
Showing posts with the label Evolutionism

The Religious Intolerance of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen many times that not only are atheists very religious , but evolutionism is also religious in nature . Obviously, people will object to both of those facts because atheism has no deity, and evolution is "science. Atheists are frequently disingenuous. One glaring example is their redefinition of atheism as "lack of belief" instead of "believes there is no God or gods". They conveniently neglect definitions of religion  that do not involve organized worship services or a deity. Secular humanism is a deity-free religion as well, and evolution is an  ancient pagan religion  that Charles Darwin gussied up in a lab coat.  Image credit before modification: Unsplash / Kimberly Lake The idealized form of science is very different from reality. Science should be sharpened through challenges and thinking beyond the consensus, and different ideas should be evaluated. If a theory or hypothesis turns rancid, it should be thrown away inste...

Evolutionists Celebrating Darwinian Racism

It is bad enough that Darwin's votaries pretend that they are driven by science and not by faith in naturalism, but they celebrate the Bearded Buddha with religious fervor. It happened on the 150th anniversary of the Marxist-adored Origin of Species , and now this. Some professing atheists think evolution makes them " intellectually fulfilled " Celebrations are planned for the 150th anniversary of The Descent of Man , and by the time this is published, there will undoubtedly be more. (This may include dancing around the maypole.) Interestingly, there are no significant calls by the cancel culture gang to deplatform Darwin . Falsehoods abound about this owlhoot's "wonderful discovery" and how he was a "great scientist", but he only hijacked natural selection and retooled existing evolutionary views for his own purposes. Also, Darwin had no formal scientific training. It is about worldviews. Evolutionism is naturalism and is opposed to special creat...

Effects of Evolutionary Thinking on Law and History

Regular readers have seen how the distraction of, "Evolution is just biology" is completely false. We recently saw how evolutionism can be a religion in its own right , and how it is a worldview through which people interpret data and make choices. Christopher Langdell portrait by Frederick Porter Vinton , modified Secular geologists "know" that the world is billions of years old. That's what the Bearded Buddha wants, that's what he gets — evidence for the young earth is suppressed or ignored. Social Darwinism was the application of his biological ideas to produce eugenics and a drastic increase in abortions , scientific racism , women as inferior , and much more. William Blackstone wrote his commentaries on the law, and those were foundational for a long time. Christopher Langell was influenced by Darwin, and decided that since evolution was true, then everything evolves. The US Constitution is something that needs to evolve as well; judges are more importa...

Examining the Religion of Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When the possibility that evolution is a religion comes up for discussion, the hands at the Darwin Ranch get down on all fours, arch their backs, and hiss. Their anger and resentment are not motivated by reality. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the background image If you want to get those owlhoots really upset and watch the hair on the backs of their necks bristle, mention that evolutionism is a religion in the same way as atheism . Misotheists and Darwin's disciples are correct when they point out that neither atheism nor evolution worship a deity, but they conveniently deny only the first definition of religion and pretend the others do not exist. There are non-theistic religions, including forms of Buddhism, Charvaka Hinduism (very close to Epicureanism, whose followers were debated by Paul the Apostle in Acts 17:22-31), and formal Satanic religions believe in a force, not a person. Indeed, the Jedi religion believes in the Force, which is a farce. One can pa...

Good Scientists were Poor Students?

There are some people who may have impressive academic credentials, but they lack the sense that God gave a goose. Is it untrue that institutions of higher learning are supposed to equip students to face the challenges of the future and to contribute to their fields? Credit: Pexels / Polina Tankilevitch Today's schools are indoctrination centers for profit. If the university gets the money (the most important part) and the student can correctly answer test questions and write a dissertation, they win the prize. Yes, this child is cynical. Today's institutions have "safe spaces" and try to protect hurt feelings instead of spurring students to meet and deal with confrontations and challenges. If any become scientists, I reckon they'll be mediocre at best but excel in promoting evolutionism. More than once I have encountered people who have claimed to be scientists who  did not exhibit much skill in the use of logic. One on social media who was pronounced in...

