Octopus and Fish Hunting Conspiracy

It seems like something out of an animated film, but the story is rather real. Imagine that an octopus sidles up to a fish that was going about its business, then presenting a proposition. The goal is to work together and do a bit of hunting. Octopuses continue to amaze scientists with their abilities and intelligence. The octopus is normally a loner, yet it socializes with the fish. It is interesting that both parties have a say in the conspiracy and its execution. Octopus, Unsplash / Diane Picchiottino An octopus researcher appealed to the non-answer of convergent evolution in an attempt to explain their brains. But secular scientists cannot explain where octopus traits originated, nor can they explain why these loners would cozy up to a companion — especially when it can hunt very well all by its lonesome. Efforts to cling to naturalism use bad logic and fake science; evolution has nothing to do with it. Design by the brilliant Master Engineer is the logical conclusion from wh...