
Showing posts with the label Climate Change

Defacing the Tomb of Darwin

There are pictures usually taken at strategic moments, then captioned with things like, "Have you ever been so angry that you tackled a horse ?" Well, have you ever been so angry that you defaced classic artwork and also Darwin's tomb? A group known as Just Stop Oil believes that because global temperatures allegedly reached a certain number, we are now in the sixth great extinction. These t3rrorists are stupid on several levels, not the least of which is like other t3rrorists, they enrage people, then expect sympathy for their cause. Darwin's Tomb at Westminster Abbey, Flickr / Amanda ( CC BY 2.0 ) The denizens of Just Stop Oil are buying into evolutionary mythologies including deep time and the so-called great extinctions. Well, those extinction events are based on assumptions merged with storytelling, and they should have considered possibilities outside the evolution box. One in particular is how the Genesis Flood covers the data of one catastrophic event instead...

Why Central Greenland Lacked Ice

Scientists recently discovered assorted bits and pieces of plants and insects in central Greenland via an ice core. They were bothered because it showed that this part of Greenland did not have ice a spell back. The radiometric dating method used can be viewed with suspicion. They think that the microfossil is younger than the ice sheet by a substantial amount of time. The secular science industry is politically leftist at heart , they played the Global Warming and a Rise in Ocean Levels card — showing their lack of understanding of climate change . Greenland glacier, Flickr / Stuart Williams ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Further, secularists are opposed to any possible explanations for observed items that are not from their uniformitarian camp. That means creation science evidence of the Genesis Flood as well as models for that, how it caused the Ice Age and climate change, and more are rejected out of hand. That is indeed unfortunate, as science is supposed to be a search for knowledge and ev...

The Battle of Evolution and Climate Change

As some people know, the secular science industry is flagrantly promoting the political left. Since leftists in general have disdain for God, it is not surprising that secular science and academia have long been indoctrinating people with particles-to-podiatrist evolution. Anthropogenic climate change (that is, human-caused global warming) is frequently discussed nowadays. It is based on evolutionary thinking and deep time, and creation views are rejected out of hand. Like with evolution, scientific evidence against the prevailing viewpoint is usually suppressed. The COP28 conference at the United Nations pushed communist objectives. Further, research showed that  people making decisions have no idea what is actually going on . A new study is putting forward the idea that evolution may prevent humans from stopping climate change, but the author seems as conflicted as the presentations at the COP 28 conference. Also, climate has been changing for a very long time — countless eons ac...

Plants Beneath Greenland Ice Sheet, and the Genesis Flood

Although this subject was discussed in one of the posts on " Plants Under Ice Fluster Evolutionists ," there are additional details that should be considered. Also, the technical parts will appeal to some people while the rest of us read around those and learn something anyway. Believers in deep time think that drilled ice cores provide evidence for millions of years, but there are problems that are not brought to the table. Including faulty logic. Consider that they act as  if evidence can be interpreted in their favor, they win . In this case, if one strips off the presuppositions that hang on evidence like barnacles, it points to the Genesis Flood! Greenland ice sheet, Wikimedia Commons / Eric Gaba ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There is ice, and plants under the ice. Secularists are surprised because they believe in multiple ice ages, each conveniently destroying evidence of the last so all they have is interpretations  of marine sediments. When ice core data like this and others are ...

Underestimating Volcanoes in Climate Projections

Global warming has been a darling of leftists, something thinking people realize. The strands of this paracord are very similar to those used by Darwin’s acolytes. Consider how pertinent information is ignored or repressed, doubters are demonized, predictions are made with insufficient evidence , and more. Insufficient or repressed evidence is important in global warming. Very little is actually known from historical science about what happened in the past, and factors affecting climate need to be examined more fully. It is easier to blame and tax humans for climate change, though. Satellite view of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai erupting, cropped from NASA et alia , (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Yes, everyone knows that climate changes. Our Creator designed Earth to do that. Volcanoes have been pointed out as a major contributor to climate change many times, but it seems that those have not been factored into climate change models. Now several areas of volcanic in...

Warnings about Scientific Models

There can be no doubt that models are used extensively in scientific research, a subject we have discussed before. Models have a long history in science, and many were physical, not calculations on paper (so to speak). They have limitations and can also be used for nefarious purposes. Models (like computer programming and artificial intelligence) rely on the information they are given. Climate change models are known for having a basis in using data that will further an agenda, so inconvenient information is often omitted. Similar things happen with models involving the origin of the universe, evolution, climate change, and so on. Model of Royal Aircraft Factory S.E.5, Unsplash / Matias Luge Some folks are concerned about the way modeling is conducted in the secular science industry. There are times when models are too cumbersome and better results could be obtained with less, but there are disingenuous reasons for those at times. They are useful, but not so much when they are used to ...

