
Showing posts with the label Paleontology

Non-Evolution of Bat Limbs and Wings Causes Surprise

One way Darwin's disciples evosplain common traits in unrelated creatures is to invoke convergent evolution , which is lazy and convenient. Study on it a moment. Evolutionists cannot explain a trait, so they distract the issue by claiming it evolved in other critters also. No evidence, though. This was fecklessly about the wings of birds and bats. Powered flight for both is displayed in the fossil record, and despite the efforts of Darwinists, bats have always been bats . This is what creationists have said all along. Now additional news surprises evolutionists. Wing-stretched bat,  Department of the Interior / USGS   (PD, Usage does not imply endorsement) It was wondered why there are flightless birds but no flightless bats. Apparently it is because their limbs and membranes are pretty much united. Wings on both creatures exhibit specified complexity. To believe that they are the products of time, mutations, natural selection, random processes — that's a passel of faith in ...

Crocodilian Fossil at the Jurassic Coast

Crocodilians, thalattosuchians, crocodylomorphs — different words, and the distinctions clutter the discussion. I will stick with crocodilian. Darwin's disciples are excited about a fossil for one of these critters. but it throws off their evolutionary storyline. The tale is that a land animal with four limbs in the Triassic period changed into crocodilians. There was enough of the new discovery available for scientists to identify it and give it a name: Turnersuchus hingleyae . They say it is the only thalattocuchian from its geologic age. Jurassic Coast of England, Flickr / Liam Eldret ( CC BY 2.0 ) There are some interesting speculations about  T. hingleyae , including how its skull indicates that it could bite quickly and powerfully. A suggestion was made that it was a live bearer instead of egg layer, but there is no evidence to support this. Evolutionary speculation without evidence? Say it isn't so! Vertebrate fossils of land-dwelling creatures have also been found in ...

Of Hippopotamuses, England, and the Flood

While there were other hippopotamuses long ago, there are only two kinds left: the pygmy and the river. Interesting contrast, as the river hippo makes its home in the Nile. It is the third largest land animal and very dangerous. They are also fragile. To modify a line from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy , Hippopotamuses glide through water in much the same way that bricks don't. Water temperature must be just right, and no salt, either. So how did they get to merrie olde England? Dining hippopotamus, Pixabay / Petar Ubiparip Since they cannot fit through the doors of mass transit and they cannot operate motor vehicles, they must have walked. But Cowboy Bob, England isn't very merry and it's surrounded by water! Well, Ireland and Britain are islands now , but there was a time when the areas were accessible by foot. This involves the Ice Age that was the result of the Genesis Flood. (People have some wrong ideas about the Ice Age, such as many of them in the past an...

Evolution and Bird Brains

A possible missing link for bird evolution had been proposed, and the hands at the Darwin Ranch were all a-twitter. Indeed, they were celebrating so loudly, they could be heard all the way to Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). But there was little reason for it. Consider that if universal common ancestor evolution were true, scientists would practically be tripping over the multitude of transitional forms. Instead, they are happy when they find a few possibilities. This bird skull find is packed with weasel words and dubious reasoning. Suspicious ostrich is suspicious, Pexels / Adriaan Greyling (modified, also used ImgFlip ) Several basic concepts have been neglected. A larger brain does not guarantee more cognitive ability. This bad boy is supposed to fit between Archaeopteryx  (a true bird) and modern birds, but birds have different sized skulls. Consider that the ostrich skull has a typical length of  almost 19 cm. (7.4 in.) and a house sparrow runs 2-1/2 cm...

New Discoveries about Neanderthals

Here is a fun fact: The Neanderthal valley was renamed in the 19th century for theologian Joachim Neander, who also wrote the hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation." Interesting that a supposed evolutionary ancestor of humans was discovered in "his" valley. There is a prairie schooner-full of information showing that the Neanderthal people were fully human . Many of us have Neanderthal DNA. Information supporting their humanness keeps pouring in. A new bit of research was quite interesting and also puzzling to evolutionists. Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / WikiComm /  Bacon CPH  (now deleted) ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at  PhotoFunia Apparently these bad boys were built for speed. Not marathons, but sprinting. They were considered slow brutes and adapted for extreme cold of the Ice Age in earlier years. Well, even the Ice Age climate there gets a rethink because not as many areas were in the deep freeze as previously thought. Genetics show that...

