
Showing posts with the label Real Science Radio

Let Me Be Polystrate With You

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As we have seen, there are numerous problems with particles-to-paleontologist evolution as well as deep-time dogma. Rusty Swingset and his crew at the Darwin Ranch get mighty ornery about all the discoveries of soft tissues and other remnants , but many people overlook polystrate fossils . Polystrate tree in Nova Scotia image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Michael C. Rygel ( CC by-SA 3.0 ) You may want to save this article for reference. Creationists have used polystrate fossils for many years as evidence for the Genesis Flood . Most commonly used are vertical trees in rock layers, often coal seams. "B-b-b-but Cowboy Bob! We have Wikipedia, Propaganda Talk Origins, strong opinions, and other excuses!" Like geological theories, rescuing devices and "explanations" for polystrate fossils are contrived . Cognate on it for a spell. The layers are alleged to be millions of years in the making but the tree was considerate enough to stay pu...

Alfred Russel Wallace and Evolution

Instead of Darwinism, we almost had Wallacism. Alfred Russel Wallace was a contemporary of Darwin, and arrived at very similar ideas on evolution by natural selection. Perhaps they were both influence by Comte de Buffon . Like other evolutionists at that time, he had little or no formal scientific training (Darwin studied theology), but Wallace did a passel of fieldwork and did some real science. When Chuck found out about Alfie's ideas, he hurried up and had his book published first. Alfred Russel Wallace, circa 1895 via Wikimedia Commons One major difference between Wallace and Darwin was the teleological (purpose and design) views of Wallace. For Darwin and his disciples, any hint of a Creator was bad medicine. Don't be disunderstanding me now, the two gents rode for the evolution brand for the most part, but Wallace was not an atheist. Although Darwin and Wallace had some disagreements, I am not aware that they went on letter-writing campaigns to discredit each oth...

Dinosaur Tissue Preservation and the Iron Maiden

If you want to get the hands at the Darwin Ranch on the prod, just mention dinosaur soft tissues. This is because soft tissues in dinosaurs and other critters is a threat to old earth uniformitarianism. From there, particles-to-parasaurolophus evolution is severely inconvenienced. There are several articles on that subject here as well as other biblical creationist sites. Metallized triceratops profile derived from an image a Pixabay from  Dimitris Vetsikas Ever since Mary "Iron Maiden" Schweitzer got fame for herself because of dinosaur soft tissues, evolutionists at the Darwin Ranch have been running the excuse mill at full steam. (They don't even get overtime pay from their cheap bosses.) One of the premier excuses was formed by Schweitzer: iron as a preservative. Dr. Kevin Anderson was interviewed by Bob Enyart on Real Science Radio. (Dr. Anderson is one of the scientists in Is Genesis History? My review is here .) You see, Dr. Schweitzer reckons that iron i...

Evidence for the Genesis Flood

It is not uncommon for biblical creationists to be subjected to demands for proof of our claims. I will allow that it is reasonable when asked by an honest enquirer in a civil manner, but when an atheist will phrase it, "Prove that your fictitious Flood happened and that your nonexistent God did it", or similar, we are not exactly interested in falling over ourselves to oblige. Worse, absurd remarks that the Genesis Flood is a fairly tale are often made in regards to an article that the mocker didn't bother to read. I reckon that they ridicule, seek rescuing devices, and outright ignore the evidence because reality threatens their materialistic uniformitarian worldview. Over at Real Science Radio, the hosts presented evidence for the intellectually honest. They had a broadcast, which became two, which became three because they were having fun. Secularists will frantically search for excuses and cohorts to join in with the scoffing, but they will not be able to change...

