
Showing posts with the label Indoctrination

Dismantling a Secular Humanist Book for Younger Readers

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Regular readers know that I encourage people to ask questions and use critical thinking skills. This time, I will demonstrate that in the first part of this post — regarding a creation science article. Yes, I am questioning one of our own. The article linked below is about a book for younger readers and material taught to them in public schools. It almost got by me because it fit in with my existing information, but I wanted more. The introductory generalities do not rightly set well with me, but the rest has good information. USSR school, Wikimedia Commons / Vyacheslav Argenberg ( CC BY 4.0 ), creepy Darwin added Dr. Jerry Bergman is the author of the article, and there can be no doubt that he is exceptionally well-educated and brilliant. He has written scores of books and articles on creation science and other topics. Answers in Genesis, like other creation science ministries, has editors that check submissions before publication. Those things make certai...

John Dewey and Public School Indoctrination

In the twentieth century, John Dewey was considered a great intellectual. He is credited with developing the modern public school system. Dewey had some odd and contradictory ideas in his worldview. He was an atheist and signer of the atheistic Humanist Manifesto, which openly admitted that it was a religion. Also, he did not believe in absolute truth or knowledge. It is ironic that an educator did not believe in knowledge. Worse, his rejection of God made him blind to the fact that logic comes from God — without God, morality, knowledge, wisdom, logic, and science are impossible ! Those details did not matter to Dewey. While he did some things that helped the school system, he wanted children depending on others to do the thinking for them — reflecting the atheistic, evolutionary, and Marxist trends that were growing in the formerly United States at the time. It can be seen today that many people have no inking about how to do critical thinking. Also, notice how these sheeple tend tow...

School Indoctrination in Occult and Marxism

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has been gradually creeping into public schools for quite a while, but not under that name. Like we have seen before, there are programs that seem to have noble goals, but are insidious at their cores. SEL is one of them. It purports to be about empathy, supportive relationships, and so on. Then comes equity. That is a favorite term of Marxists and means equal results. What ends up happening is that people who work very little get the same reward as those who do the work. See where this is going? Theosophy symbol superimposed on colorized Karl Marx image The sidewinder who was one of those instrumental in setting up what is now SEL was John Fetzer. He was religious, but exchanged the semblance of Christianity for occult activities. One of these was the teachings of theosophist Alice Bailey. Watch out when occultists, New Age believers, and others reference "the Christ," as this is not  Jesus Christ. Bailey spoke of "the Christ" a...

Mitigating Evolution Indoctrination in Schools

It is a fact that young people will be indoctrinated in particles-to-professor evolution in schools, whether public or Christian. Indeed, some homeschool curricula are not to be trusted. Some parents may want to shield students from evolution. Bad idea, because they will learn it one way or another — and possibly wonder why their parents are afraid of "the truth." Evolution is not just a biological theory. Instead, many people (especially in science organizations or academia) have evolution as a worldview, guiding their thoughts and actions, then preaching fallacious principles. University lecture, Pixabay / Nikolay Georgiev It may seem like drama, but it is a fact that professors use evolution as a "scientific" way of destroying the faith of students. Well-documented is the fact that students lose their Christian beliefs. Why is that? One simple reason is that parents are unable to answer questions, and just wave them off. They know that creation is true, but their...

Deceptive Study Promotes Evolutionary Indoctrination

Can there really be any disputing that Darwinian indoctrination is increasing? Several posts referenced on this site show that babies are born ready to learn, read, and so on, but atheists insist that children are born atheist until they are forced to learn theism. Got a shred of science for that claim, Zeke? There are indications that babies are born with an innate theism and recognize that the world is designed. Misotheists in the secular science industry know this, and the best way to push out belief in God is to replace that belief with evolution. Illustration by  Sidney Paget , 1904, modified at Pixlr Photomash Studio In addition, misotheists accuse Christians of indoctrinating children, but those sidewinders are doing just that  under the guise of education . A recent survey claimed to show that how children are influenced to believe evolution contains bad reasoning and is deceptive. Anti-creationists want to reach as many teachers and students as possible to get them t...