Complex Life Fossils Baffle Evolutionists

Al Buehterawl of the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass (not the one in the state of Washington, by the way) was on the prod . He was complaining to Russell Watchtower of the Ministry of Truth about a fossil discovery. Russell looked at him and then me and exclaimed, "I have to rewrite textbooks yet again!" While scientists have to do research and they make discoveries and reassessments, writing papers and rewriting material is inevitable. It gets far more frequent for evolutionists because they have assumptions based on a fundamentally flawed worldview. Pyritized macrofossils, WikiComm / El Albani A, Bengtson S, et al . ( CC BY 3.0 ) Several of Darwin's disciples have said there are no fossils in the wrong places. If there were, it would overturn evolution. Fossils have been found in the wrong places (according to their reckoning) many times, so excuses are made and rescuing devices are employed. There are some evolutionists who admit that out-of-order fossils exist, howev...

Penguin Wing Evolution Story Fails

Time and time again, proponents of descent with modifications are presented with fossils of creatures that show no appreciable change between then and now. Some evolutionists admit that they walk by by faith, not by sight. The thought of admitting there is a Creator makes them squirm. There are seventeen accepted species of penguins. Despite common ideas, they are not confined to Antarctica, but are found in diverse places such as southern Africa, the Galápagos, and more. They vary in size with the smallest being the blue (little, fairy) penguin at thirteen inches (33 cm). Blue penguin, Flickr / Laurens ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) A few fossil fragments about the size of the blue penguin were found. It could be considered an eighteenth species. Although this child is suspicious of the amount of information that can be deduced from a few fossils because big mistakes have been made, scientists are telling us that the new fossil ( Pakudyptes ) shows the wings were like those of modern penguins ...

Another Strike Against Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution

One crisp autumn day, I was riding out Folly Road past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). Riding down from the Darwin Ranch was Al Buehterawl. We reined in and commenced to jawing. Eventually the subject turned to birds supposedly evolving from dinosaurs. He knows full well that I oppose the idea that dinosaurs evolved into birds. When I pointed out that birds existed at the time of dinosaurs and museums are deceptive about this fact , Al Buehterawl took a deep breath and moved the goalposts with, "They were primitive  birds." Owl, Pexels / Simon Rizzi Darwinists are often deceptive. That's right, I said it!  Most (but not all) evolutionists believe that dinosaurs evolved from birds, treating it like an established fact despite contrary evidence. Their terminology is changing, referring to some reptiles as "non-avian dinosaurs" as a way of reinforcing their belief. For that matter, calling something "primitive" means less evolved, whic...

Explaining Fossil Dinosaur Eggs, Tracks, and More

Theories, models, worldviews, and other things need to be internally consistent. Atheism fails in this regard and is unliveable, so  professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-19) have to stand on the biblical worldview. Likewise, believers in particles-to-paleontologist evolution often need to borrow from biblical creation science. A student who claimed to believe the Bible lost faith because of fossil dinosaur footprints. He couldn't imagine  a global Flood allowing for footprints. Problem is, he did not check for that internal consistency in creationist models, so he made assumptions instead of doing his homework. Dinosaur tracks at Jurassic Moenave Formation, US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) I'll allow that it's still something to consider. A flood is a busy time, especially when it's global in scale. Checking on creation models of the Genesis Flood shows a specific model that does a good job of explaining tracks, eggs, scavenging (they...

La Brea Tar Pits and the Genesis Flood

Near Los Angeles (translation: the angels) was an area known as Rancho La Brea  ( la brea  translation: the pitch, or, the tar), and a part of that became Hancock Park. Savvy readers know that it is the location of the famous La Brea Tar Pits. Much research has been done regarding this natural asphalt. The story goes that animals would get trapped by the tar and cry out in distress, attracting predators who would also get trapped. That tale is popular but the reality is quite different. Indeed, there are reasons to doubt current speculations. Mastodon display at La Brea Tar Pits, Flickr / Ingrid Richter ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Study on it a spell. Thousands of fossils recovered from La Brea, many of large plant eaters and carnivores. If those were trapped and pulled down, wouldn't the bones be together? In fact, most skeletons are disarticulated (spread out). Biblical creationists agree with secular scientists that the area shows massive flooding, but creationis...