Abrupt Climate Changes, Global Warming, and the Genesis Flood

Why biblical creationists are interested in claims about global climate change may not be readily apparent, but this is made clear when worldviews are taken into account. There are several interrelated factors involved. Sciences like climate change and evolution depend on an old earth, and an a priori refusal to admit that God is the Creator and makes the rules. The world will end according to his timetable, not human activity. In addition, secular science is openly supportive of leftist causes. Now, about those abrupt climate changes... Glacier, FreeImages /  ainhi People who have been frightened by doomsday prophecies by secularists should ride up on the hill and get the big picture. Not only do they reject the Creator who sustains his creation, but their track record on predictions is dismal . Secularists "see" evidence for their presuppositions where none exists, omit inconvenient information, or draw conclusions without considering all relevant facts. They fuel panic, s...

Beavers Offsetting Global Climate Change

The secular science industry is consistent in several ways, especially when they are pursuing an agenda. With both global climate change (a darling of leftists) and particles-to-podiatrist evolution (essential to atheism), inconvenient facts are often ignored, waved off, and even suppressed. Another problem is that scientists often display arrogance and haste, making pronouncements when they should have not only considered all the data, but also have realized more would surface. A bit hairy surprise is how beavers are offsetting global warming. Beaver in water, NPS / Rocky Mountain National Park , modified at PhotoFunia  (usage does not imply endorsement) Beavers were created to be exceptional engineers. Some people consider them pests because they interfere with human plans. That may need rethinking. While they cannot completely offset global warming, they make an impact on that and on ecosystems in many ways. Especially in removing nitrates at a far greater rate than other climat...

Venus and Mars are not Right for Life

Although none of the hypotheses trotted out to explain the origin of the solar system are successful, the flawed  nebular hypothesis  (accretion) is the best of the worst , so that is what secular cosmologists use. It also brings additional problems and raises numerous questions. That big swirl supposedly formed the sun and all the planets. Although Venus, Earth, and Mars have superficial similarities, there are several important differences. Venus has an extremely slow rotation, and runs the opposite of the other planets, for one. Includes images from NASA, especially  STS-116  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) It would seem that Mercury, that rock closest to the sun, would be the hottest planet. Venus is far hotter because of trapped heat from greenhouse gasses. Secularists want to know why, but thwart themselves from getting real answers by presupposing a faulty origin of the universe — also, by fanatically believing in and assuming evolution. Ho...

Incomplete Science and Climate Change Policies

It must be rough being a scientist who is trying to investigate, explore, calculate, and generally do science stuff, but the secular science industry has leftist and materialistic agendas. (I know myself the feeling of working for dishonest companies while trying to make a living, but it must be worse for a genuine scientist.) Especially when having questions and scientific material ignored or even suppressed. Not only is this rampant in origins research, but leftists manipulate global warming with fear and disingenuous science. Made from images at Clker and Open Clipart One blatant example of sycophants in the secular science industry is how a  vampire squid fossil was named after Joe Biden . This was done not because of paleontology, but because they approve of his "green" agenda. That stuff is  very socialist . People can be intimidated with the appeal to authority of, "Scientists say..." Political leftists and the secular science industry use that, coupled with...

The Ice Age, Climate Change, and a Tonga Volcano

On some enchanted evening, you may want to journey the south Pacific from Hawai'i to New Zealand. On the way, you will see the archipelago Kingdom of Tonga. It has 136 islands, but people only live on 36 of them. Most of those are on the largest island, Tongatapu. There was a big volcanic eruption. The volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai is one of those that is mostly submerged and sticks up out of the ocean. It is some distance from the main island, but it made an impression. Satellite view of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai erupting, cropped from  NASA et alia , (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Eruptions are unpredictable. Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai had erupted throughout its history, and several have occurred since 2009. HT-HH had been making noise for a few weeks more recently, presenting a minor eruption. The eruption on 15 January 2022 caused tsunamis, the shock wave was heard all the way to Alaska, and Australia and other areas had to deal with ash ...

Darwinism, the Little Ice Age, and Consensus Science

One area where scientific consensus is lacking is the date range of the Little Ice Age  (LIA), some believing it began in the 1300s and ending around 1850. It was not just one long cold period with major glaciation, but several decreases in temperature. The LIA was in North Atlantic regions, and it was devastating for people living in affected regions. Researchers recently determined the cause of the LIA, and it was not only surprising, but seem contradictory. It appears that the LIA was caused by complicated processes including a warm period. The Frozen Thames , Abraham Hondius, 1677 / Wikimedia Commons As it is with universal common descent evolution, scientists make global climate change analyses and predictions based on insufficient information. In fact, evolutionists and climate alarmists often suppress scientific evidence that is contrary to their narrative. The word  hubris  comes to mind. As I keep insisting, the true spirit of scientific investigation involv...

