
Showing posts with the label Podcast

Hoedown at the Darwin Ranch with Skull KNM–ER 1470

Seeing evolution where it ain't and making unfounded declarations can be hard work, especially with the stress of keeping that grant money rolling in. So the hands at the Darwin Ranch have the occasional hoedown featuring a Western square dance . They do it academically, of course, and sometimes they don't even know they're dancing. In the case of Skull KNM-ER 1470, it was more of a freestyle dance. Let's take a look-see down memory lane — and see how the pigs won the prize. Bow to your partner, bow to your corner. Images combined from clip art at Clker . In 1972, a skull was found in Kenya. As usual, the evolutionists hurried to claim that this was a transitional form between human and ape. Promenade right. But right from the get-go, there were disagreements about dating. One bit of evidence contradicts another bit of evidence. Promenade left. Radiometric dating was conflicted, so using evolutionary and long-age biases, they picked out the dates the preferred....

Audio Series: "God and Evolution" by Andrew McCaskill

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As regular readers may have noticed, an advantage to my data entry job is being able to listen to things. Rows of people in Cubicleland are plugged in to music, radios, audio books, and in my case, podcasts. I happened across this series called "God and Evolution" by Andrew McCaskill on Sermon Audio, and am pleased to share it with you. The lecture series is a mite longer than I usually share, what with being sixteen parts and all. But I reckoned it was important. It was presented April-September 2015 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Verona, Virginia . Mr. McCaskill isn't one of those yee-ha entertainment-driven teachers. Instead, he is soft-spoken and more concerned with delivering his content. You won't be overwhelmed with science, but there is some as well as serious theological content involved; Andrew show serious flaws in theistic evolution. Y'all know how I feel about that stuff . Andrew McCaskill has taught biology for sixteen ...

Viewing Dinosaurs and Logical Fallacies from the Bunker

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Lots of reading, listening, and viewing for you today. Derek Gilbert allowed me back on "A View from the Bunker" , and it was a combination of two main points. First, we discussed dinosaur soft tissues and other evidence that dinosaur fossils are not millions of years old. Next, we went into an area of special study of mine, logical fallacies . We had some fun, too. The logical fallacies are important so that Christians and creationists are not lassoed by atheists and anti-creationists, and learning about them carries over into other areas of life. I gave several examples from my own experience. Also, I mentioned my article on " Evolution and the New Atheo-Fascism ", which deals with some of the material. Many shows have a fair amount of "show prep" before recording. Not here, it just a little. I prepped myself beforehand, but didn't use my notes all that much. It was more of a free-flowing conversation. Different sh...

Video Podcast 21 — The False Dilemma Fallacy

I managed to keep this one under seven minutes. The False Dilemma Fallacy is used frequently. It is slightly misnamed, sometimes used unwittingly, but I have found that it is usually a cunning attempt to force someone to choose between two possibilities when there are really more than two.  One example that I forgot to include in the video and remembered after it was complete is often found on Facebook. People will post something along the lines of, "If you care about this problem, you will share this picture". It implies that you either care (demonstrated by sharing the thing) or that you do not care (by not sharing). Possibilities that were omitted include: You spotted the fallacy and will not participate even though you really do care about the issue Thinking that sharing does not help solve the problem Someone was busy and forgot to come back and share it. I've seen things related to this where someone says, "I'm updating my friend list, comment i...

Video Podcast 20 — Evolution, Atheopaths and Moral Standards

Atheism is an easy religion. Just say you don't believe. Standing up for the truth of the Bible is hard, and you will be persecuted. A 1987 song by Steve Taylor comes to mind, " Harder to Believe than Not To " (inspired by Flannery O'Connor). I like where it says, "Are you sturdy enough to move to the front? Is it nods of approval or the truth that you want? And if they call it a crutch, then you walk with pride, Your accusers have always been afraid to go outside" . Right! We take our stand for the truth, and atheopaths throw rocks from the safety of "I don't believe", yet consider themselves crusaders for "reason", even when they do not know how to use logic, nor do they have a source for a consistent moral standard. What about agnostics? I am convinced that many are atheists who want even less of a commitment, but they still throw rocks right along side the hatetheists. I still have hopes for those who are honestly seeking, ...

Audio-Video Podcast 19 — Equivocation and Definitions

Do not be alarmed. There are some expensive words in this one, but don't let those throw you. I only want you to learn one (and it's variations): Equivocation. It's a bait-and-switch trick used by atheists and evolutionists to "move the goalposts" and be deceitful. Bill Nye, Evolution Drones and others pull this stunt. Unfortunately, equivocation is very common, and even a part of humor. So, watch for it when someone is trying to manipulate you, and make an effort to avoid using it yourself. It is also extremely important to define your terms, as people have different understandings of the same word. Cultists and liberal Christians love to equivocate so they can deceive. Also, something different. Instead of the "Atheopath Follies", I did a "Religious People Follies" segment. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

Audio-Video Podcast 18 — Here I Come to Save the Day!

A Bill Nye the Propaganda Guy fanboy was acting like his hero and decided that he needed to set us st00pid dumb Xtians straight and heroically save "science" with his mighty intellect. One of his main objections is my statement that evolutionists do not do their homework. Ironically, he did not do his homework and helped prove my point! It seemed that he was grousing about "winning" arguments (I believe a lot of this kind of trolling is all about ego). Can't help you, I won't let someone declare a conclusion with faulty premises and bad reasoning. Like Nye, he was full of stuff and nonsense, but he exceeded Nye in non sequiturs and other logical fallacies. I took his diatribe apart, and showed that you can do this too. There were other fallacies I did not bother to address, but I think you will get the idea. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

Audio-Video Podcast 17 — Fallacies of Appeal to Authority and Appeal to Popularity

Back in action, and back to discussing informal logical fallacies. This time, we'll deal with the related fallacies of Appeal to Authority and Appeal to Popularity. Since people tend to think with their emotions rather than their minds, they fall prey to people who want to manipulate them through these tactics, added with appeal to ridicule, the genetic fallacy and others. But truth is not determined by consensus or popularity. The MP3 can be downloaded here .  

