
Showing posts with the label Darwinism

Imagine Science Without Darwin

February 12 is Question Evolution Day for those of us who care about free speech, intellectual and academic freedoms, and more. Many secularists call it Darwin Day since Charlie is treated like a religious icon. Speak ill of him and call down their thunder. Yet people also say that nobody believes Darwinism anymore, theories of evolution have progressed. Don't even refer to evolution as Darwinism . But they still have the day of observance. It would be amazing if secular scientists told the secular science industry, "We can work without evolutionary thinking. Send him packing." Charles Darwin hitchhiking, made with AI at Bing While atheists and other secularists may be screaming, "Katie, bar the door!" about such a heretical concept of science without Darwinism, there are some basic facts to consider. First, he was not a "great scientist," as his only earned degree was in theology. Second, he promised to back up his claims, but never followed through ...

Hugo de Vries and the Evolution of Darwinism

As seen before, big ideas and movements rarely spring up suddenly. Charles Darwin did not create evolution , it is an ancient pagan philosophy going back to the Greeks, Hindus; the first evolutionist is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Indeed, Darwin was also influenced by Lamarck, his grandfather Erasmus, and others.  Charlie even hijacked and retooled Edward Blyth's work on natural selection for his own purposes, making it a creative force. (His acolytes over the years have even made it into a being with the power to make choices.) Apparently he backed off a bit by the time Origin of Species reached its final edition. Sun obscured by tree, Mt. Tremper (NY) trail, 14 Sept 2022 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Darwinism was embraced by academia — finally a way to get that pesky Creator out of their lives! There was a time that Darwinism was at risk of falling out of favor because of its substantial problems. People aware of Gregor Mendel's work in genetics (peas be upon him) thought...

Genocide in Cambodia Motivated by Darwinism

Social Darwinism is the logical extension of evolutionary thinking, making his biological ideas into a worldview. It has been documented on creationist sites that many totalitarian dictators put survival of the fittest and other principles into practice. Eugenics (eliminating those thought unfit for breeding) was taken to its logical conclusion by these dictators. One of the atheists who is responsible for murdering millions was known as Pol Pot, and it was indicated that his policies were more vicious than even those of Hitler. The Darwin connection is largely ignored by popular history sites. Pol Pot during meeting with Nicolae Ceaușescu, WikiComm / Romanian Communism Online Photo Collection (modified) Pol Pot was an atheist, communist, and evolutionist. He was especially devoted to the communist writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Joseph Stalin, and Mao was also a tremendous influence to Pot. In addition, he was a tremendous racist. The Khmer people of Cambodia were numerous, but ...

Charles Darwin and the White Supremacists

Something that many of totalitarian dictators and even mass murderers of the last 150 years or so is holding to belief in Darwinism. Evolution is not just a theory for academics to discuss and for ordinary people to accept because they said so. Instead, it is a worldview used to interpret science and morality. Unfortunately, white supremacy will never go away. Those sidewinders are known for despising people with darker skin, but they have particular venom for Jews. Leftists label many people as "far right" including white nationalists, but leftists as well as alleged Conservatives were joining in with hatred for Jews. People worshiping statue of Darwin, made by AI at Bing Although the Intelligent Design people wrongly want to keep God out of the discussions, an article makes a point — which is often made by presuppositional apologists. That is, if Darwinism is right, nobody  can condemn Hamas for attacking the Jews. When atheists say that something is morally wrong, they are...

Darwinism and the Rwandan Genocide

Imagine if you will that you had a good relationship with a neighboring group of people, and things were fine for many years. Some people from your group even married people from their group. Things changed. They are now considered inferior and should be killed. Folks in your group accepted those racist views and the reasoning behind them. Obviously, this describes Nazi Germany. It also describes other places. A common factor is evolutionary thinking, which influences many areas in societies, such as law . It may be surprising to learn that Darwinism was instrumental in the Rwandan Genocide of 1994. Ntrama church altar, site of one massacre, Flickr / Scott Chacon ( CC BY 2.0 ) German colonists, and then later the Dutch, brought their Darwinist views and imposed them on Rwandan tribes. This Victorian myth of origins elevates white people to the pinnacle of evolution. By presupposing evolution and racism, colonists infected the people with the view that one tribe (race) was superior...

