in Evolutionary Theory

Baker's Yeast / stock.xchng/chrni13 When scientists make predictions based on their theories, it should be good for science. Even false predictions. When the prediction does not work, the theory can be further examined, modified or discarded. On the other hand, our knowledge can be increased if it is correct. Evolution is loaded with false theories and errors. There are too many to honestly call evolution a valid scientific theory. Instead, excuses and accommodations are made. Recently we reported on a false prediction of evolution and gave some of the details . Evolution predicts that different kinds of genes, each found within a group of species, should tell the same story about evolution. They should produce similar evolutionary trees. Evolutionists have touted this fact of nature, and how it confirms a key prediction of evolution, for years. They call it a consilience of independent evidences. But increasingly, as we look under the hood and examine the details, we...

Evolution and the Nature of Reality

Old, old questions: What is reality? Where does it come from? Is it a product of our minds and perceptions, or something more? Why haven't the Cubs won the World Series since 1908? PD/Govard Bidloo (modified) In a random chance universe, science is not possible. This is especially clear in astronomy , which relies on extremely complicated mathematics. Yet, numbers themselves are not material things , so when someone insists on pure naturalism, he is tacitly denying his own worldview when he uses numbers, since mathematics itself could not exist through evolution ! Some people neurotically attempt to create their own realities through bad logic: God is not real and if you believe he exists, you are a reality denier. People like this, and other evolutionists, attempt to explore the nature of reality. They fail miserably because they leave out the Source. Also, something does not become reality simply because one wishes it to be so. Philosophical questions about “reality...

Fraud in Science Marches On

Scientists are not the dispassionate, objective paragons of virtue on pedestals that people imagine. They are human, and subject to the same selfish desires that other people have . (They may even appreciate it if they were not expected to live up to unrealistic ideals. Just a thought.) Some are greedy, some are noble. When it comes to origins science, however, I am convinced that the most important goal for many is to get people to believe in evolutionism. (But avarice is not limited to evolutionists by any means.) There is fraud in scientific papers , peer review is becoming pointless , fraud in evolutionary education , data manipulation , retractions and more. And it is growing. It would be bad enough if the epidemic was confined to evolutionism, but it also affects health care and life sciences. It's not all fraud. There is a generous amount of carelessness and incompetence, but never mind about that now. The Piltdown hoax is one of the most famous cases of fraud in ...

Wonders of the Solar System

Few of us can look up into the night sky and not feel awe at the magnificence in the universe that we can see. It becomes even more amazing when we know a bit about astronomy. NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle (SSC) The order and complexity of the universe testifies to the wisdom and power of the Creator. If chance and random processes ruled, astronomy would be impossible. It did not happen by itself. One of the wonderful things about astronomy is that it is so different from our everyday experience. Things are not what they might seem at first glance. Who could have guessed that those tiny little specks of light in our night sky are actually “suns” hundreds of times larger than Earth? Who would have suspected that the “evening star” is actually a rocky planet about the same size as our own? How unexpected to find that the solid earth beneath our feet is actually moving at 67,000 miles per hour around the sun, all the while spinning like a top! God has constructed the uni...

Cosmic Lunacy Continues

The moon and other celestial objects are still causing considerable consternation to cosmologists. Conundrums like the origin and  magnetic fields  of the moon, chondrules in meteorites and the formation of stars (lots of assertions for this, but no actual evidence) are causing evolutionary cosmologists to cast their hands upward in expressions of confusion. Yet, many still cling to their faith in "science of the gaps", that "maybe someday" an answer that fits their preconditions will be found. Biblical creationists do not have these problems, since the science fits creationist models. One would think astronomers would not be stumped in 2013 by common objects like the moon, meteors and stars.  But they are.  It’s driving them mad. Moon madness :  The  lunacy begins with Earth’s moon.  Here is a body man has walked on, and he still doesn’t understand it.  National Geographic discussed “ The moon’s mystery ,” dispensing with all thr...

Uniformitarian Desperation at Green River

When a variety of plant and animal fossils are jumbled together in one place, uniformitarian geologists and paleontologists insist on defying sensibility by insisting that it's "slow and gradual". (And there is more than one "fossil graveyard".) Image credit:   Many scientists have conceded that the old explanation does not work, but to go as far as admitting that the geological evidence supports the global Flood is apparently unthinkable to them. Not just horses and fish, but—like a whole ancient zoo buried together—lizards, alligators, stingrays, snakes, squirrel varieties, bats, long-tailed turtles, lemur-like primates, birds, frogs, insects, and sycamore, palm, and fern leaves were all fossilized in Wyoming's Green River Formation. A new book showcasing some of the more spectacular fossils provides secularists another opportunity to reinforce their ideas about how these diverse creatures were encased in what became a giant rock formation...

Evolution and the Zimmerman Trial

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Now, don't get ahead of me and anticipate I'm going to say. And I'm going to assume that many people have heard enough about the Zimmerman trial , so I'm only planning one article. This is not an analysis of the night of the shooting, nor is it going to place blame on evolution for the events of that night. In-depth political ramifications of the trial will be left to others to discuss. Instead, I'm going to make comparisons and contrasts about the way people analyze evidence. In the George Zimmerman trial, like any other, evidence was obtained and examined. Witnesses were interrogated and then they testified. The jury deliberated and, in Zimmerman's case, returned a "not guilty" verdict. In American trials, a guilty verdict is supposed to be rendered " beyond a reasonable doubt "; people do not have to be proved innocent. stock.xchng/creationc I heard and read about George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayv...