
Showing posts with the label Psychology

Homicide in Modern Health Care

Under the pretense of personal rights, modern medical treatments include bodily mutilation, the murder of the unborn, and other things that were unthinkable at one time. If suffering animals can be euthanized, so can people. One result of a Darwinian worldview is that humans are devalued . Study on it a spell. Everything came from a common ancestor, and ultimately, "star stuff." Secularists consider people for their value to society, Bible-believing Christians see them as valuable because they are created in the image of God. Abandoned Hospital Monsour Medical Center, Flickr / Darryl Moran ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) It is now being called health care to kill people. Euthanasia can be invoked because of excessive pain or no hope of recovery. Also, "physician assisted suicide" is when medical personnel provide the means of another person to end their own lives. This can include mental illness, depression, hopelessness, and more. The other day was the one-year anniversary of my

Evolutionary Psychologists Refute Themselves

Knowledgeable biblical apologists understand several things about worldviews, including how they must be internally consistent. Atheists and evolutionists frequently ignore logic while pretending that science and reason support their beliefs. That is a characteristic of an inconsistent worldview. Another indication of a faulty belief system is the reliance on arbitrary assertions. So is circular reasoning, such as assuming evolution in order to prove an instance of evolution. Changing or assigning new meanings to words and phrases also indicates a weak worldview. A couple of evolutionary psychologists presented irrational material about consciousness. Brain and consciousness, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann  (Geralt) Like others involved in the secular science industry, psychologists presuppose atoms-to-atheist evolution and build from there; they do not question whether or not evolution happened in the first place. In this instance, two psychologists suggest consciousness may have evolved not

The Danger of Mindfulness Meditation

Here is another instance where wording is important, as mindfulness  has different meanings. People will advise others to be mindful, and I have used the word myself. On those occasions, it simply means to be aware or to pay attention. However, there is a much darker meaning of the word. Believers in sand-to-psychologist evolution generally shun religion, especially Christianity. Most believe in scientism , a de-facto religion — even if they do not realize it. Many secularists practice mindfulness believing it to be a scientifically-based meditation technique. Bad idea. Meditation, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Although most evolutionists deny it, their belief system can be traced back to ancient pagan religious views . Indeed, we have seen pantheism and animism tacitly invoked in scientific reports. There is no single view of psychology, and there are numerous schools of thought. Why? None of them have the answers! Evolutionary thinking is a big part of psychology, including evolut

This Mars is not my Home

People have wanted to visit and even colonize Mars for a very long time. Science fiction is filled with stories of doing so, and people continue to have high hopes. For that matter, secular scientists keep trying to find evidence for some kind of life there. There are science fiction stories that explore some of the problems that were known during the times they were written, but more trouble has been recently discovered. These include making the journey itself, visiting, and especially trying to stay on Mars. Mars,  NASA  / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Mayhaps I should say "spoiler alert," but people are not likely to be bothered if I tell them that the very first episode of The Twilight Zone  in 1959, "Where Is Everybody?" was about the problem of loneliness in space travel. Indeed, those who take such a long trip would be expecting a one-way trip that lasts quite a spell. Then they have to get along on the red planet — if they g

No Evolution of the Immaterial Mind

Believers in minerals-to-mentalist evolution think that the brain as well as the other amazingly complex organs happened through materialistic means. Alfred Russel Wallace, Charles Darwin's friend and rival, could not accept that the mind  was a materialistic process, suggesting a kind of Intelligent Design . Indeed, believing in evolution itself requires amazing credulity, but guesses by scientists as to how the mind evolved may cause people to wonder if they have any idea what they are talking about. Evidence of intelligence from ancient man flusters evolutionists. Mind and brain art, FreeDigitalPhotos /  MR LIGHTMAN It is human nature to want to grow, expand, change, develop, and all that good stuff. To sit around doing nothing for huge amounts of time after we supposedly evolved goes against human nature , especially since so much has happened in just a few centuries. Our ancient ancestors were intelligent, not stupid brutes like the story of evolution requires. The article fea

