Further Whale Evolution Deception

Proponents of universal common descent evolution have a passel of stories to tell, but they have nasty habits of circular reasoning (assuming evolution to prove evolution), neglecting basic facts, and making a passel of assumptions. When scientists say that they have evidence, look for examples. Anti-creationists take the material without using critical thinking skills or asking questions, then tell biblical creationists, "Proof of whale evolution! Take that , creationists!" Not hardly! Watch for evolution of the gaps (they hope information will be found) and speculations. Freeimages / Kym Parry The just-so story of whale evolution goes back to when life supposedly evolved in the oceans, had innumerable beneficial mutations and natural selection, then something took a notion to go back into the sea, had additional mutations and natural selection, and out popped whales. Latest tweaks for the story involve speculations about how nasal passages moved during evolution and that t...