Climate Change and Evolution

As it is with minerals-to-meteorologist evolution, so it is with global cooling. I mean, global warming. I mean, climate change. Evolutionists and climate alarmists have several things in common: Appeal to consensus Only their  interpretations of evidence permitted Contrary data is ignored or suppressed Driven by atheistic naturalism paradigms Fact-free assertions used to "prove" their assumptions Climate change alarmists such as Extinction Rebellion are using the complex scientific method of being jerks to force political action, such as disrupting Amazon on "Black Friday"  and gluing body parts to objects . Others are irrational as well. Great way to earn respect and a seat at the table with the grown-ups — especially when leftists write incoherent biased "news" to support them. Evolutionists saw fit to saddle up and ride with that gang. As we have seen, the secular science industry is taking up leftist interests , including abortion , demonizing Christ...

Climate Change and Woolly Mammoths

How long will it take before Facebook stops tagging posts that mention climate change with their links to alarmist propaganda? That question is of a rhetorical nature. Moving on... It seems to be increasingly common for the secular science industry to jump on trendy terms, possibly to make a pretense at relevance. They also have a nasty habit of conducting inefficient research and leaving out important details. Hence, we get evoporn capitalizing on climate change and the demise of woolly mammoths. Flickr / Rob Pongsajapan  ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia One pretentious professor claims that he has proof that the demise of woolly mammoths was not due to human hunting, but to climate change. Proof? Not hardly! He told a story and left out many significant details, including why these creatures that roamed a great deal didn't just move out of the chill. No, something drastic happened. Creationists can give far more rational explanations. One nice thing is that humans aren't...

Climate Change Science from a Creationist Perspective

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several months, climate change has been put on the back burner. Now things are heating up again with Joe Biden ordering the formerly United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement , and with  Facebook policing the climate narrative . A biblical creation perspective is important now. Credit: /  ponsulak Some subjects are not ready candidates for creation science discussions, so some creationists think they should stay in their lane. As readers here have seen, the secular science industry has j oined with leftist political causes , often denying science facts , so it becomes necessary to discuss things that overlap from there in theology and science. Taking care and being good stewards of the planet God gave us should  be important to people, especially Christians. It may be tempting to saddle up with environmentalists, but their worldviews are radically materialistic , including the Big Bang, particles-to-politician evol...

Scientists Should Test and not Assume

There are some things we know because we know them. You know? That is, we have some things we presuppose without verification. When we discover that we had something wrong, we are often surprised. Since this is human nature, it happens in science as well. Dr Sherry Mayo operating the XuM ultra-high resolution X-ray microscope Photo by Mark Fergus for CSIRO ( CC BY 3.0 ) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents; this is a picture of a scientist doing science stuff) If you study on it, things that are taken for granted and "conventional wisdom" can be overturned with a bit of research or testing. Sometimes that startles us reg'lar people, and I reckon it does the same for scientists. One example is that because of their presuppositions of deep time and evolution, carbon-14 dating of coal, diamonds and other items was slow in happening because they "knew" there would be no carbon in them. There was carbon in them after all, and those of us who support rec...

Climate Change Factors Part 2

In " Climate Change Factors Part 1 ", we saw that people were on the prod, blaming humans for global warming or "anthropogenic climate change". But the whole thing is not "settled science" because there are many factors that still need to be considered. Today, we have a severe case of one thing leading to another, beginning with the sun. Sunspots image credit: SOHO , the EIT Consortium , and the MDI Team , but I found it here (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) That bright hot thing in the sky up there, thataway — "Don't be looking right at it, ya idjit! It'll wreck your eyes!" Oh, I know not to look at the sun without proper eye protection. Anyway, the greater light that God made to rule the day (Gen. 1:16) is obviously a major component in global warming. It does warm this globe and others. What happens from there is a complicated sequence of events that is being considered. Sunspots are less active now, and ...

Climate Change Factors Part 1

There is global warming. The Creator designed Earth to heat up and cool down, and he even put the sun up there on the fourth day of Creation Week to facilitate the process. There are some people who insist that we  are the cause of global warming. However, there are important facts that get ignored.  The first facts that climate change alarmists need to realize is that  it is not "settled science" . It cannot be, especially since we do not have all the facts and understand all the sources of what can contribute to climate change. Credit: PIXNIO / Tim Hill A big part of climate change is rooted an atheistic beliefs in deep time , and an a priori commitment to naturalism — God is not there, and therefore not in control. (Also, keep in mind that the extremists have leftist political agendas and have been known to twist the data and even lie outright to achieve their ends. It's really sad that some people have to politicize science and others of us have to point ou...

An Abundance of Dubious Models

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Models and simulations are important in many areas related to science, but they are only as good as the information that are utilized. Regular readers have seen many posts with links to articles discussing faulty models (including yesterday's " Increasing Dark Matter Desperation ") using mathematics and various scenarios. Credit: Freeimages / Sanja Gjenero No researcher is completely unbiased and objective. They operate from their worldviews, presuppositions, and agendas. Many times, important data are ignored or even suppressed, which frequently happens with global climate change models. Michael Mann used a fraudulent "hockey stick" graph to support global warming. Indeed, environmentalists are driven by their emotions and agendas, with predictions that have failed many times over the years, often suppressing pertinent information and indulging in fake science (see " Climate Change Alarmism vs God " and " Deluded...