Deceptive Science Journals and the Leftist Science Agenda
Science is supposed to be about searching for knowledge, but special interests have long sought to keep inconvenient information hidden from consideration ( just ask Galileo ). Although creationists publish in peer-reviewed journals, it must be on acceptable topics — the Genesis Flood and recent creation are streng verboten . There is tremendous pressure on many in the secular science industry, and some scientists have a "publish or perish" sword dangling over their heads. That and personal greed motivate quite a few to cheat so they can have their names on display in prestigious journals. Many topics are either taboo or the narrative is preordained by secularists in power. Sure, go ahead and discuss climate change or other subjects near and dear to the cold, hard hearts of the left. Just make certain that the contents follow the limitations; no one here will save you, just replace you. Got that, chief? For that matter, adherents of Scientism often think that peer review is...