
Showing posts with the label Physics

Light Learning for Engineers from Animals

Biomimetics is where humans imitate characteristics of nature for their own benefit, so here are two examples. Indeed, if scientists who learn from creation were not such materialists, they might use Bible verses like Psalm 104:25-26 and  Job 12:7-8 as inspiration. Using the night  setting on my camera, instructions are given to stay still because the exposure is several seconds instead of the usual fraction of a second. The human eye (an inspiration for a researcher) does the opposite: It has constant tiny movements. His results were surprising when he imitated these movements. Prism effect, Flickr / Ian Mackenzie ( CC BY 2.0 ) The researcher programmed robot cameras with the small motions like the human eye. It seems like they would be blurry, but he obtained sharper images! In other news giant clams may have an impact on solar panels. Algae grow a certain way on the shells, and this helps the clams get the light they need. Their light collection strategy is more efficient by far t

Big Bang Demise and the Doppler Model

Back in 1929, Edwin Hubble realized that the farthest galaxies had a redshift in the spectrums, and those also had the greatest redshifts. That became known as the Hubble Law , and was the beginning of what became the Big Bang origin of the universe story. Based on assumptions and speculations, secular cosmologists and cosmoginists did the math and expected evidence for the Big Bang in the Hubble telescope. It did not happen. The James Webb Space Telescope was built to be bigger and better — perhaps too good for their purposes. Phantom Galaxy M74, Flickr / James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 ) Amazing photographs were produced (but what we see is adjusted because the JWST works in the infrared). Secularists were alarmed because images were not comporting with the Big Bang tale . Worse, information actually supported biblical creationist predictions . The difficulties are compounding for the frequently-Frankensteined Big Bang, which should have been abandoned long ago. Hubble's

The Moon Io Continues to Thwart Deep Time

It is obviously human nature to want to know things. A wagon train-load of grotzits has been spent on space exploration even before rockets went up yonder. Telescopes, bigger and better telescopes, telescopes in space — not enough, people want to go and look. Cameras, telescopes, and communications equipment were loaded onto various space probes. Sending humans were just not feasible, so that was the next best thing. Jupiter and its moons have had several visitors from here: Pioneer , V'ger  (I mean, Voyager ), and others have shown Jupiter's moon Io to be recalcitrant to deep-time beliefs. Infrared view of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io, NASA / JPL et al. It has been known for quite some time that Io is volcanically active, which should not happen if it was billions of years old. The Juno mission showed further images of volcanic activity. Secularists are attempting rescuing devices to explain what is observed, including how it spews lava, reconsumes it, and do it again hundreds

Scientists Doubting Big Bang Principles

When a theory or hypothesis is presented, it is reasonable to expect supporting evidence to be displayed as well. Predictions are often made. Scientists are supposed to do that sort of thing. Unfortunately for science, poor reasoning and incomplete procedures are all too common. We have seen that the Big Bang as an explanation for the origin of the universe has been Frankensteined so much that it has little resemblance to Grandfather's Big Bang model of the 1930s. At least, the original had superficial plausibility. Recently, cosmologists attended a conference, doubting fundamental principles of the source of cosmic evolution. The Passion of Creation with JWST image from NASA , both modified According to secular scientists,  homogeneity is expected, meaning a certain degree of sameness regarding the spreading of energy and matter. Ain't happening, Zeke. There are structures of sorts in the universe, such as the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall of galaxies. Things like tha

The 2024 Solar Eclipse and Divine Judgment

Posts and articles here will be sporadic for a few days or weeks until things get more under control. People are totally (heh!) excited about the February 8, 2024 solar eclipse, even more so than they were in 2017. Scientists can make observations, make predictions, test equipment, and so on. I'm happy for them. This one will be a bit different than the last one . It is not just for scientists, either. Just two days ago at church, I was talking with a couple of ladies who have friends in the area of totality. They are taking a trip there. Also, I saw people asking a worker at a big box store if they had the eclipse glasses. Get ISO 12312-2 from a reputable dealer to be safe . So I was surprised to hear that God's judgment on the formerly United States is part of the festivities. Total solar eclipse 2017, NASA / Aubrey Gemignani (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Bluntly, these people who see "signs" and "prophecy fulfillment" are embarras

Creation, Evolution, and Thermodynamics

Centuries ago, I was new to discussing origins and showing problems with particles-to-pilot evolution. When I said in a discussion that evolution defies the second law of thermodynamics, the other guy wondered why I was making a reference to energy and engines. The second law of thermodynamics was developed and used to discuss heat and engines, but the bigger picture is that everything tends to go from order to disorder (entropy). Both creationists and evolutionists use — and misuse — thermodynamics. Rusty car in field, Pixabay / Siggy Nowak People get sidetracked and bogged down on whether or not entropy applies because of whether or not an open or closed system is involved. Some of Darwin's disciples on the internet try to use open or closed systems as a defense against entropy, but many have no idea what they are talking about and contradict each other. If energy is coming in, entropy is negated. Sure, that's why we drop off wrecked cars in the field and expect the energy fr