The Holocaust and Darwinian Scientists

People are able to analyze in detail the numerous records, narratives, and all sorts of documents to learn about the evils of Nazism. They may think that Adolf Hitler dreamed up all sorts of ideas and implemented them when he came to power, but that is not the case. No dictator, rescuer, or movement on a large scale ever happens spontaneously or in a vacuum. The groundwork has already been laid. Charles Darwin did not invent evolution, but capitalized on ideas of his grandfather and others, all the way back to ancient Greek philosophers and Hindus. Hitler was also an opportunist, and Darwin was a big part of the Nazi plan. Auschwitz Gateway Sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta People are enamored with celebrities, and that is abundantly clear in the modern Western world. They seldom have knowledge about the subjects they rant about, and fans unthinkingly embrace whatever is being promoted. Similarly, scientists and intellectuals espoused Nazism even before Hitler became a part of it. (That...

Beauty, and the Failure of Sexual Selection

Back in 1859, Charles Darwin gave the world his hijacked view of natural selection in  Origin of Species . It was in 1874 where he called his proposal evolution  and made his racist views known in Descent of Man . The second part of the latter book's title is  Selection in Relation to Sex . Essentially, he said that the good-looking males get the female mates. He did not say how  beauty and the female's ability to choose a handsome mate arose, and admitted that his sexual selection idea had problems from the beginning. Courtship  / Edmund Blair Leighton, 1903 People who know about societies and culture should question this principle, as it doesn't make sense even on the surface. Despite stories of romance, women do not tend to select the handsomest gent for marriage (I'm a prime example). Appearance is not the most important of criteria, which also include personality, humor, financial prospects, and more. Nor are women in charge, since men are involved in choos...

Stupid Evolution Tricks with Radiation and Mutations

After Darwin's idea of evolution through natural selection grew in popularity, it began to fade in the early twentieth century. Katie, bar the door! Gotta keep that ancient pagan philosophy dressed up in a lab coat going so there is an excuse for denying the truth of the Creator! The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) was added, yielding neo-Darwinism. Skipping forward several years, the effects of radiation and mutations were also incorporated into the naturalistic monstrosity. Scientists seemed to have had a grand time researching radiation, but it did not go well. Artificially mutated from an illustration by Sidney Paget , 1895 The pagan nature of evolutionism was once again revealed, giving Darwin's version of natural selection the ability to make choices and decide from the mutation buffet which traits to use. They even thought that by subjecting living things to X-rays, forcing and accelerating mutations would make wonderful things happen. ...

Evolutionists Celebrating Darwinian Racism

It is bad enough that Darwin's votaries pretend that they are driven by science and not by faith in naturalism, but they celebrate the Bearded Buddha with religious fervor. It happened on the 150th anniversary of the Marxist-adored Origin of Species , and now this. Some professing atheists think evolution makes them " intellectually fulfilled " Celebrations are planned for the 150th anniversary of The Descent of Man , and by the time this is published, there will undoubtedly be more. (This may include dancing around the maypole.) Interestingly, there are no significant calls by the cancel culture gang to deplatform Darwin . Falsehoods abound about this owlhoot's "wonderful discovery" and how he was a "great scientist", but he only hijacked natural selection and retooled existing evolutionary views for his own purposes. Also, Darwin had no formal scientific training. It is about worldviews. Evolutionism is naturalism and is opposed to special creat...

