
Showing posts with the label Eugenics

Homicide in Modern Health Care

Under the pretense of personal rights, modern medical treatments include bodily mutilation, the murder of the unborn, and other things that were unthinkable at one time. If suffering animals can be euthanized, so can people. One result of a Darwinian worldview is that humans are devalued . Study on it a spell. Everything came from a common ancestor, and ultimately, "star stuff." Secularists consider people for their value to society, Bible-believing Christians see them as valuable because they are created in the image of God. Abandoned Hospital Monsour Medical Center, Flickr / Darryl Moran ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) It is now being called health care to kill people. Euthanasia can be invoked because of excessive pain or no hope of recovery. Also, "physician assisted suicide" is when medical personnel provide the means of another person to end their own lives. This can include mental illness, depression, hopelessness, and more. The other day was the one-year anniversary of my

Brain Collections and Evolutionary Racism

When watching, reading, or listening to Conservative American political material, it is frequently pointed out that leftists are obsessed with race. White people are evil, darker shades are good — and quality of character is irrelevant. It is ironic when "people of color" support Darwinism. Although disliking people who are different has been around a very long time, Darwinism gave us eugenics and scientific racism. To prove that white people are superior, Darwinists used evolution to justify collecting brains and skeletons of  those they considered belonging to lesser races. Cushing Brain Collection, New Haven, Flickr / techbint ( CC BY 2.0 ) In the 19th and 20th centuries, evolutionists collected skeletons and brains of the aboriginal people of countries. Kindly pay attention: These evolutionists (many were scientists) were confirming their biases. That is, they did not other races to be inferior because of the science, but tried to make science fit their beliefs. Any writ

Social Darwinism and Nazi Race Hygiene

Under totalitarian regimes, the best way to succeed in business and academia was to join the ruling party. There were members of the Communist Party who gave it lip service but their hearts were not really in it. In a similar way, joining the Nazi Party also gave freedom of movement. However, being a member of the party was also a way for advancement and to pursue ambitions. There were many German people who wanted to please  der Führer , and Nazi membership had its perks. War crimes were performed by Party doctors and nurses. Auschwitz gateway sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta The Lancet  is a respected medical organization that oversteps its bounds by writing screeds about global warming . In this case, they did serious research and issued a report on Darwinism and Nazi war crimes. One may think that for medical personnel to perform horrendous experiments and oversee the murders of millions of people, they had to be forced. No, they did those things enthusiastically. Eugenics (where th

Genocide in Cambodia Motivated by Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the logical extension of evolutionary thinking, making his biological ideas into a worldview. It has been documented on creationist sites that many totalitarian dictators put survival of the fittest and other principles into practice. Eugenics (eliminating those thought unfit for breeding) was taken to its logical conclusion by these dictators. One of the atheists who is responsible for murdering millions was known as Pol Pot, and it was indicated that his policies were more vicious than even those of Hitler. The Darwin connection is largely ignored by popular history sites. Pol Pot during meeting with Nicolae Ceaușescu, WikiComm / Romanian Communism Online Photo Collection (modified) Pol Pot was an atheist, communist, and evolutionist. He was especially devoted to the communist writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Joseph Stalin, and Mao was also a tremendous influence to Pot. In addition, he was a tremendous racist. The Khmer people of Cambodia were numerous, but

Woodrow Wilson: Racist, Eugenicist, Darwinist

In American politics, progressive  has different meanings. In modern times, it includes special consideration toward black voters coupled with the "soft bigotry of low expectations" — you cannot succeed without leftists. Woodrow Wilson was a progressive American president who was blatantly racist. Like many today, he "progressed" away from the US Constitution. There are people of the "cancel culture" motivation that want to rewrite history, erasing people who had any racist tendencies whatsoever to be expunged from its pages and pull down their statues. Some people on the left like Wilson as well as Charles Darwin are still adored, inconsistently excused as "products of their times." Woodrow Wilson, 1912, Library of Congress , modified at Pixlr The culture was important, as the Civil War still lingered in the minds of many. Woody was no friend of the Reconstruction efforts, believed in the Lost Cause of the Confederacy , and worked to reverse eff