Professor David A. Lee Interviewed on Real Science Radio

Bob Enyart and Fred Williams interviewed Professor David A. Lee of Patrick Henry College for Real Science Radio . Mr. Lee earned his bachelor's degree in geology at Clemson University, and his master's degree in paleontology at South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. At Patrick Henry College, he teaches biology, earth science, and origins. Split Mountain Campground at Dinosaur National Monument Image credit: National Park Service / Dan Johnson (image use does not imply endorsement) The discussion covered a variety of topics, with an emphasis on the Christians and creationists who founded modern science, such as Nicholas Steno. There are notes and links on the site that supplement the interview. To read, listen, download (all free) click on " Patrick Henry College Geology Prof. David Lee on RSR ". Here's where to find the audio:

Interview with Microbiologist Dr. Kevin Anderson on Dinosaur Soft Tissues

It is an exciting time to be a biblical creationist. Evidence keeps on accumulating to confirm what we've said all along, and it is not supportive of evolution. The refutation of the"junk" DNA evolutionary idea is bothersome for them. But one item that really gets evolutionists on the prod is the fact of soft tissues in fossils. (Note that I'm deliberately using the word fossil in its more general sense ; it doesn't necessarily mean that something has been permineralized. Ian Juby discussed that word in a segment on fossilized dinosaur skin at the 20 minute 13 second mark in this video clip .) The reason for consternation on the soft tissues is that they are strong evidence that Earth was created recently, not billions of years ago, and that dinosaurs have not been extinct for millions of years. Image credit: Pixabay / agfcontact Some anti-creationists will pretend that dinosaur soft tissues are irrelevant, others try to ignore them completely, and you...

Encouraging Cancer Research Through Deliberate Mutations

Darwinists are fond of mutations, because they think that they are the main mechanism by which slime-to-sandblaster evolution occurred. They have a problem finding undisputed  beneficial  mutations, which are highly unlikely in their worldview of random, purposeless events. But there are beneficial, targeted  mutations by design. "Digital Illustration Of Dna Structure" image credit: / hywards We have a passel of cancer cells every day, but our immune system fights them off. Our system even sends special mutations of its own making to trouble zones, as it was created to do. When the system fails and cancer cells grow out of control, that's when the problems set in. New research involves taking out cells, doing intelligently designed mutations, inserting them back — and having a huge success rate of leukemia patients going into remission. And no, evolutionary "science" had nothing to do with this. CBS News has reported on a new cancer...

Interview of Raymond Damadian, Inventor of the MRI

Remember how Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy insists that acceptance of molecules-to-medical doctor evolution is essential for the advancement of science? Other Darwinistas make this ridiculous remark as well, which has been refuted many times. One of the examples that Ken Ham used in his debate with Nye was Raymond Damadian, biblical creationist and inventor of the magnetic resource imaging machine. Possible image source: Answers In Genesis . Used under Fair Use provisions. Sometimes, atheopaths will say something like, "You shouldn't be using the computer because it was invented by an atheist!" To answer a fool according to his folly so he's not wise in his own eyes, we can say, "Hope you never need an MRI, because that was invented by a Christian who is a biblical creationist". Besides, the "father of the computer" was Charles Babbage , who was a Christian. Dr. Damadian was interviewed on Real Science Radio. There is some interesting pers...

David Coppedge Interviewed on Real Science Radio

Advocates of molecules-to-machinist evolution can cook up some mighty convincing stories about why and how evolution happened, but they leave out important information and talk about what happened in the distant past without any real evidence. What they come up with are comparable to Kipling's Just So Stories . They sound good, but do not have plausible mechanisms or explanations. And yet, true believers accept them by faith. Regular readers know that I have featured material by Dr. David Coppedge's " Creation-Evolution Headlines " on this site many times. (Here's another: he has some personal anecdotes in an interesting article called " Secret Animal Hideouts ".) Bob Enyart interviewed Dr. Coppedge on Real Science Radio, and they discussed several evolutionary stories, and touched on biomimetics, design, and more. You can listen to or download the podcast by clicking on " headlines on RSR with David Coppedge ". The picture bel...

