Rules for Radicals and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Subjects like radical and Saul Alinsky are not exactly what one would expect for the tenth annual Question Evolution Day , but hopefully this article will be interesting. This is in no wise an endorsement of Alinsky or Rules for Radicals , but there are some things that can be learned. Modified with a graphic from Photos Public Domain The word radical is frequently thrown around with little regard to its original meaning. It is quite often used as a pejorative. Nowadays it can have connotations of people with Molotov fire bombs or doing other acts of violence. It is used to label extremist views (making Charles Darwin a radical because his views were not readily accepted at first). The true meanings of radical are quite different, including holding to a foundation or basic principle . Saul Alinsky was friendly to communist views and leftist government, but did not seem to promote actual violence. What I read of Rules for Radica...