Logic Lessons and the Walmart Thief

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Part of this post will be out of date soon, but the principles remain important. Critical thinking skills are not just for debates and academic matters, but apply to many areas of daily life. It is indeed unfortunate that students today are taught what to think, but how to think — not so much. Crime dramas have detectives saying they cannot have someone arrested because the evidence is only circumstantial; there are no eyewitnesses or other compelling material. They "know" someone is guilty, but they are reasoning from insufficient evidence . The Cunning Thief / Paul-Charles Chocarne-Moreau, 1931, Wikimedia Commons (PD) A quick side note that this Creation Cowboy has discussed is how Darwinists, climate fearmongers, and others will ignore and even suppress inconvenient evidence . They have also been known to falsify information to fit an agenda. People have a tendency to "fill in the blanks" or "connect the dots" to reach a conclu

The Beneficent Mystery of Sleep

Sleep is something we may take for granted or even resent its intrusion. Others find it a way to escape from the troubles of daily life for a while. Sometimes it simply feels good. While it is considered a restful state, there is a great deal of unconscious activity happening. There are many studies of what happens during sleep and that it or something similar is vital to most creatures. One evolutionist said that sleep is our default state, and that we evolved wakefulness. No science there, just narrative-friendly speculation. Sleeping jaguar, Pixabay / edmondlafoto Getting the proper amount of sleep on a regular basis is essential, and we feel the effects when deprived. Sluggishness, dull thinking, irritability, and so on. My experience is pertinent here. Since my beloved Charlene was stricken and died shortly afterward, I have one of many results of acute grief: poor sleep. This affects decision making, coherence, writing, and so much more. A good night's sleep is rare for me. F

Raising a Child with his Chimpanzee Cousin

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a line in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy   that states , "Earthmen are not proud of their ancestors and never invite them round to dinner." Well, I never have my ancestors round to dinner either because they are dead. In context, Douglas Adams was referring to our alleged evolutionary cousins . No, you will not find it in the book. Adams was an atheist and an evolutionist, and he probably wrote the sequence showing a chimpanzee at a formal dinner party for the BBC series . So he probably meant cousins . Formal dining with a chimpanzee, made with Bing AI image generator , modified at PhotoFunia In " When a Child and a Chimp Were Raised Together ," Denyse O'Leary wrote about an experiment in 1931. A couple of married psychologists decided to raise their ten-month-old son and a seven-month-old female chimpanzee together. Whoa there a minute, Pard. Back in 1931, Sigmund Freud was held in high esteem and the field of psycholo

Further Refutation of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Several months ago, we examined how the Dunning-Kruger effect, frequent fodder for anti-Christian and anti-creationist remarks, has been debunked . You know the routine: A Christian makes a statement of fact and atheopaths talk to each other as if the Christian was not seeing it, saying he is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Or it is a direct insult. People who do this are not citing science. (More like they got it from the seventh planet.) The D-K effect took another hit. This time, from mathematics. Partially made at ImgFlip , plus a great deal of editing The key point for Dunning and Kruger was that people don't know that they don't know. This came from a use of statistics. In that peer-reviewed paper, those fellas did it wrong. Now it is refuted three ways. Something this child has enjoyed is showing misotheists who think they are smarter than they really are is that they are using an ad hominem  from fake science. It also illustrates how atheists and evolutionists

Irrelevant Elephant Domestication Research

People complain about the waste of money spent on the space program or things that are truly insipid done in the name of scientific research, but where is the outcry over constant efforts to prove evolution through vacuous reasoning? Somehow the alleged self-domestication of elephants (we touched on this recently ) is being taken seriously. Part of the problem is the thinking that we are all related, having evolved from a common ancestor. Elephants are wild animals, old son, and thinking we share some personality traits does not make them our relatives. Elephant reading a book, made with  Bing Image Generator * and enhanced This self-domestication of elephants thing is based on natural selection, but where is the evidence? Assertions, presuppositions, and storytelling, sure, but that's it. Then they apply the concept to human behavior and hope it will pan out in the future. But these evolutionists don't understand their hypothesis (and calling it a hypothesis is overreaching).