Brian Thomas Interviewed on Real Science Radio about Dinosaur Soft Tissues

The first thing taught in Darwinian catechism is that evolution is a given. Second is that Earth is billions of years old. When evidence is presented that threatens either assumption, evolutionists tend to get on the prod and try to dismiss the evidence (you may like " Fear and Loathing of Dinosaur Research by Evolutionists ", " Dinosaur Soft Tissues and Evolutionist Science Deniers ", and " Soft Tissue Time Paradox " by ICR's Dr. Vernon Cupps). Dinosaur soft tissues have them mighty angry because the evidence strongly refutes not only the idea that dinosaurs have been extinct for tens of millions of years, but that the planet is as old as they want it to be for evolution to happen. The real  evidence, without evolutionary trappings, shows that everything was created recently, and did not evolve in the Darwin way. Image credit: Pixabay / agfcontact (modified) Someone sneered on one of my posts, "What next, dinosaur DNA?" Pay attentio...

Hoedown at the Darwin Ranch with Skull KNM–ER 1470

Seeing evolution where it ain't and making unfounded declarations can be hard work, especially with the stress of keeping that grant money rolling in. So the hands at the Darwin Ranch have the occasional hoedown featuring a Western square dance . They do it academically, of course, and sometimes they don't even know they're dancing. In the case of Skull KNM-ER 1470, it was more of a freestyle dance. Let's take a look-see down memory lane — and see how the pigs won the prize. Bow to your partner, bow to your corner. Images combined from clip art at Clker . In 1972, a skull was found in Kenya. As usual, the evolutionists hurried to claim that this was a transitional form between human and ape. Promenade right. But right from the get-go, there were disagreements about dating. One bit of evidence contradicts another bit of evidence. Promenade left. Radiometric dating was conflicted, so using evolutionary and long-age biases, they picked out the dates the preferred....

Real Science Radio Interview of Professor Steve Taylor

While it's helpful to read about creation scientists of the past and present , it's nice to hear actual interviews with them. It also helps silence owlhoots who lie about the lack of intelligence and credentials of creation scientists. Real Science Radio 's Bob Enyart continues his invasion of Britain with an interview of Professor Steve Taylor (not to be confused with recording artist Steve Taylor ). Dr. Taylor is an expert in electrical engineering, and has done work on accelerated mass spectrometry . He works on mass spectrometry at the University of Liverpool . National Electrostatics Corporation 250kV accelerator mass spectrometer in a biomedical laboratory. Image Credit: US Department of Energy Professor Taylor rejects evolution and affirms biblical creation. Steve and Bob discussed accelerated mass spectrometry, making a portable carbon-14 device, his work with his government in helping detect chemical weapons, and more. The interview begins at the get-go. ...

Science Stoppers, Real Science Radio, and Professor Andy McIntosh

Thinking people may find this hard to believe, but there are scum-to-skeptic evolutionists who insist that Bible-believing scientists are not really scientists despite their credentials. (Reminds me of that bumper sticker I used to see here in the US, "If it ain't country, it ain't music!" In their case, "If it ain't naturalism, it ain't science!") Some of this is also related to the claim that creation science is a "science stopper" because creationists believe that "God did it", and do not investigate further. Not hardly! Creationists give God the glory, but don't stop, they want to know how God designed things to work. Ironically, "Evolution did it™" is the real science stopper. Coal, diamonds, fossils, other things were not tested for carbon-14 because they "knew" there was none in those items; they were too old. It was found in many things after reluctant testing. Scientists "knew" th...

Interview with Dr. David Rosevear

Bob Enyart of Real Science Radio took a trip to the UK. On one of his stops, he interviewed Dr. David Rosevear of the Creation Science Movement (originally founded in 1932 as the "Evolution Protest Movement"). The CSM established a small museum called the "Genesis Expo" in Portsmouth. Some interesting things came out of the discussion, including how a lecture was stopped by anti-creationists, so Dr. Rosevear had to take over — sounds like the same kind of sidewinders we deal with today, don't you reckon? There was some discussion about touring former communist countries who welcome creation science. It's interesting how those who have been indoctrinated by atheism and had their religious freedoms suppressed welcome creation science, and those of us further west are dealing with secularists who are progressively making us more like the former USSR. You can download or listen online to this 36-minute podcast by clicking on " RSR in Portsmouth UK wit...

