
Showing posts with the label Resources

Lucy and the Human Evolution Ladder

It has been fifty years since Lucy ( Australopithecus afarensis ) was discovered, but amid secular shouts of joy and dancing in the street, some evolutionists are unconvinced that Lucy ( or Lucifer ) is such a big deal. Indeed, there have been unconvinced scientists from the beginning. There are numerous reasons for doubting this ape as a transitional form. Scattered bones over a wide area, mistakes in the mix, other critters also existed, key components are missing, and more. Evolution at that time needed a boost, and this child believes that Lucy was manufactured, not discovered. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Paleoanthropologist Dr. Bernard Wood rides for the Darwin brand and is a respected name among evolutionists. He pointed out that in the 1970s, evolution was portrayed as resembling a ladder with apelike critters at the bottom and more "advanced" organisms toward the top. That idea, and Lucy, are hooey. November 24, 2024, mar...

Defusing Cambrian Explosion Excuses, Part 2

This is the second of two installments, Part 1 is here . Several times, atheists and other evolutionists on teh interwebs attempt to wave off the Cambrian Explosion by downplaying its importance. One tinhorn challenged me by demanding to know why it is important, and how creationists deal with it. If they do not know its importance, they should not be apologists for evolution and deep time. But I think people like this enjoy attempting to put creationists on the defensive. It has been a major difficulty for many years, and efforts to solve the problem are doomed to failure. Life on Cambrian Miaolingian sea, WikiComm / Zhixin Sun et. al . ( CC BY 4.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Note that in all of these things, evolutionists believe  despite  the evidence, and even resort to bad science and bad logic to protect Darwin from mean looks as he saunters down Evolution Street. They get downright deceptive. That's right, I said it!  No amount of tampering with data or reimagining ...

Defusing Cambrian Explosion Excuses, Part 1

As discussed previously, the Cambrian Explosion is classified by secular scientists as happening over 10-25 million Darwin years. Animals with very different body plans are found, but there is no evidence of precursors . This has been a problem all the way back to Darwin, and evolutionists have been attempting to solve it ever since. There has been a great deal of recent news and noise by secularists presenting rescuing devices only to have them wither in the cold light of reason. Yes, some evolutionists want to cut through fake science. We have five articles, three today and two tomorrow, to consider. Diorama of the Burgess Shale Biota, Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) Creationists know that the Cambrian Explosion is best explained by the Genesis Flood, but secularists reject that out of hand. Gotta have that naturalistic philosophy intact, you betcha! So we watch as evolutionists work on plans and others shoot them down. One was a speculation that the sudden increase in diversi...

Eradicating Falsehoods about Galileo

It is a fact that atheists are not known for their truthfulness, and this spoils things for those who tend to be honest. The article linked below was published in 2009 but it is still a resource to counter errors and falsehoods about Galileo that are spread by atheists. One frequent talking point by misotheists is the fiction that there is a war between science and religion. This is easily dismissed because there are scientists who are also biblical creationists. In addition, many founders of scientific fields were biblical creationists — including Galileo. Statue of Galileo from Hippopx , background changed at removebg , Jupiter image from NASA The rest of this post will look a bit awkward, as I am using speech to text from a hospital bed between tests and things before my open heart surgery. The Roman Catholic Church was open to what Galileo had written at first. In fact, his problems came from the entrenched science establishment of the day. They were fond of the ptolemaic system, i...

Not Loving Lucy the Australopithecus Afarensis

Over the years, I have featured several articles on the alleged transitional form, the ape with kaleidoscope eyes, commonly known as Lucy. Earnest evolutionists try to slap down biblical creationists and other Darwin doubters claiming the ape from afar ( Afar is far from here, anyway) with talking points. A big problem with popularized science is that folks get notions lodged in their craniums, but retractions and refutations are often ignored. Indeed, knowledgeable creationists often correct believers in universal common descent with the facts. A great deal of information about Lucy in the public mind is wrong. Modified photo by Wikimedia Commons /  Shalom ,  kaleidoscopes from Freeimages /  Frizzy Lee Those who insist in atoms-to-ape evolution frequently present A. afarensis as a link as if scientists were in complete agreement, which is false. Lucy is contested as a link between apes and humans, and the walking upright thing is also a source of disagreement. Its st...

Whale Evolution Refuted by Genetics

Sometimes, I reckon I should quit discussing whale evolution. Not because secularists have finally found evidence for this pillar of their faith, but because they cling to their stories despite  reason and science. It takes a great deal of credulity to believe such tales, and science is once again on the side of the creationists. Humpback whale image credit: via Wikimedia Commons Touted by the faithful as one of the "best" evidences for their beliefs, if someone rides up the hill and looks down at the big picture, Darwinists are asking us to believe many things. Without evidence. (One time, I linked to material where someone admitted on camera to faking the fossils for museums, and I was attacked by a liar for Darwin !) Purveyors of evoporn are as civil as a burlap bag full of rattlesnakes when caught lying — or even questioned about their alleged facts. "But Cowboy Bob! Richard Dawkins says —" Dawkins says a lot of hooey in his cheerleading for atheism an...

