Lunar Magnetic Field Problematic for Deep Time

No need to head for deep space to trouble believers in cosmic evolution, just look up about 238,800 miles (384,400 km). We saw how they have difficulties with the rate the moon recedes from the earth, and how it formed in the first place. There is also the moon's magnetic field. No, there is none there now. But those bags of nice expensive rocks that the Apollo astronauts (and other robotic missions) brought to Earth showed that there was a lunar magnetic field in the past. The secular science industry finds that troubling. Moon core cutaway (original image NASA, PD ) with folded generator (WikiComm / Herbert Ortner , CC BY 4.0 )* Scientists have some guesses about what causes the magnetic fields of Earth and other planets, the most popular of which is a dynamo hypothesis. It is a case of, "We got nuffin, but this is better than admitting recent creation." Indeed, the dynamo (or generator) hypothesis even violates laws of physics — yet secularists think the moon had o...