Getting into the Genetic Fallacy and Others

Some years ago, I briefly discussed the genetic fallacy . We need to give it another look. In one way, it is simple: People reject information because they dislike its source. That is a cop out to avoid dealing with subject matter that may be pertinent. Recently, I wrote in Resistance to Question Evolution Day that someone posted about QED on Reddit and angry atheists had many illogical comments. The poster was asked if people should pay attention to someone called "Cowboy Bob." The genetic fallacy was weaponized and the content of QED was ignored. Plato and Aristotle dazzle the School of Athens with basketball displays Regular readers know that I encourage people to know basic informal logical fallacies . It can be quite fun. Christians (especially biblical creationists) need to know these things not only to catch deceit and manipulation from misotheists and Darwin's disciples, but also to keep from doing it ourselves and dishonoring the Lord. One challenge...