Video Review — Genesis Impact

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Under usual circumstances, the secular educational system has students under its control for several hours a day, weeks a year, many years. They are typically given the airbrushed versions of secular humanism and evolution.  Image courtesy of Genesis Apologetics Ironically, when Christian and creationist parents want to do what is right and teach their kids the truth, atheists and evolutionists say that we are "indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! In fact, they  are doing the indoctrination, then accusing us of what they are doing themselves. It's okay to question evolution so you can learn how it happened, but it is streng verboten  to question if it happened in the first place. "Go to a natural museum history", they said. "You'll learn a lot." Yes, you'll learn how cherry-picked facts based on the naturalism narrative can be presented as scientific truth. Also, you can see from models and reconstructions how artists' ...

Evolution, Paganism, and Gender Confusion

Although real science affirms what most of us know (that men and women are different ), there are some people who do not like their genders. In fact, new words have been manufactured to distinguish between sex (what you were born with) and gender (whatever way you identify yourself). Some people resent the way they were born and want to change (gender dysphoria). There are several causes. Credit: Pixnio / Bicanski Although there are some strange twisting of science, critters know what they are and don't resent being male or female. It is politically and culturally incorrect to mention the fact that there are people who transitioned to having the appearance of the other sex and regretted it , but there are those who say, for example, "I am a woman trapped in a man's body!" — as if he would know. Research is showing that gender dysphoria has nothing to do with genetics or biology . And they have the nerve to call biblical creationists "science deniers"!...

An Abundance of Dubious Models

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Models and simulations are important in many areas related to science, but they are only as good as the information that are utilized. Regular readers have seen many posts with links to articles discussing faulty models (including yesterday's " Increasing Dark Matter Desperation ") using mathematics and various scenarios. Credit: Freeimages / Sanja Gjenero No researcher is completely unbiased and objective. They operate from their worldviews, presuppositions, and agendas. Many times, important data are ignored or even suppressed, which frequently happens with global climate change models. Michael Mann used a fraudulent "hockey stick" graph to support global warming. Indeed, environmentalists are driven by their emotions and agendas, with predictions that have failed many times over the years, often suppressing pertinent information and indulging in fake science (see " Climate Change Alarmism vs God " and " Deluded...

Creation Virology and COVID-19

Addendum added 4-09-2020   At this point in time, we are all learning about the virus that is known scientifically as SARS-CoV-2. People are wondering why it has been so difficult to deal with, but it is unique and that is why you will often hear the word novel associated with it — everyone is learning. Despite the claims of one owlhoot, COVID-19 is not the end for creationism . In fact, a creation approach is crucial in understanding the virus. Original image from the CDC, then modified with FotoSketcher Darwinian medicine is not only foolish, but downright dangerous . Some people are claiming that this virus is evidence for evolution, but that is completely false . In the original very good creation, viruses, bacteria, and other microbes were prolific and our Creator had a purpose for them. Creation virologists point out that many (if not most) viruses are beneficial. Interestingly, there is disagreement as to whether or not viruses are living things because they do ha...

Lucy and her kin are Still Extinct Apes

This post contains links to several articles that should prove useful to students, teachers, parents, and other people interested in the human origins debate. It deals with the australopithecines, emphasizing devastating material regarding Lucy. Well, devastating for Darwinists, not for biblical creationists. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach The hands at the Darwin Ranch ( head out Folly Road past Stinking Lake, then head northwest to Deception Pass, avoid the Winkie Guards) are excited about a newly Australopithecus anamensis discovered skull. Like Lucy (some scientists want it called Lucifer because they contend it was male), parts were found scattered in different areas. There is no actual skeleton. Scientists disagree about whether or not it was just another extinct ape, albeit a different variety. Arguing from naturalistic presuppositions, some think it evolved into Australopithecus afarensis (Lucy), others invoke the magic of parallel evolution. The evidence act...

Space Aliens and Worldviews

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People have speculated about life on other worlds, whether in our solar system or farther away, for a long time. To hear some people talk, it is a certainty that life exists out there, thataway. There are people who sincerely, passionately, believe that space aliens can be found at Area 51. Credit: Pixabay / Matthias Wewering A good part of this alien enthusiasm comes from presupposing deep time and atoms-to-aliens evolution. Sure are a lot of stars up yonder, and there must  be many planets. On those planets, intelligent life must  have evolved and developed amazing space travel abilities. It's all in the numbers, right? via GIPHY Centuries ago (I'm feeling old today), I fully believed in space aliens. Did I have evidence? Not hardly! In fact, nobody has any actual hard evidence . Like evolution, there are assumptions leading to conclusions, circular reasoning, wishful thinking, and more. Interesting that many atheists believe in extraterr...