
Showing posts with the label Religion

Redefining Words for Profit

The other day, I heard a supervisor in a big box store telling an employee that his next duty was to work on fast track. Being in a meddlesome mood, I asked what that meant, since it clearly was not a quick way to management or something. Instead, it was the plastic strip at the base of a shelf that holds price labels. Something I have emphasized many times (and occasionally forget) is the importance of word definitions in discussions. Businesses, regions, and so on have their own special words. A problem exists when established words are redefined to fit an agenda. Dictionary Page, Unsplash / Romain Vignes The word evolution  has several different meanings, but the most frequent connotation is of particles-to-pedagogue evolution — Darwin's disciples gleefully exploit that connotation. Also, professing atheists become furious — furious , I tell you — when it is pointed out that atheism is a religion . They say, "We don't worship a deity!" as they cry in their beer . T...

Assumed Atheism Harming Religious Students

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Internet atheists express their hatred of God and bigotry toward Christians quite freely from the safety of their keyboards, and they insist on asserting false facts. One of these is that creationists believe "God did it" is a sufficient scientific explanation for something. They are unable to meet the challenge to produce a creation scientist who uses that idea. Another false fact is that if someone is not an atheist, he or she is not a real scientist. Although ridiculous, it shows their bigotry. It is also a way to control science itself to fit their own naturalistic beliefs. Train waiting on tracks, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen Something I read long ago in a UFO publication is that they first seek natural and rational explanations before appealing to UFOs. I have seen a similar view used by paranormal researchers (never mind whether or not experiences were genuine). In simple terms, science uses methodological naturalism . While Christians presupp...

Paganism is Increasing

It is interesting that atheists and other unbelievers will ridicule Christians for believing in what they call "fairy tales" such as creation and the Genesis Flood. This is a modern, enlightened age. But they give believers in paganism a pass. Just before my wife's memorial service, a woman came up to me and gave me a stone and a quartz crystal. She said they have special properties. New Age, pagan, and other occult practices are accepted, not mocked, and are increasing today. Indeed, they have been gaining popularity for quite some time. Pagan robe and mask, Unsplash / Rob Griffin It is my contention that many people want to feel that they are better than others, having the inside track, belong to the One True Church, read the real Bible , support the correct political movement, pick the winning sports team — we become idolators. Atheists pretend to be smarter than theists. Evolution is saturated with paganism, such as pantheism. The atheopath who calls himself Aron Ra ...

The Enlightenment and Misrepresenting Religion

In many philosophies, to be enlightened  means to have attained a superior mental or spiritual place. Professing atheists use it to claim that they are free from the bondage of religion, therefore, are superior to religious people. This in itself is fallacious and gives lie to their claim. Misotheists even have a period in history called the Enlightenment (or Age of Reason). This was an intellectual movement that the philosophers of the time adored. Modern secularists say that religion held back scientific progress and brought in the falsely-named Dark Ages. Storming of the Bastille , Anonymous, 1789 Enlightened atheists — alleged freethinkers — are making assumptions and spreading them as facts. The most egregious is that Christianity imprisons minds, but that's the opposite of the truth. Science was more of a curiosity than something useful for many years (nor did it have the worshipful status that Scientism  has today). Nonetheless, the founders of scientific disciplines we...

Eradicating Falsehoods about Galileo

It is a fact that atheists are not known for their truthfulness, and this spoils things for those who tend to be honest. The article linked below was published in 2009 but it is still a resource to counter errors and falsehoods about Galileo that are spread by atheists. One frequent talking point by misotheists is the fiction that there is a war between science and religion. This is easily dismissed because there are scientists who are also biblical creationists. In addition, many founders of scientific fields were biblical creationists — including Galileo. Statue of Galileo from Hippopx , background changed at removebg , Jupiter image from NASA The rest of this post will look a bit awkward, as I am using speech to text from a hospital bed between tests and things before my open heart surgery. The Roman Catholic Church was open to what Galileo had written at first. In fact, his problems came from the entrenched science establishment of the day. They were fond of the ptolemaic system, i...

Evolutionary Religion and Mysticism

When dealing with Darwin's disciples on teh interwebz, most are professing atheists who say they are driven by reason , not faith. When informed that atheism is a religion and that evolution has also become a religion , they become incensed. Some say that religious people want to atheists like them. Huh? I had a couple of trolling raids on social(ist) media that were saturated with fallacies and disingenuous questions. "Creation 'science' 🤣" ... "The human eye proves evolution" ... "Lucy is a human ancestor," and more. They ignored or rejected evidence that people presented. Summoning the Spirit of Darwin, made at PhotoFunia When on their secular jihads, these owlhoots are confirming that they do indeed have faith. Evolution cannot even be questioned. Sure, the minutiae, but not the "fact" of universal common ancestry — even though there are secular scientists who doubt evolution . "Where do fanatical evolutionists get their id...

