Evolutionists Stoking the Fires of Censorship Again
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen We have seen reports where free speech is on the decline in Britain, such as when preachers get locked up for a "hate crime" ( here is just one example ), but atheists and evolutionists are galloping toward full educational censorship against anything even resembling creation or design. I reckon they not only oppose freedom of speech, but freedom of thought as well. "Humanists" increased thought control and bushwhacked science education already , but it appears that they want to close any loopholes. Evolution must reign supreme in Welsh education, and there can be no reasonable doubt that the rest of Britain will follow suit. Hail Darwin, blessed be! Evolutionists are not content to misrepresent and even lie about what creationists actually uphold, but they disingenuously redefine "science" in materialistic terms. Also, they will claim that Christian parents, teachers, and ministries are "indoctrinating" when in f