
Showing posts with the label DNA

Immortal Jellyfish Defies Evolution

Those other jellyfish get the media attention, what with their bell shapes, lack of brains, deadly stinging tentacles and such. What about the "immortal jellyfish" that scientists call  Turritopsis dohrnii ? Of course, they are 0.18 inches (4.5 mm) long, so they are difficult to see — but are in pretty much every ocean. Nothing physical is immortal, but T. dohrnii makes a good try though, barring accidents and such. They essentially regenerate themselves (no word if any carry sonic screwdrivers), reverting to an immature stage. Sometimes they even skip that stage. The process is amazingly complex. Turritopsis dohrnii , enlarged from Wikimedia Commons / Bachware ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) On a side note, it has been said that youth is wasted on the young... Can you imagine starting over as someone much younger but retaining the knowledge you have? Of course, these critters lack brains, so there's not a whole lot of knowledge to draw from as they progress. Sometimes the jellyfish e...

Usage Rules in DNA

The science of genetics was pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), who would have had no idea of the trouble it would bring to evolutionary conjectures. Like in other things, bigger does not necessarily mean better because bigger genomes do not mean better  (more evolved). There are misotheists who deny that DNA is a code despite what secular scientists admit, probably because this testifies of the Creator. Indeed, DNA is a language. Researchers have found that this language is more complicated than realized. It has syntax; grammar. DNA, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann (Geralt) As you probably know, the DNA code used in genetics is comprised of only four letters: A,G,C, and T. The way they are arranged codes for amino acids and does other things. Epigenetics ( above the code) regulates gene expression. To complicate matters and further frustrate evolution, the arrangement of the letters and even spacing adds further control to how DNA works. Human languages change over time. ...

More Mammoth Messing with DNA

A few weeks ago, we looked at " Woolly Mammoths, DNA, and the Genesis Flood ." There was an article by a different organization that I almost deleted because I thought it was an echo of the one linked above. Nope. Different after all. Mammoths and other creatures are getting a great deal of attention lately. Interesting genetic research was contaminated by secular assumptions of deep time. Mammoths are dated at tens of thousands of years, and dinosaurs at millions of years. Secular scientists assume DNA can last such a long time because they assume the animals are so old. Mammoths, Wikimedia Commons /  Honymand  / ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) There have been several interesting discoveries, including that mammoths and elephants both have twenty-eight pairs of chromosomes, showing their relationship to elephants. (Is anyone surprised?) A gene that controls hair and skin growth is not active in mammoths, but they have it, which may be why they were so shaggy. Scientists said the organic ma...

Getting Around to Circular RNAs

In the 1970s, molecular biology was quickly growing. Unfortunately, scientists brought a prairie schooner-full of assumptions with them instead of being objective. DNA was getting sequenced and a large section of it was labeled as "junk" leftover from our alleged evolutionary past. There are classes of RNAs that are puzzling, and they are are not always linear. Some RNAs were considered junk because they did not code for proteins, but some were involved in that after all. In reality, scientific hubris was defeated because RNAs have important functions. Then circular RNAs were discovered. Metabolism of circular RNA, Wikimedia Commons / Wei-Yi Zhou ( CC BY 4.0 ) There are three classes of circRNAs (so far). They surprised researchers by setting up camp in unexpected areas of genes. Their functions are quite complex, and like other things, have a say in gene expression. Mayhaps if secularists realized that there is a Master Engineer who put things in their places for good reaso...

Woolly Mammoths, DNA, and the Genesis Flood

Scientists figure that Wrangel Island, way up north in the Arctic Ocean, was where the woolly mammoths had their last stand. After these elephant-types walked there, water levels rose and marooned them. Research involved obtaining physical samples and sequencing DNA. The results were surprising. It was assumed that the mammoths inbred themselves to death, but that is not exactly so. When a population is radically reduced, it is called a bottleneck . Bad mutations increase. The mammoth bottleneck did not have the presumed deleterious effects. Interestingly, this has implications for Noah and his family. Woolly mammoth cave art from Les Combarelles, France / PD Scoffers of the Genesis Flood point out that the human population would have to be rebuilt from six of the eight individuals on the Ark, so they assume the bottleneck was insurmountable. Humans are more complex than the elephant kind. The implications for the human population after the Flood are supportive of creation science ...

