The Danger of Mindfulness Meditation
Here is another instance where wording is important, as mindfulness has different meanings. People will advise others to be mindful, and I have used the word myself. On those occasions, it simply means to be aware or to pay attention. However, there is a much darker meaning of the word. Believers in sand-to-psychologist evolution generally shun religion, especially Christianity. Most believe in scientism , a de-facto religion — even if they do not realize it. Many secularists practice mindfulness believing it to be a scientifically-based meditation technique. Bad idea. Meditation, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Although most evolutionists deny it, their belief system can be traced back to ancient pagan religious views . Indeed, we have seen pantheism and animism tacitly invoked in scientific reports. There is no single view of psychology, and there are numerous schools of thought. Why? None of them have the answers! Evolutionary thinking is a big part of psychology, including ev...