
Showing posts with the label Flat Earth

Polaris and the Flat Earth

As a biblical creationist, this child has challenged atheists and evolutionists about why they feel compelled to convert us to their worldviews. After all, they could simply go about their business, quietly snickering to themselves. Using that principle, why bother to refute Flat Earthers? Ironically, atheopaths often use an ad hominem  such as, "You doubt evolution? Betcha think the earth is flat, too!" (The president of the Flat Earth Society is an evolutionist and believes in global warming .) More importantly, some professing Christians believe Flat Earth propaganda, and twist Bible verses so they can pretend to be superior to the rest of us. Polaris time exposure, Unsplash / Javier Esteban Many articles refuting Flat Earthism are listed here , several of which are by the author of the article featured below. This time, claims that Polaris, the North Star, are refuted. The first one is based on perspective, not science: that the star does not move. This is easily refuted ...

The Geocentrism Resurgence

Most people accept, and even take for granted, the geokinetic (also called heliocentric) model but may not know it by name. In the briefest sense, the sun is the center of the solar system with Earth and other planets in orbit around it. For a long time, the geocentric view dominated astronomy and astrology. Planetary Orbits , Andreas Cellanius, 1660 The idea that Earth is the center of the solar system was reinforced by the pagan astronomer and astrologer Claudius Ptolemy, who built on Aristotelian ideas. His system was accepted by scientists for many years, and the heliocentric view took a long time to develop and gain acceptance. Although heliocentrism/geokineticism has been established, there is a baffling resurgence in geocentrism. (In addition, many flat-earthers are geocentrists.) Not only do many deny that Earth orbits the sun, but some geocentrists refuse to believe that it rotates on its axis! One area that atheists ridicule Christians is by accusing us of being flat...

Refuting a Flat Earth Claim about Moonlight

It is a mite distressing that some people believe the earth is flat, and some of them are professing Christians and even creationists. This is ironic because not only was the idea started to make the Bible look foolish, but it has been soundly refuted both scientifically and theologically . (The president of the Flat Earth Society is a Darwinist, by the way.) One of the strangest claims that some flat earthers make is that moonlight removes heat and cools things. Sea View by Moonlight , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1878 This idea should be subject to verification or refutation scientifically. Some owlhoots have made a pretense at proving their claim, but their efforts are woefully inadequate. Like faulty evidence for evolution ( including "junk" DNA ), people doing what passes for research argue from their presuppositions, find a bit of data they think is confirmation, and think their work is done. Experiments and research must be done as completely as possible. Neutral or ne...

Revisiting the Flat Earth

Back on August 27, 2016, I posted on one of my other Weblogs about how atheists like to ridicule Christians for believing in a flat Earth. (Funny how they ignore the fact that the leader of the Flat Earth Society is an evolutionist . I reckon that guilt by association doesn't work when applied to atheists, huh?) Since then, I came across some additional — and disturbing — information. "A rendered picture of the Flat Earth model. The white around the outside of the globe is thought to be an 'Ice Wall', preventing people from falling off the surface of the earth." Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Trekky0623 There is an increasing number of professing Christians (I suspicion that many are atheist owlhoots) who claim to believe that Earth is flat. This is why I said above that I find it disturbing.) Some of their reasoning is based on Scripture that is not properly understood, and I reckon that some want to think they're spreading "important" thi...