Ape Fossils Found in Wrong Places

It is interesting that Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media tend to show ignorance of their own belief system, or mayhaps they try to steamroll over creationist opponents with hot air. Some have claimed that there are no fossils out of order — which would be news to secular scientists. There are many fossils and artifacts in what evolutionists would consider wrong places, which has caused them no small amount of embarrassment. Still, they cling to their uniformitarian views because the alternative (special creation) is anathema. Monkey fossils are causing loyal evolutionists consternation. Spider monkeys, Wikimedia Commons / Bernard Spragg ( PD ) Both creationists and evolutionists try to work out biogeography — how did that  get over there ? The monkeys in question were found in South America. Fine, nice weather, plenty of things to climb on and play with. But there are no fossils of their ancestors. They seem to have come from Africa. How, prithee? Although secularists laughed...

Logic Getting Worse in Evolutionism

As discussed here many times, believers in descent with modifications tend to use horrendous reasoning in their papers. (Lapdog popular science journalists often makes things worse .) Researchers are prone to offering an explanation with insufficient evidence for something observed but excluding other possibilities. Evolution is a given, treated as a fact or even a law . They exclude Intelligent Design and especially biblical creation even though evidence support those explanations. If an organism exists, it must have evolved through atheistic materialism — which strikes this child as begging the question . Not only do materialists get away with using bad logic in their presentations, the problem is getting worse. Nobody cares. Evolution doesn't care (study on those last three words and see what I just did). Consider how the Pauli Exclusion is used as a rescuing device for dinosaur soft tissues , which is...truly bizarre. One recent example of fake science logic involves the coela...

More Dinosaur Tissue Fake Science

The fact that soft tissues in dinosaur bones has been found is a serious problem for evolutionists, and they know it. Papa Darwin depends on deep time, so the secular science industry presents fake science to take the tear out of Darwin's eye. Desperately devoted evolutionists online show dishonesty, ignorance, or something else when they try to wave off soft tissues (It was a fluke or two? Nope.) There are many examples of soft tissues that are public knowledge. The latest attempt by secularists is to make collagen last millions of years. Triceratops at the Dinosaur Journey Museum , US Dept of Transportation /  aschweigert   (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The disingenuous science here is that researchers did not actually test stuff, but yee haw boy howdy! It sure does look good on paper. Also, review of the work seems to have been a festival of bias confirmation, no contrary views (especially from those yucky creationists) would be considered. That is ind...

New Fossil Bats, Still No Evolution

In the Southwestern United States, there is a place popular with geologists and paleontologists called the Green River Formation . There are several rivers and tributaries called Green River, and this area is a tributary of the Colorado River. The formation and basins include several states. Since so much research is done in the formation, it is not surprising to get news from there. What may have been surprising to secular scientists is how the new bat fossils they discovered gave no clues to an alleged evolutionary ancestor of bats. Since secularists don't play the hand they're dealt, they reshuffle and deal from the bottom of the deck. In this case, the unevolving bat fossils did not fit their paradigm, so they tacked on two million years to bad origins. Sure, why not? If it helps keep the story going and avoid the fact of recent creation by the God of the Bible, they'll find ways. The Green River Formation is also interesting because of varves (thin layers of sediment)....

Hobbit Continues to Trouble Evolutionists

Actually, Hobbit is a nickname for a clan of vertically impaired humans classified as  Homo floresiensis . Fossils were discovered several years ago and scientists came up with ideas as to why they were so small. There is a range of human height, of course, but to exceed that in either direction involves illnesses or conditions. Of course, secular scientists were looking for an angle to promote their precious evolution. Were they even human ? The evolution connection remains elusive, even to imaginative scientists that infest the secular science industry. Homo floresiensis , Flickr / Ryan Somma ( CC BY 2.0 ), cropped It was thought that  island dwarfism  was an explanation for their small stature. This is where creatures who are forced to live on an island have diminutive offspring. It is actually beneficial. However, it had never been observed in humans. Now it is thought to be the most likely explanation. The fossil Hobbit was about half the height of the average Europ...

Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution Refuted by Breathing?

