
Biogeography is Not Explained by Evolution

stock.xchng/mrpac-man The varieties of plants and animals around the world are not explained by evolution. To have surprisingly similar plants and animals on different continents prompts evolutionary scientists to create ad hoc "just so stories". The Biblical explanations are far better, despite ignorant proclamations to the contrary. In March 2010, internationally renowned atheist Richard Dawkins addressed the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne, Australia. He said, “The pattern of geographical distribution [of plants and animals] is just what you would expect if evolution had happened.”  He then went on to say that the distribution is “not what you would expect on certain alternative ideas … like if they had all dispersed from Noah’s Ark.” However, a closer look at the science of biogeography (the study of the distributions of plants and animals) reveals a very different picture to the one Professor Dawkins painted. Read the rest of " Plants and animals...

Another Excuse for the Faint Young Sun Paradox

NASA Evolutionary cosmologists insist that the universe is ancient. Unfortunately, there is evidence that does not support their presuppositions. They have to come up with further theories that attempt to explain problems with facts. One of these is the "Faint Young Sun Paradox", where (in their scheme of things) the sun was too cool to adequately heat the Earth when life was supposed to have evolved. The notion that the earth and cosmos are billions of years old continues to present serious problems for evolutionary scientists. For instance, billions of years ago, the sun would only have glowed faintly, leaving nearby earth totally frozen. But with no liquid water on earth's surface, how could life have evolved and become fossilized so long ago? This conundrum has been called the "faint young sun paradox," and after 25 years of research, it remains just as problematic as ever. Scientists have tinkered with models of what they thought were atmospheres ...

Light Travel: Another Problem for the Big Bang

COBE MBR (NASA) Some evolutionists think that distant starlight is the "smoking gun" that destroys creationism and the Genesis account. (Some make a desperate, illogical leap of faith that this also disproves the existence of God. That is patently absurd.) However much we have learned, we have not learned everything. Theoretical astrophysics and cosmogony are in a constant state of flux as new information comes to light, and theories need to be (or should be) modified or completely abandoned. The cosmic microwave background radiation was praised as strong evidence for the Big Bang. However, the uniformity of the MBR ("horizon") actually creates more problems than it solves. The ‘distant starlight problem’ is sometimes used as an argument against biblical creation. People who believe in billions of years often claim that light from the most distant galaxies could not possibly reach earth in only 6,000 years. However, the light-travel–time argument cannot be used...

The Universe is Younger than We're Told

Jupiter, with Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. NASA. Evolutionary cosmologists postulate an old universe based on their presuppositions. When facts are learned that contradict their belief system, they need to tap dance around them or modify their theories. (Of course, modifying theories to the point that they must discard an ancient universe viewpoint in favor of a young, created universe is unthinkable to them.) Sun Dancer Puss/podzad, stock.xchng Their modified viewpoints often create more questions and problems than they solve, such as the imaginary Oort cloud , abode of comets in waiting; there is no evidence that such a thing exists, but it conveniently explains away the fact that short-term comets should have been exhausted long ago. Other bafflers for cosmologists include methane in the thick atmosphere of Titan, the hypothetical temperature of the sun 3.8 billion years ago and the heat of Jupiter's moon Io. Biblical creationists do not need tap dan...

Lunar Magnetic Field Should Have Dissipated

Evolutionary cosmologists insist on accepting only the evidence that, to them, shows the universe to be billions of years old. If contrary evidence does not fit their presuppositions, they attempt to force-fit the data to fit.  Credit: NASA (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) New models and theories are proposed, which raise more questions for them to dance around with even more theories. Creationists do not have this problem. The 1969 moon landing was one of the crowning achievements of mankind. And magnetic moon rocks were some of its most mysterious discoveries, showing that they hardened in the presence of a magnetic field. But if the moon is billions of years old, it should not have had a magnetic field. It is too small to generate its own field. Ever since the moon landing, theorists have been trying to figure out how the moon could have been magnetized. You can read the rest of "What Magnetized the Moon?", here .

