Fossil Leaves Problematic for Secular Scientists

We have seen many times that deep-time geology and universal common descent evolution have many serious challenges, but people still choose to believe them anyway. Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ patrol teh interwebs to screech at biblical creationists and throw propaganda links at us, telling us that everything is fine for evolution. Not hardly! It was bad enough for the hands at the Darwin Ranch to come up with rescuing devices for dinosaur soft tissues, DNA, and such. Now they have to contend with leaves of all things. Fossil leaves image credits: Original at Flickr / Bonnie Kirkwood ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia If you head out Idaho way and take the last train to Clarkia (actually, find Moscow and head northeast), you can visit the fossil beds and even dig some up for yourself (see some excellent pictures at this link ). This is actually exciting news for biblical creationists because, like dinosaur soft tissues, these leaves refute deep time up one side an...