Americans Succumbing to Evolutionary Indoctrination

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A great deal of noise was heard all through Deception Pass, and was even noticed all the way down to Stinking Lake. The hands at the Darwin Ranch were celebrating, and foreman Rusty Swingset even bought both fire water and cheese curls. This was in response to the news that people in the formerly United States embrace evolution. (At least, to some extent.) The question in a survey to which they responded was a mite disingenuous. Efforts at indoctrination were having the desired results. It seems to this child that there would be more of a push to get people educated in science, mathematics, and basic reading skills, since our academic achievements in those areas would satisfy the Greek philosopher Mediocrates . Also, was there a concerted effort to convince people to believe in actual, demonstrable science facts? Not hardly! No, it is more important to get people to believe in fish-to-fool evolution. The primary worldview in the secular science industry is ...

Intolerance and Dishonesty from Apostles of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen here are that promulgators of evoporn, whether misotheists or their churchian allies, reveal their determination to indoctrinate people into universal common ancestor evolutionism. Many are fanatically intolerant of other views, especially of their circulation. Before we saddle up and ride this trail, it needs to be emphasized again that there are people who are evolutionists because that's how they were trained; apparently many are unaware that there are other views of origins. In addition, many scientists want to just do science stuff. It's the proselytizers — the indoctrinators — that are the problem. Ideally, science thrives on challenges, better ideas, examining the logic, scrutinizing the validity of data, asking if sufficient evidence was utilized, and more. (Similar things in our lives also benefit from similar scrutiny.) Darwin's cheerleaders are appalled — appalled , I tell you — when evolution is questioned or doubted in the sl...

Children, Reading, and Failed Evolutionary Paradigms

Evolutionary assumptions carry a great deal of baggage, and most of it fails under scrutiny. Misotheists assert that "children are born atheist", which is absolutely unscientific and has been refuted — and evidence indicates the opposite . In a similar way, children are born with the capacity for language. Credit: slightly edited image from Unsplash / Iana Dmytrenko Indeed, since secularists know that children have an inborn knowledge of the Creator, they want to get that nasty ol' theism indoctrinated out of them and replaced with evolutionism . Children are not blank slates, old son, but were given many capabilities by their Creator. A spell back, we saw that children are born "wired" for reading . This subject needs to be examined further, as it causes a Gordian knot for atoms-to-anthropologist thinking. There is no scientific evidence that something as complex as language (including recognition of shapes) evolved from stupid early humans making grunting sou...

Secular Religious Indoctrination: Two Standards, No Waiting

When people who believe in creation want to teach their children, secularists chant in Vox Robotica, "That is indoctrination. We educate. Believe". Of course, secular institutions of alleged learning have children many hours a day, days a week, weeks a year. They indoctrinate in the atheistic state religion. School Teacher by Jan Steen, 1668 Secular humanism is a worldview that exalts humanity above all else, and its foundation is philosophical naturalism. Essentially, it is the religion of atheism in a masque. "But Cowboy Bob, there are religious people that have signed the Humanist Manifesto things!" Yes there are. There are also those who mounted up and rode with Michael Zimmerman's anti-creationist "Clergy Letter Project" , and some groups for the separation of church and state (the kind where anything Christian is to be kept out of public life). However, you are unlikely to find Bible-believing Christians among the groups. Also, these inhuman ...

Video Review — Genesis Impact

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Under usual circumstances, the secular educational system has students under its control for several hours a day, weeks a year, many years. They are typically given the airbrushed versions of secular humanism and evolution.  Image courtesy of Genesis Apologetics Ironically, when Christian and creationist parents want to do what is right and teach their kids the truth, atheists and evolutionists say that we are "indoctrinating" them. Not hardly! In fact, they  are doing the indoctrination, then accusing us of what they are doing themselves. It's okay to question evolution so you can learn how it happened, but it is streng verboten  to question if it happened in the first place. "Go to a natural museum history", they said. "You'll learn a lot." Yes, you'll learn how cherry-picked facts based on the naturalism narrative can be presented as scientific truth. Also, you can see from models and reconstructions how artists' ...