The Holocaust and Darwinian Scientists

People are able to analyze in detail the numerous records, narratives, and all sorts of documents to learn about the evils of Nazism. They may think that Adolf Hitler dreamed up all sorts of ideas and implemented them when he came to power, but that is not the case. No dictator, rescuer, or movement on a large scale ever happens spontaneously or in a vacuum. The groundwork has already been laid. Charles Darwin did not invent evolution, but capitalized on ideas of his grandfather and others, all the way back to ancient Greek philosophers and Hindus. Hitler was also an opportunist, and Darwin was a big part of the Nazi plan. Auschwitz Gateway Sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta People are enamored with celebrities, and that is abundantly clear in the modern Western world. They seldom have knowledge about the subjects they rant about, and fans unthinkingly embrace whatever is being promoted. Similarly, scientists and intellectuals espoused Nazism even before Hitler became a part of it. (That&

Mentally Disturbed Social Darwinists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen First, a reminder that when people use the word  Darwinism today, it partly a convenience. Classical Darwinism was dying a few decades after it was set forth, but was changed and is now called the neo-Darwinian synthesis, modern evolutionary synthesis, and so on. When discussing origins, it is expected that people know what is being discussed when the words Darwinism and evolution are used.  Moving on. As shown previously, Darwinism is not just a biological theory, but a worldview. Social Darwinism  has been around almost as long as classical Darwinism, and applies survival of the fittest principles to societies. Mostly made at Atom Smasher It was popular in the last century, giving rise to eugenics , scientific racism , ruthless capitalism, and more. Karl Marx saw his economic and political views expressed in Darwinian natural selection . Take a look around at what is happening in the world today. A form of Marxism has been zombified and is walking around, co

Eugenics, Abortion, and Down Syndrome

As many know, eugenics  (meaning "well born") is a method of deciding who is fit for life. It is based on Darwinian ideas and political climate. It fell out of favor in the US when the Nazis took it to its logical conclusion, but is returning and being used to eliminate Down Syndrome. Donald Trump and Mike Pence with guests on World Down Syndrome Day, 2019 Credit: Flickr / The White House / Tia Dufour Of course, when I say "eliminate" Down Syndrome (sometimes called Down's Syndrome), I mean that prenatal tests determining the condition result in abortion. Cold-hearted Iceland proudly proclaims that there is almost no Down Syndrome there, but that's because the children were murdered . (Interestingly, Poland has gone the other direction .) My shameful distant cousins in Denmark are about as bad as Iceland. I am convinced that a big reason that the formerly United States is under divine judgment is because of the millions of abortions that are performed. Many

Examining the Scopes Trial Textbook

Way back in 1925, John Scopes of Dayton, Tennessee, was arrested and put on trial for allegedly teaching evolution. The whole thing was a set-up by the falsely-named American Civil Liberties Union to put creation on trial. Dr. Robert Carter investigated what was actually in the textbook,  A Civic Biology, Presented in Problems by George W. Hunter. Modified from an illustration in the textbook (public domain) As mentioned, the case happened in 1925, but A Civic Biology  was written in 1914. It was not only outdated, but loaded with evolutionary and secularist views. Some of the evolutionary material was deceitful (equivocating change  with evolution , plus a passel of outright false statements). Scientific racism and eugenics are also included in the textbook. Public domain photo via Wikimedia Commons There are a couple of things for which I would have liked to have seen references or further explanation. One is that the word Caucasian  is outdated and no longer in use. A

Eugenics and Dog Breeds

When the science of genetics (pioneered by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him) was still developing, well-heeled folks wanted the fruits of science. Back then, thinking and science were popular. So was Darwinism. Artificial selection (selective breeding) and eugenics were becoming fashionable. Dogs paid the price. Credit: RGBStock / Richard Dudley There are similar principles in the social Darwinist  eugenics movement and dog breeding. Both have arbitrary criteria where only certain individuals are allowed to reproduce, and both began when genetics was not very well understood. When it came to dog breeds, traits of temperament and appearance were emphasized. Unfortunately, undesirable and unseen traits would often appear, making the animal less able to survive. Dogs like pugs and others with faces that look pushed in often have the breathing problem known as brachycephalic syndrome . To be direct, much of selective breeding is ultimately cruel. Creationists believe that something