Problems from Extra-Solar Planets

Extra-Solar planets (or "exoplanets") raise some simple questions for creationists. But the questions they raise for evolutionists are much more complex. For instance, from a cosmic evolutionary presupposition, colorful and interesting suggestions are made that are fanciful indeed. Although the thought of discovering an Earth-like planet somewhere out there is a kind of Holy Grail for evolutionary astronomers, such a discovery would compound the need for rational explanations instead of excuses masquerading as theories. Many evolutionists have long hoped to find evidence of life in space. They reason that if life evolved on Earth, then it could have evolved elsewhere. If, as the argument goes, there are countless planets throughout the universe that have formed via natural processes, there must be other Earth-like planets. Many think that finding such a planet outside our solar system would be almost like finding evidence of life in space. You can read the rest of "Pla...

Happy Earth Day Birthday, Comrade Lenin

USSR souvenier sheet commemorating Lenin's 100th Birthday Здра́вствуйте tова́рищ! Славься, Отечество наше свободное, Дружбы народов надёжный оплот! Партия Ленина - сила народная Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт! Today is the birthday of Ленин — Lenin. Looks like I went "Russian" into this post. I won't get high "Marx" for it... More commonly, it is celebrated worldwide as "Earth Day". It is a multifaceted. One one level, it is great to take notice of our environment and make personal choices to keep things clean. It is difficult to image any thinking person who is opposed to such things, and most people seem to be observing it with good intentions. Earth Day is also observed by pagans [ 1 ,  2 ] , and there is other planet-loving wackiness, too [ 3 , 4 ] . But another level is more insidious. This involves government intrusion, taxation, regulation, political lunacy and more. It is strange that what should be a simpl...

Hey, I Thought That Tortoise Was Extinct!

Galapagos Tortoise, stock.xchng/buzzpup One of the sacred shrines of evolutionism is the Galapagos Islands, where Charles Darwin saw variations and thought that they meant molecules-to-man evolution. What is actually observed, however, are the variations that are not contested; both evolutionists and creationists agree on these. As Ken Ham said about the birds, he saw big finches, little finches, big beaks, little beaks. What do you see today? Big finches, little finches, big beaks, little beaks. Further, the tortoises show expected variations within limits. What is annoying to evolutionists is when something that is supposed to have been extinct for a long time either shows up again, or discernible traces of the formerly extinct beastie are found. Observing animals on the Galapagos Islands supposedly helped Charles Darwin come up with his theory of evolution by natural selection. But none of these animals have fulfilled the evolutionary interpretation Darwinists have pl...

Dogs and Miracles of Evolution

November 1956, Photo by Jim Rooney It is fascinating to learn the intricacies of a creature's design. Watching our Basement Cat in stalking, playing or clawing action (clawing me ), I remark about the "feline machine". Daniel Schmitt refers to a dog's means of locomotion as "an evolutionary miracle". (Is this an example of "science of the gaps", or a reluctant acknowledgement of a Designer?) It looks like a meaningless phrase is acceptable in evolutionism. But what are some of the special features of the canine clan? Human feet would quickly freeze if exposed to snow and ice without proper gear, but dogs don't seem to mind the cold. Since the pads of their feet aren't protected by fur like the rest of their bodies, it would seem that they'd be especially susceptible to freezing—but they aren't. Japanese researchers recently discovered why. Read more about the feet, and a couple of other nuggets about dog engineering ...

Dogs, Wolves, Foxes and Time

 Photo by Jim Thiele / Source: USFDA Evolution requires huge amounts of time for changes in species to manifest themselves. (This is why young-earth creationism is ridiculed, as is the Genesis flood — they do not allow enough time for goo-to-you evolution to occur.) At least, the story is that given enough time, worthwhile changes happen and new species, even new life forms, will emerge. It is realistic to have faith in such a view. Right? I have some bad news for you, Sunshine... From the tiny Chihuahua to the massive mastiff, the over 200 breeds of domesticated dogs come in a wide variety of different body sizes and proportions, hair lengths and textures, and demeanors. Evolution asserts that animals change through a gradual accumulation of mutations. But evidence shows that the wolf-to-dog transition occurred rapidly, according to pre-designed genetic potential and not mutations. Mark Derr, author of a new book titled How the Dog Became the Dog: From Wolves to Our B...