Passing the Creation Information Barrier

There is a gap between biological information and matter, and it can only be breached by the Creator. (Indeed, matter itself contains some information.) It needs a sender and receiver. An analogy may be helpful. Morse code is extremely simple, rendered as dots and dashes. (Interestingly, it is like all computer binary with on/off, yes/no, one/zero, and so on.) Developed by creationist Samuel F.B. Morse , it was sent across electrical telegraph lines beginning in the 1840s. Operators had to convert text to Morse code for sending and receiving. Many Western movies show someone keying a telegraph device. Morse Telegraph (1837), Wikimedia Commons / Zubro ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) It has been said that telegraph operators could identify each other by their keystrokes: "This is coming from the Virginia City, Nevada station. Bart must have the day off, this is a different sender." After a spell, it became the first of radio wave communication. Technology developed in several ways, so the te...

Glyptodonts for Lunch

Though many critters from the depths of time are extinct, some have living relatives today. There are living things that were thought to be extinct, then discovered to be alive and labeled living fossils . One animal from days of old is the dilly of armor, the armadillo. It is linked to the  glyptodont  group. As with some other creatures, even the largest of the armadillos are dwarfed by ancient relatives. DNA reveals that glyptodonts are actually giant armadillos — and may have been on the dining menu for some people. Glyptodon clavipes , Flickr / S. Rae (adjusted), ( CC BY 2.0 ) As to why animals were much larger back then, biblical creationists and secular scientists have differing ideas. Creationists have suggested longer lifespans and with them, delayed maturation. However, creationists are uncertain if the pre-Flood conditions on Earth played a part in bigness ( which included the Ice Age ). Also, secular scientists say cutting marks found on bones indicate slicing off...

Mammoth Problems in Greenland

Secular scientists are committed to uniformitarianism ("the present is the key to the past") for the most part. Slow and gradual processes do not support observed evidence, so their worldview keeps them attempting to find explanations. Greenland is an icy place, but it was not always that way. There are canyons there (yippie ky yay, Bill Nye), plants were found underneath the ice sheet, the ice deposited quickly and not over huge amounts of time, and more. An ecosystem in the northern part of Greenland has been detected. Greenland north coast image credit: NASA /  Michael Studinger  (usage does not imply endorsement) The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) has developed in some amazing ways. In this case, soil was analyzed and critters that lived in northern Greenland could be determined. But mammoths ? How did those  get up there? This is pretty far north. The biodiversity is a tough thing for secular scientists to explain in the first p...

Evolutionists Assume Age of Mammoth DNA

While on a ride during a nice evening, I met Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch and his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde. The three of us reined in and exchanged pleasantries. Jacqueline brought up the subject of extremely well-preserved DNA that was discovered in a woolly mammoth. Rusty warmed to the subject and told of the report where conditions in a cave contributed to the preservation, and the mammoth meat was like a soft jerky. It was essentially freeze-dried, so it lasted tens of thousands of years. Even chromosomes were intact. Mammoths image, Flickr /  Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) While this is not on the scale of dinosaur soft tissues and DNA allegedly lasting sixty-five million years, the fact remains that it is fragile even in the best of conditions. Sitting around after all those years would still cause it to degrade. Once again, researchers are ignoring important facts while assuming the age is correct. (Darwin needs great amounts of time his wonders to...

Genetic Recombination Affirms Creation

The science of genetics originated with creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), and believers in universal common descent claim that it refutes creation. Not hardly! Indeed, the more genomics progresses, the more the work of the Master Designer becomes obvious. DNA, genes, chromosomes, molecular motors, and all that good stuff has to be working together with great precision. Part of their job is to produce genetic variation where sperm and eggs form in sexually-reproducing organisms. This is for the health of the species. An amazing process called recombination  comes into play. Shuffling cards, Pexels / Kristóf Sass-Kovan The genome is shuffled like a deck of cards. This process could easily go wrong if the Creator had not designed it to have safeguards. Our genome has twenty-two regular chromosomes nicely paired up, then they switch sides, get cut into pieces, and put back together in a controlled way. One might expect the chromosome sets from parents to produce offspring t...