The Evolution of Witchcraft?

Believers in universal common descent postulate that everything evolved, including religions. Some say that cavemen heard thunder and attributed it to gods, thus religion began. (Still waiting for empirical data to support this assertion.) Secularists have some interesting ideas about witchcraft as well. Misotheists frequently ridicule Christians for believing the Bible, or creationists for believing in Noah's Ark, because we are modern and educated people. They hate the truth and suppress it (Rom. 1:18), and their ridicule does not override the truth. Interestingly, their argument fails to take into account the number of witches in educated and technologically advanced countries. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the original image Like so many other words, witch  as various connotations. Some self-identified witches are essentially nature-worshiping pagans that claim magick is neutral. I have seen "scary" video collections that supposedly show witches supposedly with evil pow...

Secular Faith in Lazarus Bacteria

Most evolutionists and professing atheists become irate when it is show that they have religious attitudes in their worldviews, but not all try to distance themselves. The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead is well known. Secular scientists, deliberately or unwittingly, mock the work of Jesus by naming bacteria that appear to have "come back from the dead". Mayhaps it is cute, but a person is quite a bit more complicated than bacteria, so the title is misleading. Then there is that religious element. Summoning bacteria spirits, Pixabay / Arek Socha , modified at PhotoFunia These simple organisms have been entombed for long periods, then coaxed into activity by putting them in optimal conditions. Were they really dead? Not entirely. Secularists may have an ulterior motive for studying these things involving life from space (still assuming Darwinian evolution after it supposedly arrived), which would give them something that looks like evidence to use in denying the...

Evolutionists Disillusioned with Evolutionary Stories

Lisa Myworries, the supervisor of the Winkie Guards at the Darwin Ranch, was rather subdued when I bumped into her (almost literally) at the store in town. She noticed the mood at the ranch and how they go from thrilled to somber. This time is the latter. Charlie's cheerleaders are happy to be told Just-So Stories and unleash the flying monkeys on those of us who are unwilling to be satisfied with the unscientific statement " it evolved ." It has been documented that there are secular scientists who have the audacity — the unmitigated gall  — to doubt Darwin. Pond, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  (cropped) That number is growing. A couple of people published a paper on problems with gradual evolution. "Survival of the fittest" oversimplifies things, and still fails to explain how complicated structures came into being in the first place. Something I have noticed, and Calvin Smith discussed quite well in " Science or Philosophy? ", is that people believ...

Guilty Conscience over bad Peer Review?

A few days back, Sebastian and Jimbo, the latrine trench diggers at the Darwin Ranch, were in town buying shovels. Although they are unable to grasp the concept, they knew that the rest of the ranch hands were upset about recently retracted peer-reviewed paper. Some jaspers insist that evidence for creation must be presented in "legitimate, peer-reviewed journals", meaning atheistic. It is a form of ad hominem , a genetic fallacy, a blatant falsehood — and a wrong assumption that peer review is a guarantee of truth. Fight for the Water Hole  / Frederic Remington, 1903 There are numerous retracted papers. (Apparently I misunderstood retraction, thinking that something was removed, but that isn't necessarily the case.) There's a reproducibility crisis, some pass peer review even though they are computer-generated nonsense, blatant fraud, and other problems exist. One was even retracted because delicate atheopaths were offended because it used the word "creator...

Secular Religious Indoctrination: Two Standards, No Waiting

When people who believe in creation want to teach their children, secularists chant in Vox Robotica, "That is indoctrination. We educate. Believe". Of course, secular institutions of alleged learning have children many hours a day, days a week, weeks a year. They indoctrinate in the atheistic state religion. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Secular humanism is a worldview that exalts humanity above all else, and its foundation is philosophical naturalism. Essentially, it is the religion of atheism in a masque. "But Cowboy Bob, there are religious people that have signed the Humanist Manifesto things!" Yes there are. There are also those who mounted up and rode with Michael Zimmerman's anti-creationist "Clergy Letter Project" , and some groups for the separation of church and state (the kind where anything Christian is to be kept out of public life). However, you are unlikely to find Bible-believing Christians among the groups. Also, these inhuman ...

The Worship of Logic and Mathematics

Ever since Satan told Even that she and Adam can be like God (Gen. 3:5), people have been believing that lie. They even try to find God through assorted religions and spiritual experiences but reject the God of the Bible. Many even try to replace him with various contrivances including logic and mathematics. Credit: Pexels / Retha Ferguson Don't be disunderstanding me now, logic and math are extremely important. However, they are not supposed to be objects of adoration. Way back yonder, Greeks believed in the perfection of numbers and worshiped natural numbers. Since logic is necessary in mathematics, some folks took a notion to believe that pure logic was expressed in mathematics, so they subtracted God from the formula and thought they had found the perfect, self-contained source for logic and reason. This did not work. Other mathematicians demonstrated that math cannot be perfect and self-contained; they were essentially using circular reasoning and inadvertently appeali...

