
Showing posts with the label Creation Evolution Headlines

Imagine Science Without Darwin

February 12 is Question Evolution Day for those of us who care about free speech, intellectual and academic freedoms, and more. Many secularists call it Darwin Day since Charlie is treated like a religious icon. Speak ill of him and call down their thunder. Yet people also say that nobody believes Darwinism anymore, theories of evolution have progressed. Don't even refer to evolution as Darwinism . But they still have the day of observance. It would be amazing if secular scientists told the secular science industry, "We can work without evolutionary thinking. Send him packing." Charles Darwin hitchhiking, made with AI at Bing While atheists and other secularists may be screaming, "Katie, bar the door!" about such a heretical concept of science without Darwinism, there are some basic facts to consider. First, he was not a "great scientist," as his only earned degree was in theology. Second, he promised to back up his claims, but never followed through ...

Planetary Habitability and Water

Habitability out there, thataway, was a simple concept: A planet had to be the right distance from a suitable star. There also had to be some water. Secular cosmologists and astrobiologists (yet there are no aliens to study) depend on atoms-to-alien evolution to happen. Aside from the silliness of believing in abiogenesis despite  science and reason, these folks also have to deal with how the habitability zone becomes increasingly complex. It gets more complicated the way water is vital for habitability in more ways than scientists previously considered. Desert world scene, Pixabay / Gordon Taylor There are books and movies about desert worlds where water is a precious commodity. Computer simulations greatly increase the suspension of disbelief in audiences because a world without water could not evolve  — a substantial amount of water, at that. Also, the water would have to be at a minimum level. Such information should inspire people to be thankful to the Creator for the wor...

Dinosaur Collagen Does Exist

When soft tissues in dinosaurs were found, Darwin's disciples denied it. Accusations of faulty laboratory procedures, sample contamination, and other excuses were made. Even so, discoveries of soft tissues and saying those things should   not exist  continued. Things kept getting worse for evolutionists. Cellular proteins were found in dinosaur fossils , and so has DNA . Not only is the word fossil  used loosely because not all fossils are permineralized, a new study definitively confirmed that dinosaur collagen exists in fossils. Modified postage stamp of an  Edmontosaurus  head from the author's collection The hip bone of an  Edmontosaurus  was studied with several techniques and identified the remnants of collagen. Molecules had degraded, but they were clearly identified as collagen. When compared to protein sequences of other animals, those of dinosaurs were unique. It is commendable that the researchers admitted to the evidence, which is a huge pr...

Noise in the Evolution Signal

Not everyone has state-of-the-art audio receivers always available, and tuning in to a distant broadcast can include static and other noise. If there is too much, we may say "Fuggedaboudit" and move on. It would have been nice to hear the program, though. It is similar when using televisions with aerials. For something that is considered a "fact" or even a "law ," the signal from proponents of descent-with-modification evolution should be clear. It is not. Many scientists and those in academia do not understand evolution, so no wonder the common person is confused. Darwin on television with signal noise, public domain images including Clker clipart A researcher and a professor think they have tools to reduce the noise in statistical rates. However, they were talking about what some folks erroneously call microevolution , which is really just small changes: a bacterium is still a bacterium, a frog is still a frog, a chimpanzee is still a chimpanzee. Basical...

Elitist Secular Science Industry Hating on Donald Trump

Readers who are not Americans can still learn useful things from this material. After what has been seen with the secular science industry's politically leftist associations, it should not be surprising that they hate President Donald Trump. (Ideally, science activities should be untainted by politics.) Consider who else they hate. By extension, secular science leaders (and their lapdog media) are going against tens of millions of people who voted for Trump. Those leftist elitists promote causes like global warming, evolution, abortion, and other things. They are better people and smarter than the rest of us. Just ask them. Krasnoyarsk rebellion , Vasily Surikov, 1902 Leftists are undertaking their own little rebellions. In addition to whining on social media posts, certain federal employees disrupt their jobs. Leftists are also attempting to undermine the President, assuming that everything Trump and his party does is bad, and essentially having tantrums that hurt themselves and o...