Examining the Scopes Trial Textbook

Way back in 1925, John Scopes of Dayton, Tennessee, was arrested and put on trial for allegedly teaching evolution. The whole thing was a set-up by the falsely-named American Civil Liberties Union to put creation on trial. Dr. Robert Carter investigated what was actually in the textbook,  A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems by George W. Hunter. Modified from an illustration in the textbook (public domain) As mentioned, the case happened in 1925, but A Civic Biology  was written in 1914. It was not only outdated, but loaded with evolutionary and secularist views. Some of the evolutionary material was deceitful (equivocating change  with evolution , plus a passel of outright false statements). Scientific racism and eugenics are also included in the textbook. Public domain photo via Wikimedia Commons There are a couple of things for which I would have liked to have seen references or further explanation. One is that the word Caucasian  is outdated and ...

Good Scientists were Poor Students?

There are some people who may have impressive academic credentials, but they lack the sense that God gave a goose. Is it untrue that institutions of higher learning are supposed to equip students to face the challenges of the future and to contribute to their fields? Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch Today's schools are indoctrination centers for profit. If the university gets the money (the most important part) and the student can correctly answer test questions and write a dissertation, they win the prize. Yes, this child is cynical. Today's institutions have "safe spaces" and try to protect hurt feelings instead of spurring students to meet and deal with confrontations and challenges. If any become scientists, I reckon they'll be mediocre at best but excel in promoting evolutionism. More than once I have encountered people who have claimed to be scientists who  did not exhibit much skill in the use of logic. One on social media who was pronounced in...

Propaganda for Children is a Tree Ring Circus

In a previous post we saw how naturalists are indoctrinating children . After all, secularists control public thought control systems commonly referred to as schools, so they have their minds captive for many hours in a year. That is not the only method. Credit: Unsplash / Aleksandar Radovanovic Another effective means of propaganda is though storybooks. I was talking with Trevor "Red" Schnapper the other day, and he told me about a book for children that he encountered. It was about counting tree rings. This is, to use the expensive word, dendrochronology. (In case you're curious, you can see the word components. -ology is "the study of", dendron is for "tree", cronos is time — but I see you checking the chronograph on your wrist and know it's time to get back to the subject.) Like many other kids, I was taught that one ring means one year of growth. That seems good on the surface, but there are factors involved that sometimes the s...

Evolutionists Indoctrinating Your Children

In " Evolutionists Joyfully Celebrating Indoctrination ", we saw how Darwin's disciples are thrilled that they are making converts to atheistic naturalism and evolutionary thinking. Not through science and logic, of course, but through more devious means. They also have systems of indoctrinating your children. I almost felt bad modifying this picture from / imagerymajestic Let's face it, the state controls children and education is mandatory. Even homeschooling (or home education) is usually highly regulated. Something I frequently point out is that atheists and evolutionists have conniption fits and accuse Christian parent of "indoctrination" and hypocritically refer to secular institutions of have the kids an average of 1,170 hours each school year. No, that is indoctrination, old son. For that matter, secular values are instilled in them and their Christian, Jewish, or other beliefs are gradually pushed out. As we see in dai...

Evolutionists Joyfully Celebrating Indoctrination

Like any skilled totalitarian knows, it is vitally important to control broadcast, social media, the press, the courts, and so on. Free speech is a pretense, where it is supported — but only when approved sentiments are uttered. From there, the Ministry of Truth  indoctrinates people through propaganda. Evolutionary propaganda is becoming increasingly successful. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach Darwin's disciples in the secular science industry and academia are smarter than we are, even though they think we evolved from the same primordial slime. Just ask them. So, they get to decide what people think. (Not that they want to teach people how  to think, just what  to think.) They are gleeful about their victories — but they are not winning because of convincing evidence and devastating logic, but through activist judges and legislation that favors the worldview of atheistic naturalism. It is interesting that many scientists and academicians simply ...

Muddling Through Another Rewrite of Human Evolution - Part 1

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution have contrived a number of stories to convince the world (and themselves) that we evolved through trial and error, vast amounts of time, survival of the fittest. Our putative ancestors were critters that looked a great deal like monkeys and apes. However, their stories have many problems, so they are constantly changing. Background image :  The Passion of Creation ,  Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Public indoctrination centers (commonly known as schools , but more accurately as branches of the Ministry of Truth) do a good job in presenting varnished tales of tails and origins, but they do not seem to teach students how to think critically. Instead, they lasso the evoporn and believe it, even when facts disputed or rejected by evolutionists. Somehow this gives them license to ridicule, as if such actions prove that they are right; note that logic doesn't seem to be stressed by the evolutionary Ministry of Truth, either, and Darwi...