Deplatforming Darwin in the Cancel Culture

Of the currently popular movements that this child finds nonsensical, deplatforming  and its ugly brother  cancel culture  are especially baffling. They seem to be a means of punishing people for making statements or having views that are currently unpopular. Why are they not taking shots at Charles Darwin? Assembled and modified from various components, including some at Clker clipart That's right, people who are dead can be punished. Mayhaps it's revenge. In many instances, people just want to destroy. These mindless mooncalves even tore down statues of abolitionists like Frederick Douglass and  Hans Christian Heg . Much of the current hatred is directed toward not only slave owners in the formerly United States, but regarding racism. Why not deplatform and cancel Darwinism? It would be consistent. One big problem is that evolutionary thinking is prominent in the scientific community and academia, and the Marxist groups are actually living out Darwinism ! Evoluti...

Evil People Trying to Prove Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The content of this post (and especially in the featured article below) is  both important and disturbing , so be forewarned on both counts. People want to believe they are special, and the Nazis used evolutionism, bad science, and propaganda to "prove" the Aryan "race" was superior. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach An honest examination of evolutionary thinking reveals that it has spawned many evils, including: Medical malpractice such as  "junk" DNA  and  "vestigial" structures Communism Scientific Racism It played a major factor in  World War I Eugenics Abortion Nazi racist policies , which were not limited to the Jews,  but also Gypsies  and others As we have seen many times, many adherents of the  Darwin Death Cult® are not driven by evidence, but instead are trying to promote the atheistic naturalism narrative . (If evolutionists were indeed following the evidence, they would all be biblical crea...

Punctuating the Crocodile Evolution

Sometimes it get baffling how people persist in believing universal common descent evolution, what with all the bad science, frauds, and all. Then I remember that such pedagese exists because naturalists will believe anything rather than allow a Divine foot in the door . Consider crocodiles and punctuated equilibrium. Modified from an image at Pexels / Rutpratheep Nilpechr It's been "the trade secret of paleontology" that there are no undisputed transitional fossils. (In fact, many putative transitional forms were simply different genders, adults, juveniles, variations of the same critter.) Since Papa Darwin knew that the fossils did not support his views, he took it by faith that they would be found someday (which is not science in the least). Since there is no actual evidence for evolution, what's a Darwin devotee to do? Trade one story without evidence for another tall tale, of course! Otto Schindewolf proposed that evolution happened in bursts, so that's why ...

Darwinism and the Gypsy Holocaust

The trope of Gypsies traveling in wagons was rather common on television and in movies, often as comedy. They were viewed with suspicion and hostility, and some probably perpetuated their image as thieves and swindlers. However, the caricatures are inadequate. Encampment of Gypsies with Caravans , Vincent van Gogh, 1888 It is true that they had nomadic groups . Accents given to them on television seemed to be Hungarian, Romanian, and similar, but they did not originate from those areas. Gypsies are the Romani (or Roma ) people, and are a large minority in Eastern European countries even today. However, this ethnic group has a language similar to Hindi, and they probably came from India way back when. We hear about the Nazi persecution of the Jews, less about the Japanese atrocities in World War II , but not very much about the persecution and murders of many thousands of Romani people. Why pick on them? After all, Hitler didn't discuss them. It was because of Darwinian views of t...

Effects of Evolutionary Thinking on Law and History

Regular readers have seen how the distraction of, "Evolution is just biology" is completely false. We recently saw how evolutionism can be a religion in its own right , and how it is a worldview through which people interpret data and make choices. Christopher Langdell portrait by Frederick Porter Vinton , modified Secular geologists "know" that the world is billions of years old. That's what the Bearded Buddha wants, that's what he gets — evidence for the young earth is suppressed or ignored. Social Darwinism was the application of his biological ideas to produce eugenics and a drastic increase in abortions , scientific racism , women as inferior , and much more. William Blackstone wrote his commentaries on the law, and those were foundational for a long time. Christopher Langell was influenced by Darwin, and decided that since evolution was true, then everything evolves. The US Constitution is something that needs to evolve as well; judges are more importa...