Mars, Moon Continue to Baffle Secular Geologists

There have been numerous instances where secular scientists have been amazed when the facts do not fit their assumptions. This frequently happens in astronomy and cosmology. Conventional approaches of geologists and astronomers/cosmologists presuppose deep time, which often does not pan out. A big push has been on to find signs of life way out yonder in the universe, and that would prove evolution in their minds. Exoplanets have secularists excited, as do some of the moons and planets in our own solar system. Mars and the moon are comparatively close, but they still cause consternation. Moon and Mars, WikiComm / NASA (PD), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents A word about date ranges before we continue. When biblical creationists present evidence for a young earth, solar system, or universe, those dates are often upper limits. Remember when we touched on how misotheists criticize what they do not understand ? Those uninformed criticisms happen regarding age limits. For ex...

The Politics Behind Science

Unusual title, yes? As discussed here several times, the secular science industry supports causes that are dear to the cold hearts of leftists. Many scientists simply want to do their jobs and probably have little regard for political details. False climate change reports and abortion are at the top of their list. One very big reason is that politicians promise them money. Secular science advocated for leftist politicians , clutching their pearls because they believed folks on the political right would ruin their funding. Political benefactors have long been a part of financing science. Aldrin by US flag on moon (PD), WikiComm / NASA , usage does not imply endorsement of site contents The Soviet Union and now Russia engaged in espionage to get scientific and technological secrets. Communist China is far more crafty. One reason to steal secrets is because they are not as skilled at developing their own technologies. More importantly, they are expanding their influence and will use what ...

New Discoveries about Neanderthals

Here is a fun fact: The Neanderthal valley was renamed in the 19th century for theologian Joachim Neander, who also wrote the hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation." Interesting that a supposed evolutionary ancestor of humans was discovered in "his" valley. There is a prairie schooner-full of information showing that the Neanderthal people were fully human . Many of us have Neanderthal DNA. Information supporting their humanness keeps pouring in. A new bit of research was quite interesting and also puzzling to evolutionists. Neanderthal Woman, PLOS One / WikiComm /  Bacon CPH  (now deleted) ( CC BY 2.5 ), Modified at  PhotoFunia Apparently these bad boys were built for speed. Not marathons, but sprinting. They were considered slow brutes and adapted for extreme cold of the Ice Age in earlier years. Well, even the Ice Age climate there gets a rethink because not as many areas were in the deep freeze as previously thought. Genetics show that...

No Evidence for Endosymbiosis and Evolution

Something of interests to both secular and creation scientists is mutualism  (or symbiosis ), but believers in particles-to-parole officer evolution have a mighty difficult time explaining it. The usual response can be restated as, "It evolved." Not an answer , old son. Another form of mutualism is endosymbiosis , where one organism lives inside another and both are the better for it. Evolutionists believe that endosymbiosis was a vital step forward in the evolution of life. Basically, an archaeon (a kind of microorganism) gulped down a bacterium and evolution took a big step forward. Endosymbiosis, Wikimedia Commons / Signbrowser (PD) Got evidence? It's a mite difficult since we're talking about historical science, after all. Researchers first presupposed evolution (of course), and they injected a bacterium into a fungus. That happens in nature anyway, but they extrapolated madly backward in time and claimed they had evidence supporting this phase of evolution. Not ...

Volcano Damage Restoration and — Gophers?

Burrowing rodents known as pocket gophers  (the pocket part of the name could refer to pocketing  food in cheeks) are widely considered pests. Farmers try to grow plants, gophers burrow and eat them. Sometimes they pull the small plants down into their burrows. We recently saw how nature reclaims urban areas and devastation , so that may have been in the minds of scientists who saw volcanic ash from Mount St. Helens. They took a notion to see what gophers can do to help the soil for one day. The rodents said, "Challenge accepted." Pocket gopher, Wikimedia Commons / LeonardoWeiss ( CC BY 3.0 ) Our Creator has designed things to have an ecological niche, but obviously some critters get rambunctious. Even so, burrowing and recycling the soil by bringing deeper soil up and upper soil deep, could help seeds grow. Other creatures got involved in bioturbation, and the one-day pocket gopher project had results that show forty years later. Reporter Jules Bernstein relates experiments...

