
Showing posts with the label Music

The Surprising Human Voice

Many birds and animals communicate audibly, and even some fishes and whales make themselves heard to each other. Mates, offspring, and certain others recognize each others' sounds. The human voice, however, has many features to set us apart from critters. Credit: Pixabay / Free-Photos (edited) There are certain types of speakers that I like to hear, probably because of pitch and timbre . You have probably had the same experience where it is pleasant to hear someone talking. We can also tell people apart when they speak or sing (I'll allow that some are difficult until you listen for a spell). We have more range and versatility than the creatures God made — they're not built that way. Language is something that sets us apart (see " Language Itself Testifies of the Creator "). Pronunciations in some languages require a great deal of work (such as when someone who speaks English tries to learn Russian, for example). No animals write songs in a language, p

The Gift of Music

Something that drastically separates us from animals is music. Sure, some folks say that birds sing, whales have songs, and so on, but they do not compose symphonies or write songs with melodies, choruses, harmonies, and so forth. Nor do they form bands and go on tour: "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome The Macaques!" (and the crowd goes wild). Someone made a comment on my post, " Music is Not for Beasts ", that pets get excited by music. Yes, many animals respond  to it, but do not create it. Credit: RGBstock /  Billy Frank Alexander Music affects our emotions, leading us to melancholy, euphoria, and all sorts of things. It is especially strong in "bonding" between people, and stimulating memories. I've had some songs that I thought were powerful, but when I read the lyrics later on, I realized that the only thing the song had going for it was the music itself; "Tarot Woman" by Rainbow is musically exciting, but lyrically dreadful

Musical Innovation is for the Birds

It should be safe to say that good music is not boring, and has elements to keep the listener's attention. Typically, songs have a beat, melody, harmony, and other elements. (Except the stuff that the strange woman in the upstairs apartment plays.) Jazz offers improvisation , composing and innovating on the spot. Real music is quite intricate. Image credit: Pixabay / sandid , modified with Clker clipart on Paint.Net Music and creativity are baffling enough for Darwinists , but it gets worse for them because our alleged cousins lack such skills. You cannot say to an ape, "Hey, Kala! Give us a song. How about one of the lullabies you sang to Tarzan?" Can't happen, old son. To make matters worse for evolutionists, birds (which are not closely related to us in Evo-Speak) have intricate and innovative musical abilities. This further shows that our Creator gave special abilities that show no signs of evolution. A recent paper by an international team of researcher

Music is Not for Beasts

A mystery for Darwinists is that even though they claim that animals and humans all evolved from a common ancestor, there are many things that set humans apart. One of those is music. Oh, sure, there are "songs" of whales, birds "sing", parrots can mimic other people singing — but that's not really music. It's pretty much imitation or functional, not for joy. Humans are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). It's interesting to note that God sings (Zeph. 3:17), and that there are many verses in the Bible that refer to singing and making music (Isaiah 51:11, Psalm 149:3-5, for example). Darwin's Cheerleaders can only guess as to why we're tuned to tunes. There are three interesting studies about music. One had two diverse groups of people who had no knowledge of the other's music, and the results were rather interesting. The second study is about perfect pitch, and how the brain processes it. Third, something that has been looked at b