Audio-Video Podcast 16 — Ham, Nye and Errata

My shortest audio-video podcast ever. The MP3 can be downloaded here . Are you tired of videos? We had a lot going on in the past week, so I kept this short. That, and the fact that the one I had planned (and had started) was going to be dreadful. So, just a couple of comments about that Ken Ham - Bill Nye debate, a few other odds and ends, then back to work preparing for Question Evolution Day .

Audio-Video Podcast 14 — Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the Well is a surprisingly common informal logical fallacy. People will try to influence others before someone has a chance to be heard. It can include other fallacies such as the ad hominem ("to the man"), genetic (based on the source of information) and others. It is subtle and common, and frequently experienced. Libel, slander, idle gossip and so on all can lead to poisoning the well. Atheopaths, anti-creationists and other assorted trolls use this attempt at manipulation as a matter of course. The MP3 can be downloaded here .

Audio-Video Podcast 13 — Insufficient Evidence

The MP3 can be downloaded here . People tend to "fill in the blanks" in their minds when they do not have enough material to reach a conclusion. That is just human nature. In the case of evolutionary science, however, evidence that is contrary to goo-to-you evolution is often ignored or even actively suppressed. That is manipulation and keeps people from examining all the facts. An article on insufficient/suppressed evidence is here . A video was described in the podcast video, that appears below, just before the podcast.

Audio-Video Podcast 12 — Atheopath Proves Us Right!

An atheopath attacked changed my plans. Got up this morning with the full intention of giving another talk about one of several informal logical fallacies that I've been wanting to present. Instead, we had vapid mail. The third annual Question Evolution Day is coming February 12, and this bastion of logic inadvertently proves us right. It's amazing how rocket surgeons like this think they're so frightfully clever, but it's easy to dismantle what passes for logic on their home world. This episode has an extended version of the "Atheopath Follies". The MP3 version is available to download here . Before I show you the video, I want to tell you that Jimmy Cretin came back and tried again:

Audio-Video Podcast 11 — Thanks to Atheists and Evolutionists!

The MP3 version can be downloaded here . Taking a break from the informal logical fallacies. It's time to thank the haters for their assistance! Most criticisms are emotional and childish. But what do you do when there's a grain of truth to them? Learn from them! For me, they have helped me to sharpen my arguments, repent of my misuse of images and find better ones, and more.

Audio-Video Podcast 10 — Appeal to Motive Fallacy

The "Appeal to Motive" Fallacy (a form of the "Circumstantial Ad Hominem" is considered. People pretend that they know why someone makes certain statements, holds a particular view or takes a course of action. But this is just an attempt to attack the person and avoid the topic. The MP3 version can be downloaded here .

Audio-Video Podcast 9 — The Straw Man Fallacy

The last podcast before Christmas! It's just under eight minutes, many of us are busy this time of year, no need to be lengthy. Continuing our series on informal logical fallacies, we examine and give examples (two, in the Atheopath Follies) of the "Straw Man Fallacy". The MP3 version can be downloaded here .   The straw man is a favorite among evolutionists and atheists, but is actually just a distraction. Don't fall for it. Be better than they are.  Apologies for the replacement microphone. I'll have to replace the replacement, this one makes it sound like I have a cold.

Audio-Video Podcast 8 — Fallacies of Assertion and Prejudicial Conjecture

Another attempt at manipulation is to use the Fallacy of Assertion, as well as Prejudicial Conjecture. They are very similar, and rather sneaky. Also includes another edition of the Atheopath Follies. The MP3 version can be downloaded here .

Audio-Video Podcast 7 — The Genetic Fallacy

The MP3 version can be downloaded here . I had a bit of fun with this one, so I hope it's both entertaining and informative. The Genetic Fallacy is far too common among evolutionists and atheists, and is a bad excuse to avoid actually examining the evidence that is presented. It is also an excuse to approve of something (similar to the "Appeal to Authority" fallacy). But there are times it is not actually a fallacy...

Audio-Video Podcast 6 — The Ad Hominem Fallacy

You can download the MP3 version of the podcast here . The ad hominem  fallacy seems to be the most common. It is attacking the person instead of the topic. This is very easy to do, especially when someone throws down and indicates that they are not interested in rational discourse, they simply want to negate whatever you have to say with a distraction of insulting you instead of dealing with the discussion at hand. Edit: He kept at it. Some people do not learn.

Audio-Video Podcast 5 — Don't Fear the Fallacy

The MP3 version of the podcast can be downloaded here . As promised (threatened?), I'm beginning the series on logical fallacies with an introduction and an overview. There is no need for people to be intimidated by an aggressive evolutionist and/or atheist who wants to destroy your faith. Just learn a bit about logical fallacies and you can realize when you're being taken for a ride.  In an online discussion, a friend made this comment to me: "There is a perfectly logical explanation for the skeptics' double standard and blindness. They have not only their own heart's rebellion, but a powerful blinding force from outside. Our job is to pray they be released to find life and joy." Also includes another edition of the "Atheopath Follies". Plus a bonus video below about how to do an argument!

Audio-Video Podcast 4 — Emotions and Rational Thought

Since people today "think" more with their emotions than with their minds, they tend to be easy prey for those who want to manipulate and control them. Biblical creationists (and Christians in general) need to watch for trickery. More importantly, we need to be careful not to go beyond motivation and into manipulation. Also includes another edition of the Atheopath Follies. The MP3 version of the podcast can be downloaded here .