The Danger of Darwinian Medicine

If you ride up on the hill and look down at the bigger picture, you should be able to see that Darwinism interferes with medical science. Enthusiasts try to convince us that evolutionary thinking is important , but it is harmful to medical science. Consider what has been provided to us.  Modified from a photograph from  PIXNIO Typically, purveyors of minerals-to-mycologist evolution believe in time, chance, random processes, mutations — and supposedly no design (unless they appeal to pantheism and Gaia ) and no Creator. By presupposing materialism, Papa Darwin's version of natural selection, and evolution, we have been subjected to the foolishness of vestigial structures , so-called junk DNA , and more. Indeed, it is best to realize that the Master Engineer put things in their places for specific purposes.  Real medical science has little use for evolutionary thinking, but secularists want to increase their input. Just because scientists do not understand their function do

Video Recommendation: The Atheist Illusion

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen When I receive a list of links from The Domain for Truth , I noticed something called The Atheist Illusion.  There are several videos and books that have similar names, but I thought I would click on the link anyway. It went to a video and I expected a lecture. Instead, the video was very informative and well produced. It used graphics, excerpts from other videos, and narration that was easy to understand. I am going to discuss points in it and import some of my own thoughts that were sparked by The Atheist Illusion. From the opening of the video It is a fact that atheists have a high degree of degree of depression and suicide , and the video begins by pointing this out and the hopelessness inherent in atheism. It is difficult to live life without purpose, but atheists pretend that the belief that "when you die, that's it, you're worm food" is somehow liberating. No, the atheistic worldview leads to despair . Those of us who have been

When Politics Imprisons Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article seems somewhat appropriate on the anniversary of these here United States declaring independence from England, but it is not about that event. I will let people with more skill deal with those details. Instead, I am going to touch on a few subjects before getting to the main point. You're welcome to ride along and see how this develops. Credit: Pixabay / Prettysleepy2 When listening to podcasts or reading certain materials, I like getting some personal information from the speaker or writer. It makes them seem more relatable. I understand that people like that sort of thing, and that's one reason I put in some of those things in posts and articles. I have a weblog for things that I try to post on once a month to keep it active; things like not caring about the finales of certain popular media events . Another weblog was my first, and that is also infrequent, often for politics and culture . There are items I've posted there bec

Brian Sims and the Increasing Fanaticism of Abortionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who support abortion are frequently vehement in their views, but it should give Brian Sims (a Democrat member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives) reason to pause when both pro-life and pro-abortion people agree that he is out of line . It is obvious that he is a bully. However, I am not going to spend much time dealing with what has already been covered in the news. Instead, we are going to ride along a slightly different trail and learn some important things. Credit: Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska Before we return to Brian Sims, some other items need to be mentioned. I learned quite a bit from The Chris Stigall Show podcasts, including interviews and his own insight, so I thank him for that. I recommend the podcast called " The Great Pushback " at the 19 min. 34 sec. mark for an excellent discussion. Free to listen online or download. The Evolution Deception Regular readers know that I am strongly pro-life. A child is f

Darwinism and Chinese Communism

Some people wonder why the fuss about origins. After all, Darwin proposed a naturalistic view of origins, so let the scientists slap leather on that and we can just go on about our business. Unfortunately, evolutionary views have been applied to many areas, and even prompted tyrants and wars. Mao Zedong ca. 1950 via Wikimedia Commons If you search this site, you will find links to articles on many outgrowths of Darwin's death cult, including eugenics, abortion, "scientific" racism, and more. It is worth noting that Darwin's sidewinders saw fit to get into wars. Darwinism played a prominent role in World War One , the Nazi race holocaust , communism , and more. Remember, the religion of atheism has evolution as a cornerstone, and millions of people were murdered by atheist evolutionists. What people may have forgotten (or neglected, since evolution is adored by "wise" people and many scientists) is that the atrocities in Communist China under Chairman

Taking Up Space — Book Review

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On Saturday, October 20, I had just finished reading a Western novel, which I do from time to time to "decompress". Shortly after lights out, Steven J. Wright sent me a message that I discovered the next morning. He wondered if I would do a review of his new novel, Taking Up Space, which was going to be published very soon. (After all, I wrote about his novel The Deception back in twenty aught thirteen.) I warned him that I would have to mention things I did not care for as well as positive, and he was okay with that. This child saddled up with some free ebook reading material under no obligation to give a glowing review. So, that's the disclaimer as well as a personal anecdote. Most folks don't know that I am writing up a review for a book, video, or whatever. This was an interesting experience. I was corresponding with Mr. Wright and giving him progress reports as well as some thoughts along the way. Although you have seen some book r