The Coronavirus and Faith in Scientism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are people who label biblical creationists with the absurd pejorative "science deniers" because we reject atheistic interpretations of historical science regarding fish-to-fool evolution. (Labeling is easier than thinking.) Having faith in operational science is justified to some extent, but some do it religiously. Before we continue, it should be noted again that mockers accuse creationists of creating the distinction between operational and historical science, but that is demonstrably false . The COVID-19 novel Coronavirus has people frightened. This is exacerbated by several factors: leftist politicians using the situation to gain power and instill fear, confusing and unreliable models , fake news sites citing  spurious "studies" , Darwin's disciples falsely claiming that it is evidence of evolution , and so on. In the midst of all this, the public wants scientists to make things better. Unfortunately, God has been evic...

More Gaia Paganism in Evolution

Humans are designed to have a knowledge of God, and this manifests itself in many ways as they try to worship something, but they suppress the knowledge of the true God (Rom. 1:18). Instead, other things are worshiped — even atheists are essentially religious . Evolutionists also express their false religion. Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 In Jeremiah 10:3-5, God is telling Israel that pagans cut down trees, carve out idols, decorate them, and nail them down. These things that they made are the objects of their worship. In a similar manner, many evolutionists worship nature . They also acts as if evolution was an intelligent being, making decisions and causing organisms to evolve.  A variation on that is when natural selection is also deified and the religion is selectionism. This is another example of the incoherence and irrationality of atheism, as natural selection was developed by creationist Edward Blyth . Creationists accept ...

Secularist Religious Hypocrisy in Brazil

Since politicians are known to light a shuck out of there when confronted by loud special interest groups, it should be interesting to see how long this lasts. In January of 2020, the administration of Brazil's president appointed a creation advocate for their graduate study programs. Secularists are angry. Angry, I tell you! The advocate is Benedito Guimarães Aguiar Neto, and Katie, bar the door, he has a religious background! Worse, he wants to introduce Intelligent Design! First of all, if he's talking about using material from the Intelligent Design movement, they are most certainly not creationists . Don't be riding on ahead of me now and rein in a moment: the ID movement is not creationist, but creationists frequently use intelligent design arguments and examples. You savvy that, pilgrim? As far as Benedito's qualifications, those are not under consideration. Secularists have a nasty habit of using someone's religion as leverage against them as if th...

Atheists Are Indeed Religious

We all have a knowledge of God built into us, but when people reject the true God, they do not actually believe in nothing, but substitute false gods. Like evolution, the word religion has several definitions. The original definition of an atheist is someone who believes there is no God, but Modern atheists pusillanimously redefined it to mean "lacks belief". Professing atheists also vehemently deny that they are religious by using the common understanding that a religion involves God or false deities. However, through court rulings and by their own activities, atheism is a religion , including evolution as their preferred mythology of origins. Surveys have indicated that there is a group of people known as "nones". That is, when asked if they hold to a particular church, denomination, or religion, they answer with "none". Atheists cheer the belief that their hellish horde is growing, but that's not necessarily the case. People who are in-between ...

Evolution and the New Age

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Back in the 1960s, the "Age of Aquarius" was supposedly dawning, and everything would be peace, love, and grooviness, man. People were investigating Eastern spiritualism, using recreational drugs, having casual sex, rebelling against "the establishment", and more. In later years, these attitudes, beliefs, and actions were somewhat unified under what became called the New Age. (Ironically, those who rebelled against the establishment have become  the establishment themselves, but never mind about that now.) There is still an undercurrent in many New Age philosophies that include Eastern mysticism. You may get a blank stare if you use the term New Age. It is less popular now, and some people prefer to call it new spirituality , but it is still the same. What practitioners do not realize is that there is not much "new" happening, it is actually a conglomeration of repackaged very old religious views. Some of the trimmings seem ne...

Esoteric Evolutionism Eliminates Science

Evolution itself is not the invention of Charles Darwin, but instead, is an ancient pantheistic religion that Darwin got all gussied up and put forward as science. His ideas have been adjusted for over 150 years because they do not work. As we have seen in several recent posts, Darwin's disciples are becoming increasingly unscientific and mystical in their pseudoscience. Credit: Pixabay / arturo_ngeek Natural selection is not understood by evolutionists, and some are putting forward a version that is loaded with mystical overtones . Evolutionists conjure up forces as unscientific rescuing devices to cover the failures of scientists' conjectures. There are more, but let's take a gander at some really fun stuff. Fun, if you're into weirdness masquerading as science. Secularists cannot account for the origin of life (often trying to distance themselves from it, dishonestly claiming it has "nothing to do with evolution"). Nor can they account for conscio...