False Claims of Observed Evolution

So it is 2025, and my unregistered assault keyboard is still under warranty despite heavy use. Proponents of minerals-to-machinist evolution desperately want to convince other people that they are right, pretending the Creator does not exist (Rom. 1:18-23). We have seen shenanigans and hooey used as propaganda. Definitions of words are changed, speciation and variations are called evolution — but no creature has become something else. Indeed, it appears that many of Darwin's disciples do not understand the basics of evolution themselves, so they blow smoke just like Charlie did! Mostly made at  PhotoFunia Atheists and other secularists tell people what  to think about origins.  Biblical creationists want people to learn how  to think — and why. There was a fellow who seemed to live in fear, so whenever a new assertion was made by evolutionists, he would contact others and me, asking, "This can be refuted, right?" Aside from having faith in ever-changing apparent evid...

Lucy and the Human Evolution Ladder

It has been fifty years since Lucy ( Australopithecus afarensis ) was discovered, but amid secular shouts of joy and dancing in the street, some evolutionists are unconvinced that Lucy ( or Lucifer ) is such a big deal. Indeed, there have been unconvinced scientists from the beginning. There are numerous reasons for doubting this ape as a transitional form. Scattered bones over a wide area, mistakes in the mix, other critters also existed, key components are missing, and more. Evolution at that time needed a boost, and this child believes that Lucy was manufactured, not discovered. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Paleoanthropologist Dr. Bernard Wood rides for the Darwin brand and is a respected name among evolutionists. He pointed out that in the 1970s, evolution was portrayed as resembling a ladder with apelike critters at the bottom and more "advanced" organisms toward the top. That idea, and Lucy, are hooey. November 24, 2024, mar...

The Million Monkeys Typing Shakespeare Gambit

A hoary old canard used by Darwin's disciples to make the origin of life, and also evolution itself, seem feasible involves monkeys. There are several versions of the concept and the actual origin seems uncertain, but Thomas Henry Huxley made use of it way back when. The idea is that given an infinite amount of time and a million immortal monkeys, they could eventually type out out the works of William Shakespeare. The concept is actually plausible the way it is written but is not realistic. Researchers tell us what we already know. Bronx Zoo Postcard — Chimpanzee at Work, 1907, Flickr / Jim Griffin (PD) The monkey theorem is a way to get Darwin doubters to admit that something absurd is actually possible, never mind the logic. From there, all sorts of lucky breaks result in evolution bringing all the wonders of life. The Creator is then displaced. However, dealing with the real universe, even secularists see there ain't no way nohow. The “infinite monkey theorem” began in som...

Astrobiology and Fantasy Moons

While having breakfast with Hammond Suisse at the eatery in town, Russell Watchtower sauntered in. He is in charge of the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch and seemed unusually full of himself that day. He spotted us and we invited him to pull up a chair. Russell, like misotheists and other evolutionists, is fond of assertions. But those are neither evidence nor facts. With people like this, I tend to ask questions that make them uncomfortable. (Some get irate, others end the conversation. I hope they study on things later.) Watchtower gloated about life on other worlds. Space fantasy, Pixabay / gene1970 After warming up to his subject, he pushed back his chair and began slowly walking with a hand grasping his lapel. He gestured with the other hand, saying how moons of Uranus may support life. I asked him how he knows that, and he said that there may be water under the surface of some moons. That means life could evolve out yonder. Then I proceeded to ask if there is any actual evi...

Usage Rules in DNA

The science of genetics was pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), who would have had no idea of the trouble it would bring to evolutionary conjectures. Like in other things, bigger does not necessarily mean better because bigger genomes do not mean better  (more evolved). There are misotheists who deny that DNA is a code despite what secular scientists admit, probably because this testifies of the Creator. Indeed, DNA is a language. Researchers have found that this language is more complicated than realized. It has syntax; grammar. DNA, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann (Geralt) As you probably know, the DNA code used in genetics is comprised of only four letters: A,G,C, and T. The way they are arranged codes for amino acids and does other things. Epigenetics ( above the code) regulates gene expression. To complicate matters and further frustrate evolution, the arrangement of the letters and even spacing adds further control to how DNA works. Human languages change over time. ...

