Climate Change Science from a Creationist Perspective

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For several months, climate change has been put on the back burner. Now things are heating up again with Joe Biden ordering the formerly United States to rejoin the Paris climate agreement , and with Facebook policing the climate narrative . A biblical creation perspective is important now. Credit: / ponsulak Some subjects are not ready candidates for creation science discussions, so some creationists think they should stay in their lane. As readers here have seen, the secular science industry has j oined with leftist political causes , often denying science facts , so it becomes necessary to discuss things that overlap from there in theology and science. Taking care and being good stewards of the planet God gave us should be important to people, especially Christians. It may be tempting to saddle up with environmentalists, but their worldviews are radically materialistic , including the Big Bang, particles-to-politician evol...