
Vitamin C and Evolution

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential for human life. Fortunately, it is easy to obtain in the Western world, and the recommended intake is less than 100 mg. It helps the immune system and is important in other areas. What is the first thing that comes to mind when vitamin C is mentioned? For me, oranges. The average person who eats a healthy diet probably does not need a supplement, as it is found in many foods. It is not stored in our bodies. Since humans cannot synthesize vitamin C, is is suggested as evidence for evolution. Assorted citrus fruits, Pixabay / Roberto Justo Kabana Most plants and animals can make their own vitamin C, but it has been evosplained that humans and some animals lost that ability way back in time. It involves a mutation. When using this to support evolution, their reasoning is fundamentally flawed. One big monkey wrench in the works is that humans and apes supposedly evolved from a common ancestor. Our closest supposed evolutionary cousin is the chimpanzee

Killer Jellyfish Means No God

Atheists and other anti-creationists try to put biblical creationists on the defensive, a tactic that works on those that re under-informed. As we have seen, they use "bad design, therefore evolution" arguments (dysteleology). Another trick is to try to make the Creator seem immoral. Either God is bad, or he does not exist. It is interesting that they often pretend their arguments are scientific. That'll be the day! Those alleged arguments are feckless theological opinions. In addition, they are examples of bad logic. Consider the challenge that a loving God made a killer jellyfish. Box jellyfish, Wikimedia Commons / Guido Gautsch ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) As stated before, when attempting to refute someone's argument, it is intellectually honest to see if the argument is consistent from the other person's framework. Atheists tend to take fragments of creationist views and filter them through materialistic glasses, which means they presuppose that the creationist is wrong

The Puzzling Narwhal Tusk

A creature lives in Arctic waters, and much of the time in darkness. It is the stuff of legends. The horn growing out of its head adds to the mystery. It is the narwhal whale. One scientific puzzler is the fact that it can mate with beluga whales. There is no actual horn, but the narwhal is sometimes called the unicorn of the sea . Actually, that is a tusk growing through its lip — and keeps growing to impressive lengths. Is the tusk of Biggus Toothus a fluke of nature, or does it serve a purpose? Narwhal, Flickr / Jessica Simpson ( CC BY 2.0 ) Narwhals are difficult to study . The tusk sticks out straight instead of curving like the tusks on other critters, and as a bonus, it spirals. Sometimes it appears that narwhals use those tusks for play or to wave, "Howdy, neighbor!" They have been seen whacking fish with the tusks, stunning them before eating them. There are other functions being studied. One of those is that it senses water conditions. How the narwhal got its tusk

Tyrannosaurus rex — not so bright after all

Portrayals of Tyrannosaurus rex  and other carnivorous dinosaurs originally made them out to be nearly machines, attack and eat. Over time, their image evolved, showing them as rather intelligent creatures. Studies show — yeah, my study can beat up your study. One study claims that they were alarmingly intelligent, comparable to primates. Since most secular scientists assume the story that dinosaurs evolved into birds is true, the study used modern bird brains for references. Another study kicks up their intelligence a notch. However... T. rex college professor made at Bing AI * Another study pulls on the reins and hollers, "Whoa!" There are no fossilized dinosaur brains available to study. Also, the size of the cranium and the size of the brain inside — as compared to modern crocodiles — are two different things. (This child wonders why researchers didn't learn from the debunked "Brain size shows intelligence in humans" myth .) Did they notice that they study i

More Problems for Life in Rings of Saturn

The secular science industry desperately wants life to exist elsewhere in the universe, but those who believe this  walk by faith, not by science . Despite lack of evidence, huge amounts of money are spent to see if anything can be found supporting their speculations. Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ on teh interwebs insist that the origin of life is separate from evolution, deliberately ignoring that the OoL is also known as chemical evolution or abiogenesis. Life supposedly evolved from dead things and some organic chemicals, and the search is on out yonder in the rings of Saturn. Saturn image: NASA / JPL / STScI (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists do not get a freebie on the origin of life so they can build from there. That's why so many scientists are working on the problem. Saturn's rings have a few of the components necessary for life, but no useable water. Time is vitally important in particles-to-planetologist evolution, and those rings (some of