Wicked Imaginings of Evolution

There was some excitement at the Darwin Ranch the other day, and foreman Rusty Swingset rode over to my digs to get me his ownself. Lisa Myworries, the Winkie Guards supervisor, was near emotional collapse. "But why does she need you ?" Rusty asked. I had no answer. Her job is stressful and that was compounded when some of the guards got rebellious. Some of the ranch hands were walking and talking about how they "saw" evolution, and those guards demanded to know where the real evolution was. It did not go well. Wicked Witch Darwin and Monkey "Finding Evolution", main image from Why Outreach Although Rusty, his assistant Cliff Swallows, and some of the other higher-ups at the Darwin Ranch can be decent sorts, Lisa and I have a bit of a rapport. It turns out that she was agreeing with the Winkie Guards who expressed (in their limited vocabulary and speaking abilities) doubt that what is called evolution really is  evolution. That is a subject we have discuss...

More Bad Cosmic Evolution News for Secularists

Secular scientists had high hopes for the James Webb Space Telescope , that extremely expensive device to help bolster cosmic evolution. Dark matter, dark energy, extrasolar planets, the Big Bang — nothing has been found that supports those things. Indeed, cosmologists brought their presuppositions of deep time and cosmic evolution, but were disappointed. Discoveries that were problematic for the Big Bang were made . Biblical creationists presuppose the Creator and recent creation, and the JWST confirms creation cosmology . Newer discoveries show things getting worse for secularists. Digel Clouds, Flickr / NASA's James Webb Space Telescope ( CC BY 2.0 )  When I went to Flickr to get the above image, the typical unproven and unprovable assertions about "stellar nurseries" and such were on display; they are wrong according to secular science and according to reality. Several articles show that findings were unexpected, and some things were previously unknown that need to b...

Thanksgiving and the Non-Evolution of Gratitude

Getting ready to write this post about gratitude and Thanksgiving Day, I slopped coffee on the carpet while walking to the computer. In this frame of mind, I am grateful to have a place to live in where I am spilling coffee, and even the stuff itself. This is my second painful Thanksgiving after my wife died after about twenty-four years together, but there are people who care about me and want to share their holiday with me. Also, some folks have very little but still have a gratitude attitude and do what they can to celebrate . Give thanks, Unsplash /  Adam Winger It is indeed unfortunate that there are people who use our inner sense of gratitude for manipulation. That is, someone can do a favor and use it for leverage to demand one in return. (It's quite different when the give and take is known from the get-go, that's like business or politics.) Some people wonder where this inner sense of gratitude came from. Many biblical creationists know that we are created to have grat...

Developmental Genetics Paper Fails to Show Evolution

If my experiences online are any indication, denizens with Atheism Spectrum Disorder seem compelled to attack biblical creationists and Intelligent Design proponents and defend particles-to-peer-reviewer evolution. Some will falsely claim to be scientists, others demand a creationist's "credentials." I lack belief that many scientists are interested in trolling. On occasion, someone with knowledge joins a discussion. David Coppedge briefly interacted with Dr. Ralph Marcucio. Dr. Marcucio was involved in a paper on genetics (the science started by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him). He claimed that the paper supported evolution. Background image :  The Passion of Creation ,  Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Apparently Ralph's work has some good science, but his emphasis on canalization (an organism's tendency to go back to its earlier form when provoked) actually works against him. Further, canalization is compatible with teachings of biblical creationists! This illustrates a...

Penguin Wing Evolution Story Fails

Time and time again, proponents of descent with modifications are presented with fossils of creatures that show no appreciable change between then and now. Some evolutionists admit that they walk by by faith, not by sight. The thought of admitting there is a Creator makes them squirm. There are seventeen accepted species of penguins. Despite common ideas, they are not confined to Antarctica, but are found in diverse places such as southern Africa, the Galápagos, and more. They vary in size with the smallest being the blue (little, fairy) penguin at thirteen inches (33 cm). Blue penguin, Flickr / Laurens ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) A few fossil fragments about the size of the blue penguin were found. It could be considered an eighteenth species. Although this child is suspicious of the amount of information that can be deduced from a few fossils because big mistakes have been made, scientists are telling us that the new fossil ( Pakudyptes ) shows the wings were like those of modern penguins ...