
Showing posts with the label The Question Evolution Project

Providential Timing, Death Warmed Over, and the Question Evolution Project

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There have been a few remarks posted of late about my recent surprise heart tests and eventual triple bypass surgery, and I may do a series on another weblog about those experiences. In a few social(ist) media places, I mentioned that I could die during the treadmill stress test, the heart catheter (mayhaps I did not mention that part), and the surgery itself. There is always  a risk, and I made it clear that I was ready to meet Jesus. Yes, I used the opportunities for some evangelism. But the risk of death was much lower than I thought. Unwashed, thirsty, looking like death warmed over the day I was released from hospital, background from Pixlr At  The Question Evolution Project , I was working by my lonesome and was besieged by trolls with atheism spectrum disorder. A former Admin of TQEP sent me a telegram saying that he had opportunities to help. Groovy! Then I went away. Tooth infection, taking antibiotic Antibiotic causes stomach upset Awakened at ...

Noah as a Straw Man

Recently, there was an infestation of fundamentalist evolutionists at The Question Evolution Project on Facebook who were outraged — outraged , I tell you — about " Evolutionists Deny Evidence to make Darwin Smile ." Deal with the post? Nope. Their reactions indicated that it was threatening to their worldview. They used ad hominem s , red herrings, tu quoque , equivocation on both evolution with science  and modification with evolution . There are also arbitrary assertions and ignorance of evolutionary mythology. Darwin's internet disciples, just like the brass in the secular science industry, have an a priori  commitment to materialism. Straw man Noah and the Ark* Of course, they utilized one of the most common attacks of their kind, the straw man fallacy. Misotheists and other anti-creationists demonstrate that they are unwilling to learn what we actually believe and teach. Secularists criticize creation science from their  sources, their  perspectives and opin...

The Religious Intolerance of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen many times that not only are atheists very religious , but evolutionism is also religious in nature . Obviously, people will object to both of those facts because atheism has no deity, and evolution is "science. Atheists are frequently disingenuous. One glaring example is their redefinition of atheism as "lack of belief" instead of "believes there is no God or gods". They conveniently neglect definitions of religion  that do not involve organized worship services or a deity. Secular humanism is a deity-free religion as well, and evolution is an  ancient pagan religion  that Charles Darwin gussied up in a lab coat.  Image credit before modification: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake The idealized form of science is very different from reality. Science should be sharpened through challenges and thinking beyond the consensus, and different ideas should be evaluated. If a theory or hypothesis turns rancid, it should be thrown away inste...

Too Many Assumptions Taint Gene Study

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Here is another change from our usual fare. A reader of The Question Evolution Project posted a link to an article on about genetics and asked me to comment, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to point out some of the assumptions and neglected considerations in the research. I will only be responding to the article. Credit: Image from RGBStock / Tomislav Alajbeg modified through PhotoFunia Actually, I had indirectly posted a creationist's response to this some time ago, but I wanted to give additional comments. The article under discussion is " Sweeping gene survey reveals new facets of evolution ", from May 2018, which inadvertently supported recent creation and the Genesis Flood. But if they dare mentioned that the evidence supports those things, they risk having their careers thrown into the Gorge of Eternal Peril. As is often the case, the elements of the research seem straightforward. A system of DNA ...

When Angry Anti-Creationists Attack

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Every once in a while, disciples of Darwin want to slap leather with biblical creationists but lack civility, logic, and science. (They get especially obstreperous with Question Evolution Day up yonder.) Here are a few things to consider. I like to draw from my own experiences to keep things personal and relatable, and I can be more accurate about what is going on. This post has more graphics than usual. Smoke of a .45 , 1905, Charles M. Russell It is mighty helpful to have a handle on the subjects we're challenged on and know how to deal with these types. We can expect ad hominem remarks as well as straw man, red herring, poisoning the well, and other logical fallacies . One ridiculous charge is that biblical creation science is the domain of "fundamentalists", which is not only an ad hominem, but a red herring (distraction) and a straw man (build up something inaccurate to tear it down). What kind of "fundamentalist"? There...

How Biblical Creationists Are Refuted

Or, "How Do I Refute Thee? Let Me Count the Ways..."  by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As we have seen numerous time on this site alone, anti-creationists want to debunk what we have to say. These self-appointed social justice warriors go on search-and-destroy missions, attacking creationary sites in their efforts to protect "science". In reality, they are attempting to protect evolutionism from rational scrutiny. We get a boatload of them at The Question Evolution Project . What follows involves my own observations as well as material that I recommend for your edification. Credit: Freeimages / gestoerte Darwin's Crusaders Science thrives on information and discussion, but anti-creationists not only oppose free speech, but free thought. Darwinism must  be guarded, lest people see it for what it really is. Many of these folks fancy themselves as crusaders for science, falsely  calling those who disagree with evolution "liars" , egos telling them t...

I Have a Theory

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I have a theory, which is mine. It is about the brontosaurus. Wait, that was someone else. My theory, which is mine, may seem overwhelming to prosaic minds, but give it some consideration and you'll see why it is excellent. And it's mine. My picture was modified through blatant misuse of FotoSketcher , Paint.Net , and Clker clipart Origin of a Theory Organizing The Question Evolution Project , as well as my interests in biblical creation science, apologetics, false religions, logic, and so forth, cause me read quite a bit of material, watch videos, listen to audio, and write very long sentences. Some information was stored in my mental filing cabinet over the years, and I was pondered the efficacy of writing a detailed essay or even a book. The subject was the relationship between evolutionism and New Age religions, science history, Hinduism, paganism, and the like. Indeed, I had written on similar topics before, but wanted to go into greater...

Avoiding Diversions of Internet Atheists and Evolutionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Since materialists cannot make us go away, they resort to various methods to silence Christians — especially biblical creationists. Many of these efforts involve ugsome reasoning and emotional reactions, which are common among internet atheopaths and fundamentalist evolutionists. We must avoid their manipulation and diversions, stay on topic, and keep them on topic as well.  They tend to get mighty ornery when we see their diversions for what they are and keep them on the subject at hand.   I'll allow that it's not always easy, and I've chased a few shiny things myself. Red Herrings A common logical fallacy is the red herring , which is a distraction from the subject at hand. In my opinion, most if not all informal logical fallacies are diversions from a subject under discussion. If you ponder it, someone attacking your illustrious person, introducing a different topic, rejecting the source of the information, expecting you  to ex...

Free Speech and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As I have stated in articles, interviews, and so on, Question Evolution Day has many layers. Ultimately, it's about proclaiming the gospel and removing a huge naturalistic stumbling block. While we're hoping to prompt honest evolutionists to question their indoctrination and see that fish-to-fish packer evolution is abundant in storytelling but sparse in evidence, QED has some other aspects on which I need to focus. QED is an effort to encourage people to take a stand for creation (and more so in 2017, because the event coincides with Creation Sunday ). Participation ranges from having events, sharing a post with a #questionevolutionday and/or #qed2017 hashtag on social media, Sunday services, or other ideas. A reason for this event is because of censorship, censure, discrimination, and bigotry against those who oppose Darwin. If you study on it a spell, you should see that there's no legitimate reason for someone to oppose our freedom of spe...