Bad Science, Bad Theology, Bad Morals in Geocentrism

In July 2013, I posted material on how there are still some people who believe that the Earth is nicely bolted down. Yes, despite observable science, they hold to the geocentric view, that the sun goes around the Earth, and not the geokinetic solar system we know and love. Some of this comes from an insistence on clinging to misunderstood Bible verses. To see that post, click on " Geocentrism — An Embarrassment to Creationists " and especially the article that is linked. "Bolted Earth", modified from an image by NASA's Earth Observatory Before we get to the good stuff, I have to give some information from the Irony Board. There's a Page on Facebook called "Evolution is a Religion of Origins" . While they post some occasional good anti-evolution material, it is run by a vituperative Sacred Name cultist . If you disagree with the One True Church™, you're a pagan. While I believe that the teachings of Roman Catholicism do not  lead to sal...

Faking the Fossil Whales — Revisited

Back on May 6, 2014, I posted about " Faking the Fossil Whales ". The subject was how Dr. Carl Werner documented altered whale fossils that were sold to museums, and the admission to altering was made in a video. Naturally, this generated heat from some owlhoots who were protecting their religion of evolutionism. After all, whale evolution is supposedly well documented — if you call storytelling from bits and pieces "documentation". I was attacked, Dr. Werner and radio show host Bob Enyart were impugned as well; it's a mite irritating to be called a liar by liars in the course of their lying. Rodhocetus  skull at University of Michigan Museum of Natural History / Wikimedia Commons / ellenm1 Some tinhorn came out of the gate with libelous accusations, and claimed that he had corresponded with Phil Gingerich, one of the people Dr. Werner interviewed on his video. Gingerich allegedly wrote in part, "I have been criticized for speculating that Rodhocet...

Evolution Endorsers Perturbed When Facts Contradict Paradigms

We frequently see how evolutionary scientists are amazed and annoyed because the facts do not comport with their presuppositions. In addition, we also see that they tweak, ignore, deny and make up wild stories to force-fit observed evidence into their evolutionary worldview. This does not work. In reality, the evidence fits the biblical creationist models. Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams have fun providing so many examples of evolutionists (chemical, stellar, biological) being jaw-dropping surprised, shocked, even stunned and horrified, when their huge discoveries contradict some of the most fundamental predictions of their materialist theories. You can read the write-up and listen to the audio at " RSR's List of Shocked Evolutionists ". Also, you may like the parody of Kanye West's "Gold Digger", which is "Bone Digger" by ApologetiX, at the bottom of this page.

Math, Logic and Fundamentally Flawed Presuppositions

"Ow!", he cried out into the uncaring darkness of the living room. "What happened?", she asked, almost concerned. "You left out a number six and I tripped over it. Can't you put those things away when you're through with them?" What a stupid concept. Numerals are not tangible objects that can be tripped over or skipped across a pond. If you write the number "6" on a chalkboard, you have a representation of the numeral six, not "sixness" itself. If you erase that number from the chalkboard, the numeral of six continues to exist. Laws of logic are also intangible. You cannot put the law of identity in your pocket. You can type it out and then delete what you typed, but deleting your physical representation of the law does not cause it to cease to exist. Atheists and evolutionists are generally materialistic in their presuppositions. That is, they claim that the only reality is the material world, those things perce...

Conversation With Dr. Russell Humphreys on Magnetic Fields

Here I am, back behind my unregistered assault keyboard, providing resources to creation-affirming science (plus some theological and philosophical) articles. On Real Science Radio, Bob Enyart interviewed Dr. D. Russell Humphreys about magnetic fields, emphasizing those of Earth and Mercury. Dr. Humphreys made predictions from a biblical creationist viewpoint which were confirmed — much to the dismay of evolutionary scientists. He has also studied the decay of Earth's magnetic field. Artist concept of the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit around planet Mercury. Credit: NASA The confirmed predictions of Humphreys fit well with a biblical creation model, and defy proponents of an old universe. Decaying magnetic fields support a young universe, and unsupportable "theories" such as the "dynamo" are conjured up in order to cling to their belief in an old universe. Boy do the atheists have a problem: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews physicist ...