
It Looks Like a Killer!

Vultures. Ugly birds that are assigned with the unenviable duty of eating dead things, thereby helping clean up the environment. Right? Not necessarily. Just because something has sharp, pointy teeth or its relatives are carnivores does not mean that it, too, is a carnivore. Appearances are not everything. A vegetarian vulture easily fits in with a biblical creationist model. I'm not saying that this proves anything, it's just something to take into consideration. But it does interrupt the chain of thought that if something looks like a carnivore, it must be a carnivore. Here, take a look: Images of vultures circling ominously overhead are often used by Hollywood to signal the imminent demise of someone lost or dying out in the wilderness. So, many people would know vultures to be carrion-eaters, picking the flesh off carcasses of animals that succumbed to the scorching midday sun or were killed by predators. But one species of vulture is very different. Known a...

Accretion Formation of Solar System Does Not Hold Together

Most of the text in the above "meme" is directly from the linked article, so it is an indication that the article is not a bit of fluff. This seems interesting. People who pretend that religion and science are at odds and want nothing to do with anything hinting of the supernatural apparently do not realize that the Nebular Hypothesis of the formation of the solar system had its roots with Emanuel Swedenborg [ 1 ] , who also formulated a crackpot cult that was named after him. [ 2 ] Disenchanted members of this cult become some of the most bitter and irrational atheists one could ever have the misfortune of encountering. So anyway... The idea that a huge cloud of hot gas coalesced and particles collided, fusing and forming the sun, moon planets and so on has been popular for a long time. It does not make sense even under a cursory examination, but it has been popular for a while now. After all, why let scientific evidence conflict with an anti-Creator worldview? ...

Has "Science" Helped Us Advance Morally?

Biological evolution has been taken as a scientific truth in nature and misapplied to society as a whole, with all kinds of evil as a result. Tyrants have based their murderous regimes on evolutionism [ 1 , 2 ] , eugenics and abortion [ 3 ] , and more are based on evolutionary concepts like "survival of the fittest". Of course, Darwin's Cheerleaders are popularizing evolution with bad science, relentless publicity and rewriting history. Ideas have consequences. Over the past century evolutionary thought has become dominant in much more than just the historical sciences. Other branches of science as well as education, law, history, public policy and media have increasingly been influenced by the idea that the world arose spontaneously. This tremendous influence of evolutionary thought has consequences that are largely misunderstood. The misconception is that, while there have been some missteps along the way such as in the twentieth century’s eugenics moveme...

Resource: Evolution is Stupid

This is one of the more interesting things that I have encountered. It is an online book of sorts, written in narrative fashion with a bit of snark. The author refuses to discuss biblical matters and "religion", the topic is strictly about evolution's massive failings. Click here to see "Evolution is Stupid!" .

Confuciusornis — It's What's for Supper

Many evolutionists cling to their presuppositions that dinosaurs evolved from birds, even citing experts that make that very declaration with certainty. However, they ignore other evolutionist experts who dispute that concept ( cherry-picking ). Evidence is mounting that, even in an evolutionary worldview, dinosaurs and birds were contemporaries. One does not simply become one's own grandfather. Anyway. Dinosaurs ate birds. Of course, proponents of the view that dinosaurs evolved into birds go into frantic damage control, throwing out far-fetched speculations and guesses that cannot be substantiated. It would be productive and scientific to re-examine their conjectures, but they appear to be locked into their belief systems. You can read all about it at "Dinosaurs Ate Birds" . Edit: A newer article on this topic is here .

Abiogenesis — A Secret Evolutionary Dogma

When presented with the observed fact that life only comes from life and never from non-life, proponents of evolution distance themselves by claiming that evolution only deals with the development of life and not the origin of life. This is a disingenuous ploy, similar to when atheists attempt to change the established definition of atheism into " lack of belief in God "; both are transparent attempts at moving the goalposts. It is interesting that evolutionists will claim that abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution, but will gleefully accept poor "evidence" that they think accepts abiogenesis, and will also defend the discredited Miller-Urey experiment — usually by ignoring facts and citing outdated and unfounded rhetoric by other evolutionists as "proof". Despite theories, conjecture, guesses, wishful thinking and loud bullying, the fact remains that life comes from life. Assumptions based on faith will not change that.

Stellar Formation — No Evidence

Circular reasoning in evolution extends to cosmology. Start with current assumption that the universe is 13.75 billion years old, add the constant speed of light, leave out contrary evidence, add a generous helping of conjecture, mix in some genuine observable science (leave out a workable mechanism) and your concoction conveniently "proves" cosmic evolution. Except that the speed of light may very well not be constant , and other observations simply do not support such an old universe. But never mind the details, "science of the gaps" prevails. The formation of stars has not been observed, and the data indicate that may not be happening at all. An international team of astronomers recently analyzed a specific frequency of light that hot gas clouds in outer space produce. Very hot stars, like blue stars, are thought to burn near or within these clouds, energizing the gas so that it can emit this characteristic light signature. Secular astronomers ...

Using Fraud in Evolution Education? You Betcha!

We have explored the willingness of evolutionists to indoctrinate children, even though their critical thinking skills suffer. (After all, belief in evolution is more important than thinking, yes?) Eugenie Scott has been downright dishonest in her crusade to attack creation science and Intelligent Design, and textbooks contain outdated and fraudulent material . It should not come as a surprise that students are presented with the long-debunked drawings of Haeckel and told that they are real. In addition, their reasoning skills are hindered with question-begging exams!  A government education institution recently provided a textbook example of how evolutionary dogma blinds the eyes of educators, crushes the ability of students to think critically and hinders the progress of true science. The biology paper in the Higher School Certificate exam on 19 October 2012, a major public matriculation exam in New South Wales, Australia, contained a question featuring Haeckel’s fraudulen...

Biases in Evolution at Ancient Ruin

A frequent presupposition from evolution is that ancient man is extremely primitive. After all, he was just a brute that had recently evolved, and had not yet learned to do those things typical of civilized humans. But excavations keep contradicting that bias. An excavation in Bulgaria predates ancient Greece by about 1,500 years, they say. Yet there are signs of civilization, even though they had not invented the wheel. Oh, really? That is an assumption, a kind of argumentum ad ignorantiam — because no wheels were found, they must not have existed . The evidence for civilization would imply otherwise, wouldn't it? Researchers are calling an ancient ruin near Provadia in Bulgaria Europe's oldest town. Its carbon age between 4700 and 4200 B.C. predates the accepted calendar age of ancient Greece by about 1,500 years. Investigators have uncovered enough clues from the intriguing site to attempt reconstructing the lives of its ancient inhabitants, but it appears that t...

Fossil Finds Continue to Dismantle Evolution

People believe in evolution despite the evidence. Even when scientists admit that discoveries work against them, they quickly make up implausible stories to cling to their fundamentally flawed worldview. And the faithful spread these tales as if they were fact. In this article, three items are featured. Read " Three New Fossil Finds Challenge Evolution ".