Design Work of the Creator Seen in DNA

When Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) initiated the science of genetics, he could not have known how intricate and valuable it would be. A major part of genetics is the DNA molecule. Its existence was known for quite some time, but Drs. Watson and Crick eventually determined that it took the form of a helix. The code of DNA is startlingly simple, just four letters long. Their combinations and the ways they are expressed why it is so complex. It is interesting that in Psalm 139, David wrote about inward parts that have been woven together — which describes DNA. DNA art, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (geralt) There is an old expression that has been attributed to several people, but essentially, it is "Standing on the shoulders of giants." It is a colorful way to say that discoveries and advances are based on the work of others who had come along before. This is certainly true of DNA, as one discovery inspired another, and the learning grew. Atheists often compare creationists with t...

Protein Folding is a Major Problem for Evolution

Frequently, discussions about protein folding launch straight into the subject. Sure, it is important, but what does it mean? Do proteins actually fold? That is the best way to describe what is happening. Consider a weak analogy with origami . (Although this paper folding art is associated with Japan, other cultures seem to have developed it independently.) Paper of the correct dimensions is needed to fold into a recognizable shape, and the folding must be done correctly or the result is a wasted piece of paper. Origami tsuru (crane), RGBStock / Manoel Silva In biology, proteins are complex molecules that are working within cells. The cells fold them into complex shapes so they can do their assigned jobs . This folding is essential for life, and is extremely complex — it must be exactly right. A quantum computer simulated the folding of a small protein, but proteins are far bigger than this one was. Cells fold (and unfold when needed) proteins extremely fast. Evolutionists cannot expl...

DNA, Ancient Humans, and the Lineage of Noah

The article featured below is from a creationist peer-reviewed technical journal, so it is primarily by and for scientists. However, there are several parts that non-scientists can understand. We can skim through the details (mostly in the middle) and still learn some important things; let the scientists have the rest. Biblical creationists have long pointed out that everyone has the same facts, and the interpretation of the facts are vital. In addition, scientists are human: They start with assumptions and presuppositions which heavily influence the results of their research. The DNA of Neanderthals and Denisovans was used by members of the secular science industry to supposedly support evolution from apelike ancestors. Data were selected that should support their views. Drawing from work by  Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson , creation scientists were able to use much of the data to show how it relates to the sons of Noah. This supports recent creation. Causes of Neanderthal extinction are a...

DNA Repair and Deliberate Mutations Make Darwin Sad

As many people know, a cornerstone of particles-to-paleontologist evolution is mutations. Fundamentalist evolutionists insist that mutations are entirely random — admittedly, that is plausible on the surface. They also claim that there is no purpose (teleology) in evolution. While there are many random mutations, it has been shown (much to the dismay of the Bearded Buddha and his acolytes) that some mutations are the result of advance planning, not random at all . In addition, DNA repair systems are taking the wind out of Darwin's sails. Thale cress, Rawpixel / NASA (Public Domain) Over Eurasia and Africa way, there's a plant that the locals consider a weed. Scientists love it, though. Using the science of genetics pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), a great deal of the genome of the thale cress has been studied. Then came some surprises. Although they won't admit it, not only is there DNA repair happening, but non-randomness in mutations. This seem...

Small RNAs Show Masterful Engineering

DNA is a fabulous molecule, vitally important to living things. Studies of the genome show functions of DNA, then further details and mechanisms are discovered. Epigenetic changes are essentially on top of the genome, regulating how genes are expressed. Also extremely important is RNA, and new research is showing that there are small RNAs that have some extremely important functions. It is also amazing that some changes made can be passed along to offspring, which is not good news for molecules-to-microbiologist evolution. DNA illustration, Pixabay / Miroslaw Miras Researchers injected RNA molecules into certain cells and saw that genes could be affected, even silenced. MicroRNAs regulate gene expression in an important way. Most of their work is outside the nucleus of the cell  but not always. Some of these can even help communications systems between cells. Also, these miRNAs are part of three main systems. Yes, life is the product of the Master Engineer, and the irreducibl...

