Evolution, Creation, and Legal Rights for Trees

People have been trying for some time now to give legal status to parts of nature, which most folks find...truly bizarre. Rivers can file lawsuits , an elephant was declared a person for a while , and more. At least Utah and some other states are not participating in this madness . Yet. Nature "rights" are rooted in evolutionary beliefs. Think about it: We all evolved from a common ancestor, so humans are not special — and not created in the image of God. Indeed, many environmentalists are actually engaging in goddess worship . Now we are to talk to trees? Dead trees, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen People giving legal status to things in nature lower the status of humans, and wanting to talk to trees is not helping matters. Yes, they have their own communications systems, but denizens of the Wood Wide Web are not exactly having discussions or developing a culture. Yet some evolutionists think that every living thing has intelligence. An image of vegetables floating aro...