You were Born an Animal, So Act Like One

Classification systems are useful, but they can also be misleading. According to biological systems, we are animals. Darwinists parade this prize pony around the corral every chance they get, despising the fact that despite some similarities, humans were created separately and are distinctly different from critters. According to some of them, we may as well act the part. If you think this poetry is bad, check out the evolutionary "science" However, the tenets of evolutionary dogma are conflicting, and many of the lab-coated priests rely on the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Quite a few of them have no idea what they're doing, disunderstanding both science and evolutionism. Two standards, no waiting. Thinking people should be insulted when confronted with these things in the name of science. Since we are related to apes, should we act like them when solving disputes? Some say yes, but that would mean not only screaming, but cannibalism, gang ra...

Random Mutations and the Big Secret of Evolutionism

One of the tenets of particles-to-pathologist evolution is that it has no purpose, despite the way its adherents treat Evolution and Natural Selection as if they were entities that could make decisions. Some treat them as intangible forces. Then random mutations are added. It appears that this was mostly made at Atom Smasher However, it appears that mutations are not quite as random as we've been led to believe. Oh, sure, Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ are uninformed about the mythology they promote, but there are evolutionists who are actually spreading misinformation — random doesn't exactly mean random. Digging deeper, most mutations are harmful or neutral. Neutral mutations are so small that the gibbering god of Natural Selection overlooks them. Also the accumulation of mutations on a small level cannot lead to upward evolution. Lateral changes, yeah, that happens. Darwinoids are deceptive and dealing from the bottom of the deck. Anything to deny the Creator, you kn...

Idols and Evolutionary Beliefs

The first two of the Ten Commandments are the forbidding of false gods and idols. These concepts tend to overlap, so someone can give preeminence to a false god without setting up an actual image. Many people have false gods they serve, including themselves. There is also idolatry in evolutionism. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Gausanchennai  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Christians, don't be getting smug. We tend to have our own idols, whether it's adhering to doctrines (and congratulating each other on believing certain things), church itself can be an idol, a religious leader, and so on. Your favorite politician did not die on a cross for your sins and rise from the dead three days later. Examine yourselves. Regular readers have seen that believers in minerals-to-mycologist evolution have resorted to their form of idolatry when they make evolution and natural selection into entities with the abilities to make decisions and choices. Although they profess atheistic naturalism, the ...

Darwin's Promotion of Women as Inferior to Men

It is well known that Charles Darwin had racist views which in turn exacerbated so-called scientific racism through evolutionism. What may be less known is that Darwin also promoted his view that women are evolutionarily inferior to men, which influenced scientific communities. A Man and a Woman Seated by a Virginal [an instrument in the harpsichord family], Gabriel Metsu, 1660  Some people may think that such observations are ad hominem  attacks on Darwin and are irrelevant (some even excused him because he was "a product of his times"), but they are quite relevant. His views influenced his doctrines, which in turn had impact on many scientists through the years. These were based on presuppositions of evolution and the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. There was no scientific, observational, or experimental data. Just beliefs that women were inferior because evolution . Not hardly! Perhaps the facts this his own family tree had inbreeding and that ...

Evolution and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste". That is, politicize it and work it to your own advantage. Leftists politicians are known for not only using and exaggerating crises, but have manufactured them. Believers in universal common descent are using the coronavirus (COVID-19) to further their agenda. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In a previous post, we saw the wonders of how the Master Engineer designed our immune system , and information on the coronavirus was provided. Naturalists not only reject the Creator, but they are interpreting data from their presuppositions and personal preferences. Indeed, they even try to pull the wool over our eyes by claiming that evolution is useful ! The coronavirus is a serious health threat (see " Coronavirus: A Biblical & Practical Perspective "), but when assets of the Darwin Party claim that evolutionary thinking...