Eugenics and Dog Breeds

When the science of genetics (pioneered by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him) was still developing, well-heeled folks wanted the fruits of science. Back then, thinking and science were popular. So was Darwinism. Artificial selection (selective breeding) and eugenics were becoming fashionable. Dogs paid the price. Credit: RGBStock / Richard Dudley There are similar principles in the social Darwinist  eugenics movement and dog breeding. Both have arbitrary criteria where only certain individuals are allowed to reproduce, and both began when genetics was not very well understood. When it came to dog breeds, traits of temperament and appearance were emphasized. Unfortunately, undesirable and unseen traits would often appear, making the animal less able to survive. Dogs like pugs and others with faces that look pushed in often have the breathing problem known as brachycephalic syndrome . To be direct, much of selective breeding is ultimately cruel. Creationists believe that somet...

Using Evolution to Excuse Promiscuity

While this post and the article linked below have nothing explicit or prurient, they contain adult concepts . Sensitive and younger readers may want to skip this one. Since Darwinism has given us many wicked social views and rejects the Creator, it is no surprise that evolution can be used to justify sexual promiscuity. Lovers , Konstantin Somov, 1920 Atheists may feel free to indulge in sexual abuse because they suppress the truth that God exists and is the final Judge of everyone, but they still must deal with laws and societies. Many claim that morality comes from evolution , which is foolish even on the surface. We have seen in previous posts how evolutionists struggle with ethics and morality. While atheists and evolutionists scoff at biblical Christianity and creationists, the ultimate truth is found in the unchanging Word of God. Humans may be classified by scientists as animals, but we are created in God's image. He has not only given us the Book to guide us, he li...

Evolution and Genetic Determinism

When Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) was initiating the science of genetics, it is doubtful that he envisioned that evolutionists would misuse it to the point of determining human behavior. They say, "Excuse me while I whip this out", start spinning their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings™ for "scientific truth", and conjured up genetic determinism . Background image furnished by Why?Outreach plus a modified graphic from Clker Clipart These materialists try to find immaterial things such as consciousness which is contrary to the dogma of your behavior is in your genes. Some speculate that even your morals are genetic. Let's just slow this pony for a moment. Although thinking people reject such a notion, it would be the ultimate in postmodernism with no ultimate truth. This is consistent with evolutionism, since they say we are the results of cosmic explosions, primordial slime, random chance processes, time, and so on. For that matter, if the...

Darwinism and Chinese Communism

Some people wonder why the fuss about origins. After all, Darwin proposed a naturalistic view of origins, so let the scientists slap leather on that and we can just go on about our business. Unfortunately, evolutionary views have been applied to many areas, and even prompted tyrants and wars. Mao Zedong ca. 1950 via Wikimedia Commons If you search this site, you will find links to articles on many outgrowths of Darwin's death cult, including eugenics, abortion, "scientific" racism, and more. It is worth noting that Darwin's sidewinders saw fit to get into wars. Darwinism played a prominent role in World War One , the Nazi race holocaust , communism , and more. Remember, the religion of atheism has evolution as a cornerstone, and millions of people were murdered by atheist evolutionists. What people may have forgotten (or neglected, since evolution is adored by "wise" people and many scientists) is that the atrocities in Communist China under Chairman...

Worldviews and Beauty

You know the old saying about beauty being in the eye of the beholder, which basically means that what may look good to you may not look so special to me. On a larger scale, there are things that people generally agree upon that contain beauty. This applies to architecture as well. Credit: Pixabay / Robert Jones There was a time when people made an effort to design a building that was pleasing to the eye, and people wanted a house "with character". With the advent of modernism came utilitarian approaches to building. Bland houses and apartment complexes that were scarcely above the aesthetic value of things resembling bunkers ensued. Some of the designers were actually opposed to the beauty of what went before. Modernists tended toward materialism, and intertwined in that were atheism and Darwinism. I think they also sacrificed quality of work. This utilitarian approach is a tenet of evolutionism. While we have ugly buildings and cheapness in construction, there is...