Dating Problems with Fossil Footprints

Down New Mexico way, a traveler can find White Sands National Park . Lots of big dunes comprised of gypsum. Have you ever gone sand sledding? That and other National Park activities like camping, hiking trails, stargazing and such are there. Also, fossilized footprints. They had mammoths, giant sloths, and many creatures in what was once a much nicer climate. Yes, there are human footprints as well. Assigning dates to them are a vexation to secular scientists because the results conflict with the narrative of when humans were supposed to live there. Fossil footprints, White Sands National Park / NPS photo (usage does not imply endorsement), modified at PhotoFunia Scientists are disagreeing about the carbon dating results, which showed that humans were in North America sooner than secular views expect and conflicts with the evolutionary story. Radiometric dating is dependent on assumptions , so the carbon dating used on relevant plants can be adjusted to more convenient levels. The sam

Secularists Affirm Global Catastrophes Elsewhere but not Earth

Things got interesting at my place with surprise visitors and all. First, Darwin Ranch foreman Rusty Swingset and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself that day) dropped in on their way to Deception Pass. We yakked about what may be getting built in town, and they left. About five minutes later, I was surprised when Stevia Dolce (the baker at the Darwin Ranch) knocked at my door. She brought some croissants. However, she said she waited until the others had gone because she did not want them to know that she visited. Color-enhanced image of the delta in Jezero Crater on Mars, NASA / JPL et al. (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Stevia keeps mum about her evolution doubts because she needs the job at the ranch. (I know the feeling, as I have to do the same when dealing with "pride" month and science deniers who have "preferred pronouns".) Anyway, I told Stevia that she doesn't need to give me baked goods or other gifts, that I fre

Darwin, Racism, and Evolution

Although much of what Charles Darwin wrote is now ignored, he is treated with reverence by many admirers. Indeed, he is the Prophet of evolutionism. When posting material about his racist views, atheists are often outraged — outraged , I tell you! It has been said that discussing his racism is an ad hominem . He was a product of his times, after all. That means it is irrelevant, but they still  tidy it up . Not hardly! It was instrumental in his philosophies and what he presented as science. Muddy river with rocks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is well documented that Charlie considered white people the top prize of evolution while those with darker skin were closer to apes. He also said that eventually, civilized people would exterminate lesser races and apes. (I never understood why that would be necessary except in his worldview.) Racism was fundamental to his version of evolution. As for being a product of his times — not buying it. There were prominent white people in Victoria

Biomimetics will Never Outdo Biology

Biomimetics is an interesting field where scientists attempt to duplicate what is seen in nature, and sometimes even improve on it. It begins through observation. The fact that biomimetics (or biomimicry) is using engineering principles illustrates how many scientists are looking at biology from an engineering perspective. Robots have been designed to do many important things. Some people are afraid that they will take over the world, but that is the realm of science fiction. Despite great inventions, robots and biomimetics have serious limitations. Robotic bee art, DeviantArt / SanShow ( CC BY 3.0 ) Centuries ago, a friend and I saw a bird caught in some string in a small tree. We got him free, but he lost part of a leg. We checked on him later and saw him standing on the other leg. He was designed to survive. If a two-legged robot had one fall off, it would probably lay in place until it was repaired — unless is was a cumbersome apparatus that carried spare parts and it had extensiv

Hot Springs National Park and the Genesis Flood

It seems that people all around the world are fond of hot springs, so they often turn areas into spas and such. Down Arkansas way is Hot Springs National Park , which was enjoyed by people for centuries. A unique feature is that the water does not stink of sulfur like in other hot springs. Although it is a comparatively small national park, it covers a large area. Also, there is hiking, camping, and other national park stuff to do. In addition, the park service's educational aspect is saturated with deep time assumptions. Tufa rock at Hot Springs National Park, NPS Photo / Mitch Smith (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) One glaring inconsistency common among secular geologists is used here. Namely, that the folded rocks took their shapes over millions of years due to plate tectonics. Pick up a slab of flint and try to fold it. In fact, use hydraulic machinery. What happens? It shatters, of course. No folding here, mate. There is also the problem of a small stream i