More Gaia Paganism in Evolution

Humans are designed to have a knowledge of God, and this manifests itself in many ways as they try to worship something, but they suppress the knowledge of the true God (Rom. 1:18). Instead, other things are worshiped — even atheists are essentially religious . Evolutionists also express their false religion. Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 In Jeremiah 10:3-5, God is telling Israel that pagans cut down trees, carve out idols, decorate them, and nail them down. These things that they made are the objects of their worship. In a similar manner, many evolutionists worship nature . They also acts as if evolution was an intelligent being, making decisions and causing organisms to evolve.  A variation on that is when natural selection is also deified and the religion is selectionism. This is another example of the incoherence and irrationality of atheism, as natural selection was developed by creationist Edward Blyth . Creationists accept ...

Understanding the Opposition

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen In the May 2, 2019 episode of The Briefing , Dr. Mohler discussed Emperor Naruhito taking the throne in Japan after his father's abdication. Al presented some fascinating history about World War II, Douglas MacArthur and then-emperor Hirohito. I saw some things that can apply to Christians and creationists when dealing with atheists and evolutionists. General Douglas MacArthur and Emperor Hirohito, September 27,1945 US Army photo by Lt. Gaetano Faillace (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents by the US Army) The Japanese and American cultures were vastly different, and Americans seemed to have a superficial understanding of the Japanese people. If you know your World War II history, an invasion of Japan to end the war would have resulted in a horrendous loss of life on both sides, so the decisions were made to drop two atomic bombs to cause Japanese surrender. Some people wanted to have Hirohito stand trial as a war criminal and then e...

Atheism and Fundamentalist Evolution

While you do not have to be an atheist to believe in fish-to-fool evolutionism, it helps. Some owlhoots think they can merge the Bible and evolution (giving evolution precedence), but this is folly. The religion of atheism  requires biological, chemical, cosmic, and other evolution concepts for its mythology of origins. These, in turn, require deep time, which necessitates the defenestration of logic and science. In reality, evolutionism is intended to be a replacement  for God. Original image: Pixabay/ Peter Fischer Back in 2005 at the "Dover Trial", a judge ruled that evolution is "good science" and does not conflict with religion. This remark got evolutionists on the prod. It is interesting that atheopaths believe this ruling in a backwater borough by an incompetent, coached, biased judge somehow proves that the Intelligent Design movement is creation science in disguise. The ruling has no effect on anyone else. Meanwhile, when we point out that the US Sup...

Stoning Creationists on the Age of Rocks

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen As biblical creationists, the rocks thrown at us are doubled. Not only do we deal with angry atheopaths, but from professing Christians who are trying to do God a favor by ridiculing and "refuting" creationist views. Apparently, God does not mean what he says, even when God wrote in stone that everything was created in six days. Credit: US Geological Survey/ Erin Todd It is amazing how theistic evolutionists (TEs) and other old earth creationists (OECs) reject the Bible, preferring instead to use atheistic interpretations of evidence and phenomena against Bible-believing Christians, even dreaming up hybrid creation accounts so they can have both their naturalism and a pretense at believing the Bible. I have written about theistic evolutionists who are adored by atheists (see " Rocky Reefs, Autumn Leaves Without Fruit "), since atheism and evolutionism ride for the same brand (see " Why Orthodox Darwinism Demands Atheism ")...

Totalitarian Evolutionism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is an unexpected sequel of sorts to " The Pandemic of Unchallenged Darwinism " . Although Charles Darwin has been taking a dirt nap for over 136 years, his speculations still have a tremendous influence today. That is not because the science behind his work is so powerful that it is irrefutable. On the contrary, as scientific knowledge has grown over the years, the paucity of evidence for universal common ancestor evolution has become increasingly apparent. Why is evolution still holding such a lofty position with both the public and the scientific establishment? Background image furnished by Why?Outreach , then modified The primary reason that Darwin is still on his throne in the minds of many is that accepting evolution is a spiritual matter. If the origins controversy and the age of the earth were strictly about scientific evidence, most people would be biblical creationists, and Darwin would be just a footnote in history. Ev...