Replacing Religion with Evolutionary Psychology

There is no need for religion since we are moderun people, so it has no valid explanatory power. At least, that is the view of atheistic naturalists They suppress the truth of God (Rom. 1:18-23) and disparage a wrong definition of Christian faith. But they have their own faith. They turn science into the secular religion of Scientism , and descent with modifications evolution is a primary dogma. Secularists use religious trappings and even corrupt ideals they stole from Christianity. This is easily seen in evolutionary psychology . Creepy AI-generated Charles Darwin as a psychiatrist, made at Simplified Evolutionary game theory answers questions and solves problems, they think, so cooperation evolved. How do they know? Is that a good thing? Evolutionists also try to evaluate happiness, which is...truly bizarre since happiness is subjective. Joy in serving the Lord would probably short-circuit their minds. Another weird thing is to use weak thinking to say that the alleged self-domestic

That Sense of Awe

People are inclined to feel awe over many disparate things including music, expanses of nature, great buildings, and so on. Sometimes it can be overwhelming; I have been moved to tears by great classical pianists seeming to become one with a concerto — and showing joy in the process. People in groups seem to share a sense of unity when experiencing something awesome. Atheists may try to deny awe because it seems religious, but they feel it too. Indeed, many places in the Bible tell of people overwhelmed with awe when shown the glory of God. It seems that we are born that way. Bridal Veil Falls, Waikato, New Zealand, Flickr / Adam Campbell ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) The concept of awe has been difficult for scientists to define. They try to study it, but it is an intangible part of humanity like consciousness or the soul . (You don't see our alleged evolutionary cousins the apes staring at the night sky in awe — it is uniquely human , and we were created to have it.) But it is human nature

Evolutionary Psychology is Absurd

When people have mental health difficulties, it is often recommended that they see a psychologist. The largely discredited Sigmund Freud probably comes to mind, but there are many versions of psychology. They are all wrong. Talking to a therapist may help and whatever medication cocktail that is prescribed may benefit (even though they do not really know how those medicines work). Pretty much all kinds of psychology are based on atheistic materialism. The worst of the lot is evolutionary psychology . Psychologist, Pexels / Alex Green Give it some thought. They believe there is no God and presuppose evolution, then try to justify their malarky by building on a faulty foundation. Their philosophies and conjectures are fraught with contradictions. Do you want to trust you mental health to someone who believes in luck but has a nihilistic outlook on life? No Creator, no hope, no final justice or rewards, no joy. Some of the newest ideas are...truly bizarre. One tinhorn thinks that psychop

Schizophrenia, Materialism, and Psychology

In several posts over the years, we have seen that psychologists are struggling to understand the mind and the brain. (No, the brain is not  the mind — the mind uses  the brain.) There are numerous approaches to psychology, and they are based on evolution and atheistic materialism. There are many reasons to think that psychology is not actually a science at all, especially since it does not follow the same rules that are expected of the "hard" sciences. Psychologists do not understand mental illnesses such as borderline personality disorder , and schizophrenia is under scrutiny. Psychology puzzle, assembled from graphics at Openclipart  and with Paint.Net Schizophrenia is a large category and several other problems are under that umbrella. A very small percentage of the population is diagnosed with it, so that means there are also undiagnosed people trying to live their lives with that condition. Several possibilities for the cause are offered, but no one really knows. People

Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology

What is arguably the best job security for a secular scientist is something that has the word evolutionary  in the title. Those things are self-serving, requiring assumptions of Darwinism, then working from there in efforts to prop up evolution and do research that has no practical value. It is interesting that atheists sometimes say that Christianity does not allow free will, but they use theirs to reject God. Then they argue from their materialistic presuppositions and preach evolution — which means that we are all just animals responding to our electro-chemical impulses. Wolf pack, Unsplash / Thomas Bonometti What atheists and other evolutionists don't understand is that ought  or should  that can not be justified in their worldview. If an atheist complains that a Christian is doing something wrong (or creationists "lying" about evolution by presenting material that refutes it), they are appealing to a higher moral standard . By doing so, they are tacitly admitting tha