Alien Visitations, Star Trek, and Science

Science fiction encompasses a wide range of topics, some with very little science, others use a great deal. Many stories have been made that were given different locations and times that could easily have been transplanted Westerns and so forth; it is versatile. Partaking in science fiction requires a substantial amount of the suspension of disbelief (accepting unlikely or impossible things so a story can be enjoyed). Some science fiction makes up principles or inventions on the fly, but others try to use real or plausible science in their stories. It is also a format for speculation on morality and ethics. Warp Speed, Pixabay / Samkh Star Trek required suspending disbelief quite a bit, but much of their science fiction was just plausible enough. It was also hardcore atheistic and evolutionary propaganda, as I discussed in " Straw Man Trek ." "Yeah, Cowboy Bob! Why are we talking about science fiction and Star Trek?" Science fiction helps people become more inquisi

Fundamentally Flawed Secular Cosmology

Mistakes are made in various fields of science, which is to be expected by realistic people. Scientists try to correct them, but some try to cover them up or invent rescuing devices. In historical sciences like biological and cosmic evolution, scientists tend to wrong quite frequently. Regular readers have seen examples of failed predictions in cosmology and unexpected signs of youth  in the universe. There are a few secularists who admit their problems — even the big ones — to their lapdog press. Nebula W51, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Materialists deny the Creator and formulate their own creation mythology; it's who they are and what they do. Many scientists get mighty uppity and pretend they have things figured out. It's rather startling when they admit to being wrong. (They've not been humbled enough to give God credit, but it's a start.) Some admit that observations of galaxies make them think that the standard model of

Downward Spiral of Secular Cosmology

We have seen that, according to the expectations of secular cosmologists, the universe does not act its age. Expected antiquity is absent, and celestial bodies in our own solar system show activity that should not be happening. The bigger picture of the universe is also troubling to cosmic evolution. Earth orbits the sun, a well-behaved star in a galaxy with billions of its closest friends. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. It is part of a larger group and...things just keep getting bigger. Barred spiral galaxies (like ours is thought to be) are another problem for secular scientists. Hubble image of barred spiral galaxy, NASA , ESA, et al  (usage does not imply endorsement) (modified at PhotoFunia ) It's that pesky James Webb Space Telescope contraption again. Secularists put that thing up there to confirm their biases about the Big Bang and the age of the universe, and they may very well be having some regrets. Spiral galaxies, expanding universe — okay, fine. But according to

Further Fizzles of the Big Bang

The Big Bang and cosmic evolution are thought by some to be as important as descent-with-modification biological evolution. Both have their problems, and with advances in technology, those problems become glaring. Indeed, more difficulties are found. It infuriates evolutionists when their belief system is called a death cult, but study on it a spell. In biology, death of organisms is necessary for life to advance. In cosmology, the death of stars (which were never actually alive) is necessary for the evolution of the universe. So where are the supernova remnants? Supernova RCW 86 remnants, X-ray: NASA et al; Infrared [spelling corrected] NASA et al, usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Skipping many details here, but the Big Bang supposedly provided the materials necessary to build the universe. Stars and galaxies formed, stars forged heavier elements, big stars went supernova and spread the materials, other stars formed. Atheopaths say that we  are stardust. Lawrence Kra

Cosmologists Dancing in the Dark Energy and Matter

There is a common amazed joke about how forecasters can claim to predict climatic conditions decades in the future, but are wrong about the weather three days hence — and still keep their jobs. What is baffling to this child is how believers in cosmic and other forms of evolution can also be wrong so much and still be employed. Dark matter is supposed to comprise most of the universe, but its existence is occasionally inferred. In 2006, it was alleged is was proven, but that was not so . No real evidence has been found for dark matter and dark energy, but cosmologists still get paid. Peasants dancing image from Library of Congress , background removed , modified, public domain So many years after each of the darks has been alleged to exist, efforts to find anything substantial have failed. Cosmic evolutionists are dancing around the problems by claiming to be excited about their deficiencies (something we have often seen from biological evolutionists), and dancing with joy because they

The Folly of a Tranquil Genesis Flood

There are professing Christians that cannot accept the book of Genesis as written, so they insert huge amounts of time between the first two verses of Genesis , say that the creation account was a "framework" , and more. Why these jaspers feel the need to add atheistic interpretations of geology to the Word of God is baffling. It seems that some people grab onto practically anything, no matter how silly, if it makes them feel better. How about a Flood that did not disturb anything? No torrential waters, no flood deposition (which biblical creationists have abundantly documented), but it was tranquil . Leaf floating in water, Pexels / Mathias Reding The theological aspects of a tranquil Flood are easily dispensed by looking at both the Old and New Testaments. Let's consider the physical. Granted, there was not a passel of physics and hydrology back when the idea was proposed like we have today. Even so, it should have been laughed away. Such an amount of water leaving no m