It is considered a fact by many evolutionists that dinosaurs evolved into birds, so that canned chicken in my pantry is actually evolved dinosaur. As baryon-to-bird evolution is dogma in the secular science industry, dissenters are downplayed. The same happens to dinosaur-to-bird evolution deniers. As seen in " Non-Science in Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution ," there are numerous problems with those stories. Indeed, serious scientific difficulties should have stopped the concept right away. Many scientists believe despite  the evidence. One major problem is that birds and reptiles breathe differently. Confuciusornis , Flickr / paleobear ( CC BY 2.0 ) Reptiles, many animals, humans all breathe with a bellows (draw in, push out) style, although they are not all designed alike. Birds have more of a flow-through system. That means dinosaurs would have had to evolve countless transitions — any of which would have been stopped by natural selection, so evolution could not happen. Lung sy...

Fossil Discoveries Fit Creationist Expectations

Descent with modifications evolution maintains that, biologically speaking, all life forms go back to a common ancestor. The claims of evolutionists should be verified in living things today as well as through the fossil record; there should be an uncountable number of transitional forms. Biblical creationists reject evolution partly through lack of evidence. While they believe in speciation, diversity, and the biblical kinds (similar to the family level in modern reckoning), they maintain that there are no transitional forms in the fossil record. Aerodactylus scolopaciceps  with soft tissue, Wikimedia Commons /  Steven U. Vidovic, David M. Martill  ( CC BY 2.5 ) What in the wild world of paleontology is a-goin' on here? Some recent examples show why creationists are not surprised because the discoveries fit their expectations. Secular reckoning has sharks as ancient critters, and a small group suddenly appeared in the fossil record. No evolution. A web-spinning spider a...

A New Ankylosaur and the Genesis Flood

Off the southern edge of England, in the English Channel, lies the Isle of Wight. It is known for landscapes, chalk, and geological features, so the locals were probably not overly surprised to learn that a new ankylosaur was discovered there. Ankylosaurs were herbivores. These critters looked like turtles gone wrong, what with all that armor and all. One curiosity is that they are usually found fossilized on their backs . Also, like other creatures of that time, evolution is assumed but there is no evidence of it. Edmontonia rugosidens, Wikimedia Commons / Mariana Ruiz (PD) The way they were buried in sediment is a curiosity to secular scientists, and they have some ideas that do not pass the sniff test. So many ankylosaurs were clumsy, fell into rivers and floated out to sea where they were buried? This child lacks belief that such an idea is plausible. Indeed, the more reasonable explanation (although streng verboten  among Darwin's acolytes) is the mechanisms of the global Gen...

Nevada Crocodile Fossil and Opposing Models

When the hand one is dealt is not playing well, cheat. After all, secular scientists seem to be doing that more and more. One example is the definition of archosaur . It has certain physical characteristics and includes crocodilians, dinosaurs, pterosaurs — and birds. Quite a broad category, and includes the tendentious assumption  that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Evidence and logic differ about that last part. A new fossil pseudosuchian (expensive word for crocodile) species was discovered in Nevada. That is counterintuitive, since those critters do not live so far inland. Crocodile, Pixnio /  Steve Hillebrand , USFWS Another species? That's nice. That also fits with biblical creation science models. Of course, like the assumption that birds evolved from dinosaurs and are related to archosaurs, secular scientists assume that crocodiles evolved even though there is no evidence of it. They also have to deal with the location of this one, as well as mixtures of organisms fossi...

Trilobites Still Trying to Evolutionists

People who have read material or watched videos about fossils have invariably come across trilobites, since there was a passel of them. They are associated with the Cambrian Explosion , where way down yonder in the Cambrian layer, life forms suddenly appeared — with no signs of evolutionary ancestors. Trilobites are icons of evolution, but they are quite trying to Darwin's disciples. Aside from appearing fully formed, they were intricate. Advances in technology allowed scientists to learn that they had impressive optics , for example. Recent pristine trilobite fossils further trouble evolutionists. Trilobite, US Dept / Interior,  BLM  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The fossils were discovered in a Morocco mountain range, which is not exactly the kind of place to seek marine organisms. They were preserved in ash, and even the complex digestive tract was preserved. What has been discovered about trilobites, including this bunch, fits the expectations of bibl...