DNA Sequence Is More Bad News for Evolutionists

Once again, the combination of the desire to learn plus advances in technology conspire to thwart the wishes of evolutionists. It happens in a big way with the Webb space telescope . Some secular geologists are echoing some of creation science  because of additional studies. Now this... While a great deal of DNA sequencing has been accomplished, and there is still more work to be done. Y chromosome analysis of humans and great apes did not go well for evolutionists. Genetics never has been helpful to evolution. DNA puzzle, Pixabay / qimono (modified) The old "ninety-eight percent similarity" between human and chimpanzee genome has long been refuted  (but Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ repeat it anyway), and this new research is another major setback for evolution. Comparing chimpanzee and human Y chromosomes shows they are only twenty-six percent similar. Factor in a 2010 study and secularists should cowboy up and admit that there is no evidence for evolution, but a great deal...

Hugo de Vries and the Evolution of Darwinism

As seen before, big ideas and movements rarely spring up suddenly. Charles Darwin did not create evolution , it is an ancient pagan philosophy going back to the Greeks, Hindus; the first evolutionist is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). Indeed, Darwin was also influenced by Lamarck, his grandfather Erasmus, and others.  Charlie even hijacked and retooled Edward Blyth's work on natural selection for his own purposes, making it a creative force. (His acolytes over the years have even made it into a being with the power to make choices.) Apparently he backed off a bit by the time Origin of Species reached its final edition. Sun obscured by tree, Mt. Tremper (NY) trail, 14 Sept 2022 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Darwinism was embraced by academia — finally a way to get that pesky Creator out of their lives! There was a time that Darwinism was at risk of falling out of favor because of its substantial problems. People aware of Gregor Mendel's work in genetics (peas be upon him) thought...

Inner Workings of DNA Repair

Believers in molecules-to-mechanic evolution maintain that vertical change happens through natural selection and mutations. However, those mutations need huge amounts of time to accumulate, and a strong argument for a young earth is genetic entropy . That is, at the rate of mutations seen today factored into the assumed age of humans on Earth, we should be extinct. Evolutionists have another problem to contend with, and that is how built-in biological DNA repair mechanisms are working to keep mutations at a minimum. Welder with DNA, original image: Pixabay / Natsan P Matias ; modified with DNA image from Clker clipart From a biblical creation viewpoint, everything was very good immediately after creation (Gen. 1:31). Death and degeneration entered into creation when Adam sinned (Rom. 5:19). Things began to go downhill. Mutations slipped through the repair systems and things are increasingly worse. Even so, those repair mechanisms are extremely effective at slowing down mutations th...

First the Chicken — or Maybe the Egg

Meeting up with my old friend Hammond Suisse in town for lunch, we placed our orders at the eatery. He wanted fried chicken and I had a hankering for an omelette. Hammond joked that we would find out which comes first, the chicken or the eggs. If you study on it a spell, you may realize that the old question has an evolutionary basis. Biblical creationists know that God created the functionally mature chicken first so it could lay eggs. Actually, yes and no. The answer is not quite so straightforward. Chickens and eggs, Unsplash / Daniel Tuttle Creationists study baraminology , which is the study of the created kinds  in the Bible. Those are not species, and are roughly equivalent to families  in the secular system. They studied on which birds can hybridize with chickens. Since we believe that the Creator equipped original parent kinds to have a passel of DNA and epigenetic switches, and therefore we believe in speciation, chickens probably came from pheasant-like birds. A big...

Pseudogenes and Dead-End Darwinism

Stevia Dolce, the lead baker at the Darwin Ranch up yonder near Deception Pass, surprised me with a visit. She brought Dekker Halls, who was visiting for the Christmas season. They heard talk about pseudogenes that did not sit right with them and wanted to ask me. After digging into the fabulous croissants that Stevia brought, we commenced to discussing the problem. Evolutionary thinking is bad for medical science, and even science itself. Scientists studied DNA, but expected everything to code for proteins. Big mistake. Directional street sign generator at RedKid Like when someone receives a delivery that isn't interesting, "Just set it over there" and it gets forgotten. These things called pseudogenes  look like genes, but did not work the way Darwinists expected. "Why do you say Darwinists , Cowboy Bob?" Dekker asked. "Nobody really believes classical Darwinism anymore." I replied, "True, but it has a couple of uses. The first one is for simpli...