Creation and the Fine-Structure Constant

Mathematicians are obviously fond of numbers, but some are exceptionally intriguing to them. A few have been discovered in comparatively recent times. In nature and architecture there is the Golden Ratio , and physics has a passel of constants that physicists wrestle over. Theoretical physicists have long been puzzled by the unsolvable fine-structure constant . This bad boy makes appearances in many areas of physics, and apparently relates to charged particles and the electromagnetic force. If it were different, life would not be possible! Expression of fine-line constant according to Bing AI image generator Secular scientists have no idea of the source for the fine-structure constant. That, and its importance to life, are two probable reasons that this number becomes an obsession for some quantum mechanics physicists. It even sets the size of atoms! The fine-structure constant is so important and unique, it is clearly an example of the Creator's genius. The job of physicists is to

Blue Sky, Red Sky

Hammond Suisse and I were out riding out of town on Folly Road, then noticed Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). It was getting late in the day, and we saw the red sun reflecting in the water. He mentioned that he read " Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere ." We got to jawing about the article that was linked in that post. While we both understand a little bit about light scattering to make the sky blue, we are unskilled in knowing why the atmosphere is blue, but then has those other colors early and late in the day. The Sunrize in Feodosiya , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1855 Our Creator designed our atmosphere to sustain life, and he apparently made the laws of physics so that the atmosphere itself is enjoyable. The material mentioned above provided a brief discussion about the colors of the sky, but not everyone gets why there is a variation in the colors in the evening and morning, but is pretty much the same during daylight hours. Someone wrote in to Creat

Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere

There are many things about Earth that make it stand out from the competition. The stellar neighbors are far enough away so their antics of giving deadly radiation bursts do not bother us, and our own sun is well-behaved . Indeed, even the planets keep the solar system in balance . Our Creator has given us things of beauty and order for our pleasure, and they also reflect his nature. The atmosphere of Earth is obviously supports life, including colors and displays that are simply amazing. 747 Solar Glory, Wikimedia Commons / Brocken Inaglory ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) You like rainbows, and those less common double rainbows? Same here. There are seven colors discernable to the eye, but the spectrum is actually far more complex . How about a circular rainbow ? Then there's something that has several names, one of which is glory . It has similarities to a rainbow, but is different in composition. A glory can manifest around objects and even the shadows of people, but special conditions invol

Round Electrons Refute the Big Bang

It may seem counterintuitive, but the Big Bang and all those studies of the vast universe involve the tiniest particles. The Big Bang has been Frankensteined over the years and has little resemblance to the original, but all those rescuing devices do not hold up — and even work against it. Indeed, several years ago some physicists were experiencing cognitive dissonance when they said that the universe should not even exist . In addition, there are different kinds of particles comprising parts of an atom, including opposite antimatter versions . Big Bang abstract, Pixabay / Geralt (Gerd Altmann), modified at PhotoFunia Good science in particle physics works against Big Bang cosmogony. Like a relationship status on some social(ist) media: "It's complicated." If the Big Bang were true, there are certain asymmetries that should be detected way down at the subatomic level. Electrons are too perfectly round. Science supports creation (which secular scientists will not admit),

The James Webb Space Telescope and Exoplanets

Hands at the Darwin Ranch over at Deception Pass are excited about how the James Webb Space Telescope is checking out exoplanets: that means evolution. This great and expensive accomplishment is getting some great views of the heavens, but the main goal is to find extraterrestrial life. If there is life, it must have evolved, right. Not hardly! So far, however, it has inadvertently supported creation science predictions instead of materialistic views. Sort of causing secular views rapid unscheduled disassembly... Extrasolar planets are plentiful , but unsuitable for life. Mayhaps the JWST will provide more information. HD 149026b (Smertrios), NASA / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle (SSC) (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Despite the artwork, nobody really knows what these planets look like. One listed as HD 149026b is also called Smertrios, after a character that eventually merged with the Roman god of war. It is one of those "hot Jupiters", big and unpleasant. Smert

Failed Predictions and Planetary Formation Theories

Some time after the Big Bang, solar systems formed all over the cosmos. Science does not support any of the solar system formation theories. The nebular hypothesis  is the best of the worst , so secularist keep it on the mantelpiece to show off when company stops by. Like biological evolution, cosmic evolution has a wagon train-load of problems. Just-So Stories are told and adjusted. Oceana is at war with Eur asia and the war with East asia must be won; switch it up without missing a beat and the unthinking public does not notice. NASA /  Jenny Mottar  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists make mistakes and correct them, we get that. But that idea not something that can be used as a place of refuge when predictions are made and observations are recalcitrant toward expectations. There's a great need for humility in the secular science industry. Instead, they pretend to be excited when data refutes their presuppositions. Secularists also stretch, squeeze, pl