Understanding Mental Illness Confuses Psychologists

Once again, I will mention that I have had struggles with depression for many years. I gave up medications and therapists years ago because they were not all that necessary. In my case, and it seems true in other cases I have read, that continuing treatment is in the best interests of clinics, but not so much for the patients. They really do not know how the mind and brain work, and the reasons some medications have an effect are not completely understood. Pixabay / Beate Bachmann Some years ago, I read a definition of eccentric : someone crazy that's rich. Psychologists and psychiatrists make diagnoses, but their science is constantly changing. Add to that personal biases and cultural influences. Unlike operational science and even origins science, psychology has direct impact on people's lives. There are several models for what are considered mental health problems, and sometimes they are grouped together. These professionals are admitting that they don't know how to defi

The Defective Dunning-Kruger Effect

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, edited for clarity 2 November 2021  This material should come in handy — especially the featured article linked below. When defending Darwin, The Mighty Atheist™ online is reflexively confrontational. The content that put a burr under his saddle is not dealt with adequately, however. There are several common tactics that are used in their efforts to dehumanize Christians and creationists. (Do not expect civility from a misotheist, because that indicates you are a person.) Their  ad hominem  attacks involve "Poe's Law", "projection", and the Dunning-Kruger effect. Partially made at ImgFlip , plus a great deal of editing Although many who have Atheism Spectrum Disorder insist that they love science and want extraordinary evidence from creationists (which they promptly ignore), many accept internet parlance when it suits their purposes. We know that ridicule is usually their first course of action. (A newer trick on socialist media is when

Children are Wired Differently

Just like when we surprised people that science confirmed men and women are different , it may come as a surprise to some that there are stark differences between adults and children. Most people know that children are not miniature adults. If you study on it a spell, there are some things about the differences that are quite remarkable. They can do things adults cannot, with more enthusiasm and energy. The Master Engineer built differences into adults and children. Playing child photo from FreeDigital Images /  nenetus , modified at PhotoFunia Designers of artificial intelligence cannot build robots to learn like children. Also, kids generally can't sit down and muzzle up, focusing on one subject for a long period. That's adult stuff, but young'uns are taking in all sorts of information. Physically, their are able to hear sounds differently, have higher metabolisms, are born with more taste buds, and other differences. Kids are typically lighthearted, energetic, unaware of

Mentally Disturbed Social Darwinists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen First, a reminder that when people use the word  Darwinism today, it partly a convenience. Classical Darwinism was dying a few decades after it was set forth, but was changed and is now called the neo-Darwinian synthesis, modern evolutionary synthesis, and so on. When discussing origins, it is expected that people know what is being discussed when the words Darwinism and evolution are used.  Moving on. As shown previously, Darwinism is not just a biological theory, but a worldview. Social Darwinism  has been around almost as long as classical Darwinism, and applies survival of the fittest principles to societies. Mostly made at Atom Smasher It was popular in the last century, giving rise to eugenics , scientific racism , ruthless capitalism, and more. Karl Marx saw his economic and political views expressed in Darwinian natural selection . Take a look around at what is happening in the world today. A form of Marxism has been zombified and is walking around, co

Worthless Psychotherapy and Borderline Personality Disorder

Although Sigmund " Frood-dude " Freud tried to make psychotherapy into a science, it has very little to do with real science. Indeed, there are many schools of psychology, so if someone is told to "see a therapist", it could be any of several forms — several of which drew from Freud . Modern psychotherapy is actually dangerous, and labeling people with a condition can be quite harmful . There is a condition known as borderline personality disorder (BDP), but on the border of what is debated . Pexels / Alex Green Psychologists really don't know what's going on in their fundamentally-flawed Darwinian-based pseudoscience. There's almost an even chance that someone will improve over time. I've been open about my own struggles with depression, and that I was seeing therapists and taking medication. That's long past. Don't get me wrong, there are times when therapy is necessary, but to spend huge amounts of money for months and years is wasteful.