
Showing posts with the label Mars

Fading Hopes for Life on Mars

Regarding life on Mars, yes or no, scientific views are swinging like a pendulum. The possibilities and fantasies about life on Mars have been around for quite a spell. Back when the scientific consensus was that life there was not possible, it didn't stand in the way of producing science fiction stories about Martian life of one form or another. People still wanted to consider the possibilities. Especially secularists, because they seem to think that if life was found elsewhere, it would prove evolution and show that God is irrelevant. Gale Crater on Mars image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona  (slightly modified with Clker clipart ) The pendulum was swinging toward the yes  side for life on Mars with evidence of water. (Funny how a desert planet may have had a global flood in their minds, but Earth, which is two thirds water, no, the Genesis Flood never happened. But never mind about that now.) Upon further analysis, some scientists are disputing Ma...

Searching a Dry Lake Bed on Mars for Life

The Curiosity rover on Mars is going to work on analyzing what appears to be a dry lake bed. It has been named the Yellowknife Bay formation. The thinking is, if there was water, there may have been microbes. Various minerals found appear to be friendly to such life there. Other conditions on Mars, however, are not so friendly. NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS What if some kind of life is actually found there? As we have seen, evolutionists (and especially their press) will probably make the wild leap of faith masquerading as logic: Life on Mars, therefore, evolution on Earth. Of course, they would need to demonstrate how life evolved there. It would be quite a task, since molecules-to-man evolution has not been observed here, nor is there a plausible mechanism for such a thing. Curiosity , the eighth Mars landing in the ongoing quest for life on the Red Planet, has found in the dry mudstone of Gale Crater’s Yellowknife Bay the chemical elements ordinarily associated with living o...

Ribose, Phosphate, Mars and the Origin of Life

Origin of life researchers are getting desperate. By saying that life may have originated in outer space and then found its way to Earth ("panspermia") and then evolved, they are only pushing back the question and making things worse. Not only do they push the problem out into space , they have to postulate a believable model of how it arrived through space, survived the trip through our atmosphere and so on. And yet, they're saying that life may have arisen on Mars, even though there is no chance of life there . Some postulate that we are all actually Martians . NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS There are contradictory papers about life originating on Mars, and they are stymied by RNA, phosphates, ribose and water. All of these desperate attempts to explain away the Creator lead to serious facepalm responses. A second article proposes life began on Mars, prompting some observers to point out the failures of naturalistic origin-of-life theories. After Steven Benner pro...

Life on Mars? Not Even on Saturday Night!

  Gale Crater on Mars NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona (slightly modified)  Evolutionists are desperate to find signs of life elsewhere in the universe. They insist that evolution is true here, so it must have happened out there. Finding some kind of life would (to them) prove evolution. But then, we're used to circular reasoning from them. Actual observations are constantly wrecking their hypotheses and dreams. Water on Mars would be a good chance of finding life on Mars. Bzzzzz! Wrong answer, Hans!  What appeared to be signs of water are actually signs of wind. The more we learn about Mars, the more we learn that it is downright toxic, and even colonizing Mars is probably a bad idea. Evidence disputes Mars water, let alone life.  It’s looking like a toxic place.  Besides, where would the water come from?  The big mound in Gale Crater, site of the Mars Curiosity Rover, looked like a tantalizing place to look for habitability.  Mt. S...