Lunar Formation, Recession and Deep Time
One of the staples of creation science presentations is how the moon is receding from the earth at a measurable rate, and calculating backward shows that the earth and moon cannot be billions of years old. Residents of the secular science industry dislike this fact. Another problem for secularists is the many speculations as to the moon's formation fall apart. (Since they are so bad, it has been sarcastically said that the moon does not exist.) The recession rate and the formation of the moon are tied together in rescuing devices. Moon from space, NASA / ISS / Col. Jeff Williams (usage does not imply endorsement of site's contents) One Just-So Story for how the earth got its moon is that a wandering big hunk of rock hit our planet when it was still molten, splattered up stuff that accreted into the moon with all of its amazing characteristics. Another story is that something was wandering around minding its own business and got captured by Earth's gravity and kept in orbi...