Chemistry, DNA and Tricky Evolutionists

The past two weeks have had some complicated material on DNA and so forth. Next week, we will look at some shorter and less "heady" material. Library of Congress/F.B. Johnson (modified) One of the problems with evolutionism is when its fundamentalists accept the pronouncements of scientists and educators, even when the information is inaccurate, misleading, outdated and even fraudulent. (In some ways, it is not entirely the fault of the faithful, as they are not given knowledge of evolutionism's failings and errors 1 , 2 , 3 , and being a liar for Darwin is acceptable to evolutionists 4 .) Then these fundamentalists spread bad science. When the general public are not skilled in chemistry, they can be fooled. Evolutionary biochemistry has some serious problems: Chemical stability, chemical reactivity and chemical selectivity are noteworthy. According to modern evolutionary theory, the recipe for life is a chance accumulation of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, a...