Consensus Intervention and Indoctrination

As we have seen numerous times, secularists are thrilled that the number of people are believing in minerals-to-microscopist evolution is increasing. At the same time, they increase their indoctrination efforts . We saw what their bleak worldview does to young people . When a person is under the control of drugs or alcohol, in a cult, exhibiting harmful behavior, etc., friends and family may stage an intervention. A wake-up call, if you will, in an effort to correct the situation. The secular science industry does not want "consensus" science questioned, and some sidewinders want to have interventions to make people agree. Good sheep obey the consensus, image used: Jo-Anne McArthur at Unsplash According to the United Nations, " We own the science ." That should tell you a great deal right there. Many creationists, including myself, encourage people to use critical thinking and spot logical fallacies. This is especially useful when someone is attempting to deceive...