Dismantling a Secular Humanist Book for Younger Readers
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Regular readers know that I encourage people to ask questions and use critical thinking skills. This time, I will demonstrate that in the first part of this post — regarding a creation science article. Yes, I am questioning one of our own. The article linked below is about a book for younger readers and material taught to them in public schools. It almost got by me because it fit in with my existing information, but I wanted more. The introductory generalities do not rightly set well with me, but the rest has good information. USSR school, Wikimedia Commons / Vyacheslav Argenberg ( CC BY 4.0 ), creepy Darwin added Dr. Jerry Bergman is the author of the article, and there can be no doubt that he is exceptionally well-educated and brilliant. He has written scores of books and articles on creation science and other topics. Answers in Genesis, like other creation science ministries, has editors that check submissions before publication. Those things make certai...