The Tower — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Back in 2013, The Rain by Chris Skates and Dan Tankersley was published. It is a biblical historical fiction about Noah, his family, society at the time, and building the Ark. We were taken through the Flood and the eventual landing on the mountains of Ararat. The narration traded off from Japheth's first person account and a third person narrative. My review is here . I did not know that the authors had written The Tower in 2014, so it was several years before I downloaded the ebook. First, I reread The Rain, then I got to this one. Both books use abundant artistic license, putting personalities and actions to names we see in Genesis while taking care not to overstep the truth of Scripture. Noah's wife and the wives of his sons are given names that are extrabiblical. The Tower begins some years after the Flood. (The Bible does not mention Noah and his wife having additional children, which is highly unlikely). This book de...